The Impact of Piracy on the Safety of Seafarers in the Gulf of Guinea The Gulf of Guinea has emerged as one of the most dangerous maritime regions in the world due to the escalating threat of piracy. Over the past decade, piracy in this region has not only disrupted global trade but also posed […]
Assessing the Economic Viability and Environmental Impact of Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea. Offshore wind energy has emerged as a critical component of global efforts to transition toward renewable energy sources. The North Sea, with its favorable wind conditions and relatively shallow waters, has become a focal point for the development of offshore […]
Reducing Pollution in the Marine Environment: New Methods and Approaches Marine pollution poses a significant threat to oceanic ecosystems and human health. The increasing levels of pollutants, including plastics, chemicals, and heavy metals, have necessitated the development of innovative methods to mitigate their impact. This paper explores recent advancements in pollution reduction techniques, focusing on […]
The Role of Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) in Reducing Crew Fatigue and Improving Safety Culture on Board Ships Fatigue is a pervasive issue in the maritime industry, with crew members often working long hours in a high-stress environment. This can lead to decreased performance, increased risk of accidents, and compromised safety on board ships. […]
Human Reliability Assessment in Oil Tanker Operations: Ensuring Safety and Efficiency Oil tanker operations play a critical role in the transportation of petroleum products across the globe. These operations involve a complex interplay of technical systems, human factors, and environmental considerations. Given the potential risks and hazards associated with oil tanker operations, ensuring human reliability […]
The development of new technologies to mitigate the impact of climate change on the ocean’s role in regulating the Earth’s climate. The Earth’s climate system is intricately connected with the world’s oceans, which play a crucial role in regulating climate patterns and maintaining the planet’s overall temperature balance. However, climate change poses significant threats to […]
Monitoring Needs and Emerging Technologies for Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) and Sustainable Blue Growth in Seaports Introduction Ecosystem-based management (EBM) and sustainable blue growth are critical approaches for ensuring the long-term health and viability of marine ecosystems while supporting economic development in seaport regions. Effective monitoring plays a crucial role in implementing EBM and promoting sustainable […]
Research on the safety assessment of navigation situation in the bridge waters. Safety Assessment of Navigation Situation in Bridge Waters Bridges are essential infrastructure that connect landmasses and facilitate transportation. However, the construction of bridges can also have a negative impact on navigation safety. This is because bridges can obstruct the view of the water, […]
Enhancing Ship-Port Interface Safety Management: The ship-port interface represents a critical point of convergence between maritime vessels and ports, where various safety concerns must be addressed. Effective safety management at this interface is paramount to safeguarding human lives, protecting the environment, and ensuring the smooth operation of maritime activities. This research essay aims to delve […]
Sensitivity of Ferry Services to Changes in Wave Climate: Mitigating Impacts for Reliable Operations Introduction Ferry services play a crucial role in providing transportation and connectivity in coastal regions, islands, and other water-bound areas. However, these services are sensitive to changes in wave climate, which can significantly impact their safety, reliability, and overall functionality. This […]