Weekly Exploration Journal: Unit 3 Cognitive Dissonance: Unraveling Internal Conflicts In exploring this week’s readings, the concept of cognitive dissonance particularly captured my attention. This psychological phenomenon, first proposed by Leon Festinger in 1957, describes the mental discomfort experienced when an individual holds contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, or when new information conflicts with existing […]
Moral Beliefs: Origins and Applications Moral beliefs form the foundation of ethical decision-making, shaping our understanding of right and wrong, good and bad. These beliefs encompass a range of judgments, values, rules, principles, and theories that guide our actions and interactions with others (Vaughn 13). As individuals, we develop unique sets of moral beliefs influenced […]
Discussion post: to spank or not to spank If you observed bruises or other forms of injury on a child, how would you determine whether these occurred as the result of an accident or a willful act of harm? This question poses a significant challenge for child protection professionals and requires careful investigation and assessment. […]
The Impact of Psychoanalytic Theory on the History of Psychology Unit 4 Assignment Name: Please respond to each of the following: Identify the video that you selected. Describe the information presented in the video about the theorist. Discuss how the video relates to the textbook information or a peer-reviewed article regarding Freud’s theory and that […]
Early Historical Development of Applied Behavior Analysis In 1913, John B. Watson was the first American psychologist to call himself a “behaviorist.” From 1913 to 1974, a series of events and developments took place that helped to shape and contribute to the current approach to practice in applied behavior analysis. For this discussion, please review […]
Cultural Adaptation and Psychological Perspectives: An Interview Study of a Dominican Immigrant in the United States This paper examines the experiences of a Dominican immigrant in the United States through the lens of cultural psychology. The study aims to explore the psychological, social, and cultural adaptations required when transitioning between collectivist and individualist societies. Through […]
PSYC 210 THEORIES AND WORLDVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Purpose To write an essay in which you compare your worldview with one developmental theory discussed in our course materials. Background Every person who has ever lived bases his or her life on a set of basic assumptions. These assumptions form the foundation of his or her […]
Sensation and Perception PSYC 1001: Sensation and Perception In your opinion, what is our most important sensory system and why? Sensation and Perception: Navigating the Depths of Human Experience Sensation and Perception: An Intricate Duo When it comes to exploring the intricate tapestry of human experience, the phenomena of sensation and perception stand as central […]
Discussion board topic: A rose by any other name Discussion with one of the Zoom videoconferences on Saturday raises an interesting point about an uncomfortable topic. The terms, “good ol’ boy club” and “old boy network” have been around as long as I can recall — perhaps, as long as jobs have existed. The Write […]
Unit 6. The ability to accurately locate, read, and understand research is applicable across a wide range of careers, including any field with an evidence-based component for potential outcomes. Critically analyzing research beyond the undergraduate level is a skill that carries over this strategy of evidence gathering to practical and research-based levels of employment. In […]