Strategic Development Assignment Sample

Assignment Details:-

Document Type: Research proposal
Subject: Business
Number of Words: 4000
Citation/Referencing Style: Harvard


The impact of poorly performed employees on the organization’s profitability in telecommunications companies in Iraq

Task 1 – Formulate a Research Proposal
In this section of the portfolio you should:

Consider and identify a valid area for research to support the strategic development of a business area
Explain the aim, scope and objectives for a chosen area of research
Formulate a specific research proposal
Establish success criteria for the achievement of the research proposal
Prepare a project plan that identifies key milestones and critical pathways.
Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must:

Justify the research area you have chosen which will support the achievement of an aspect of strategic business development.
LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5


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Task 2 Carry out the research using different research methodologies
In this section of the portfolio you need to:

Complete a review of different literature sources identifying those which are most appropriate for your chosen area of research
Use different research methodologies to gather data from primary and secondary sources. The data must be sufficient in order to ensure you can make valid conclusions
Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must:

Justify the research methodologies chosen
LO2 AC 2.1 2.2 2M1

Task 3 – Presentation of Research Findings
In this section of the portfolio you must prepare a report that presents all of your research findings. This must be presented in an appropriate format for the target audience.

In the report, you must:

Provide a comprehensive explanation of the purpose, methodologies, findings and recommendations.
Reference all sources using a recognised system.
Use the information you have collected to justify conclusions and recommendations.
Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must:

Respond orally to questions on research findings.
To gain a distinction grade you must:

Analyse how the findings of your research can be used in a specific strategic business context.
LO2 AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3



Task 4 – Reflective Log
On completion of your research project, you are to prepare a reflective log which contains an evaluation of the skills you used while undertaking the research.

The reflective log must include:

A review of your own skills using personal reflection and feedback.
Recommendations on ways to improve your personal skills while undertaking research.
Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must include the following in your reflective log:

A plan to improve your own research skills.
To gain a distinction grade you must:

Implement the plan and assess the impact on your own personal progress.
LO4 AC 4.1,4.2




Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines for assessors
The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria set for these grades. Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take account of any extension work completed by the learners. The suggested evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards.


LOs and AC Suggested evidence
PASS Suggested additional evidence MERIT Suggested additional evidence DISTINCTION

Research Proposal: The Impact of Poorly Performed Employees on the Organization’s Profitability in Telecommunications Companies in Iraq


In Iraq, the telecommunications sector has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade. However, with the increase in the number of telecommunications companies in the country, there has been a corresponding increase in competition among these companies. This has resulted in many organizations focusing on cost-cutting measures, which have often led to the hiring of low-cost, unskilled labor. The purpose of this research proposal is to investigate the impact of poorly performed employees on the organization’s profitability in telecommunications companies in Iraq.

Aim, Scope, and Objectives:

The aim of this research is to identify the impact of poorly performed employees on the profitability of telecommunications companies in Iraq. The scope of the research will focus on the telecommunications sector in Iraq, and the study will be limited to a select number of telecommunications companies operating in the country. The objectives of this research are:

To identify the factors that contribute to poorly performed employees in telecommunications companies in Iraq.
To analyze the impact of poorly performed employees on the profitability of telecommunications companies in Iraq.
To recommend strategies for addressing the issue of poorly performed employees in telecommunications companies in Iraq.
Research Proposal:

The research proposal will use a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The research will begin with a review of the literature on the impact of poorly performed employees on organizational profitability. The review will include both academic and non-academic sources such as books, articles, and reports. The literature review will be used to identify the factors that contribute to poorly performed employees in telecommunications companies in Iraq.

The research will then move on to the data collection phase. The data will be collected through a survey of employees in selected telecommunications companies in Iraq. The survey will be designed to collect information on the factors that contribute to poorly performed employees, such as inadequate training, lack of motivation, and poor management. The survey will also collect data on the impact of poorly performed employees on organizational profitability.

In addition to the survey, the research will also conduct semi-structured interviews with managers in selected telecommunications companies in Iraq. The interviews will be used to collect information on the strategies that are currently being used to address the issue of poorly performed employees in these organizations. The interviews will also be used to identify any best practices that could be adopted by other telecommunications companies in Iraq.

Success Criteria:

The success criteria for this research proposal are:

To identify the factors that contribute to poorly performed employees in telecommunications companies in Iraq.
To analyze the impact of poorly performed employees on the profitability of telecommunications companies in Iraq.
To recommend strategies for addressing the issue of poorly performed employees in telecommunications companies in Iraq.
To present the research findings in a report that is appropriate for the target audience.
To respond effectively to questions on the research findings.
To evaluate the skills used while undertaking the research.
To develop a plan to improve personal research skills.
Project Plan:

The project plan will include the following key milestones and critical pathways:

Week 1-2: Conduct a literature review on the impact of poorly performed employees on organizational profitability.
Week 3-4: Design and pilot test the survey questionnaire.
Week 5-6: Administer the survey to selected telecommunications companies in Iraq.
Week 7-8: Conduct semi-structured interviews with managers in selected telecommunications companies in Iraq.
Week 9-10: Analyze the data collected and write up the research findings in a report.
Week 11-12: Prepare for the oral presentation of the research findings.
Week 13-14: Present the research findings orally and respond to questions from the audience.

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