Assignment Overview
Each student must hand in an original five-page paper on the life and/or writings of David. It will be graded by content and Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay for Me – MLA style.

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The Bible, 2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles
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Length-30 points
30 points: work is over five pages in length
27 points: work is nearly five pages in length
24 points: work is over four pages in length
21 points: work is at least three pages in length
0 points: work at any length is inadequate and needs much work to get the job done
Grammar-30 points
30 points: outstanding in all areas
27 points: excellent in all areas
24 points: work is neither strong nor weak
21 points: work is poor
0 points: work at any length is inadequate
Content-30 points
30 points: work is pleasurable to read, and sometimes “wows” the instructor
27 points: work is clear and smooth, but does not strike as impressive
24 points: work is getting the job done
21 points: work is not getting the job done
0 points: needs much work to get the job done
Overall-10 points
10 points: work is over five pages in length, outstanding in all areas, is pleasurable to read, and sometimes “wows” the instructor
9 points: work is nearly five pages in length, excellent in all areas and is clear and smooth, but does not strike as impressive
8 points: work is over four pages in length, fair—neither strong nor weak. Still, it gets the job done
7 points: work is at least three pages in length, poor and does not get the job done
0 points: work at any length is inadequate and needs much work to get the job


David: A Man After God’s Own Heart
David is one of the most well-known figures in the Bible. He was a shepherd boy who became a mighty warrior, a skilled musician, and a gifted poet. He was also a king who led his people to victory and established a golden age of peace and prosperity. But David was not without his flaws. He was a man of passion and emotion, and he often made poor choices that led to sin and tragedy. Yet despite his flaws, David was a man who loved God and who sought to follow his will. He is remembered as a man after God’s own heart.

Early Life
David was born in Bethlehem, in the land of Judah. He was the youngest of eight sons of Jesse, a farmer. David was a shepherd boy, and he spent his days tending to the family flock. During this time, he developed his skills as a musician and a warrior. He was also a gifted poet, and he wrote many songs of praise to God.

Anointed King
Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One day, the prophet Samuel came to Bethlehem to anoint a new king over Israel. Samuel met with Jesse and his sons, but none of them seemed to be the right man for the job. Then Samuel saw David, who was tending the flock. Samuel called David to him, and he anointed David as the next king of Israel.

David and Goliath
When David was still a young man, the Philistines invaded Israel. The Philistines were a powerful army, and they were led by a giant named Goliath. Goliath challenged the Israelites to send out a champion to fight him. No one in the Israelite army was willing to fight Goliath, but David volunteered. David was armed with only a sling and five smooth stones. He faced Goliath and defeated him, killing him with a single stone from his sling.

David as King
After David defeated Goliath, he became a national hero. He was eventually crowned king of Israel, and he ruled for over 40 years. During his reign, David led Israel to victory in many battles. He also established a strong central government and a prosperous economy. David also made Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and he built the first temple in Jerusalem.

David’s Sins
Despite his many accomplishments, David was not without his flaws. He was a man of passion and emotion, and he often made poor choices that led to sin and tragedy. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of David’s most famous sins was his affair with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite. David had Bathsheba killed, and he then married her. This sin led to great turmoil in David’s life. His son Absalom rebelled against him, and David was forced to flee Jerusalem.

David’s Repentance
David eventually repented of his sins, and he was restored to the throne. He wrote many psalms of repentance, and he continued to lead Israel with wisdom and compassion. David died at a ripe old age, and he was buried in Jerusalem. He is remembered as one of the greatest kings in Israel’s history.

David’s Legacy
David’s legacy is one of greatness and tragedy. He was a man of many flaws, but he was also a man of great passion and emotion. He loved God, and he sought to follow his will. David is remembered as a man after God’s own heart, and his story continues to inspire people of faith today.

Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited
The Bible. New International Version. Zondervan, 2011.
Encountering the Old Testament. 2nd ed., Baker Academic, 2014.

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