
Muguira, A. (2023) Types of research and their characteristics. QuestionPro.

Pilatuya Aman, J. Cusme Torres, N. (2022, 27 Sept) Nursing interventions based on Maslow’s theory of needs. Ocronos

Franco, A. (2007) Tendencies and theories in public health. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud

Padrón, J. (2004) Aspectos clave en la evaluación de teorías. Revista Arbitrada de Divulgación Científica

Theories not only can be adapted for use in research, but they are also essential in scientific research. These theories propose concepts that are derived from real data and provide a theoretical framework. The application of theories in scientific research involves experimental investigations and observations that aim to answer specific research questions and hypotheses. The success or failure of a theory in a research study depends on whether it achieves its intended objectives.

In the field of medical research, explanatory studies often rely on input and output theories, which not only establish causal relationships but also seek to identify the underlying causes. For instance, an explanatory study may apply a theory that suggests a connection between floods and outbreaks of diarrhea in a particular region. The initial theory that suggests bacteria in the water as the cause may be confirmed, but the explanatory research goes further to determine the specific bacteria and its mechanism of causing the problem. Descriptive investigations follow a similar approach.

The practical application of theories is evident in nursing, such as Maslow’s theory. Maslow’s theory of the five basic needs is widely used in healthcare settings and provides guidance for medical and nursing institutions in developing appropriate care plans based on patients’ unique health characteristics.

Public health theories implemented at the governmental level are also practical examples of theories. The effectiveness of these theories determines the positive or negative impact they have on a given population.

Evaluation of middle-range theories involves assessing their effectiveness based on the approach used to develop them. These theories rely on the facts and concepts put forth by grand or general theories. Evaluations consider the specific aspects or parameters outlined in the theory and measure their impact on the desired outcomes. Middle-range theories may include hypotheses that require empirical research for validation, and the results of such research ultimately determine their evaluation.


Muguira, A. (2023). Types of research and their characteristics. QuestionPro. [Online] Available at:

Pilatuya Aman, J., & Cusme Torres, N. (2022, September 27). Nursing interventions based on Maslow’s theory of needs. Ocronos. [Online] Available at:

Franco, A. (2007). Tendencies and theories in public health. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud. [Online] Available at:

Padrón, J. (2004). Aspectos clave en la evaluación de teorías. Revista Arbitrada de Divulgación Científica. [Online] Available at:

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