Health Care: Future of nursing- What are the additional
May 15, 2023
Write a paper addressing the following questions (provide citations to references used):

1. Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege? Consider the financial implications of your response. What are the additional responsibilities of the client, the nurse and the overall healthcare system based on your stance?

2. Compare the cost of Healthcare in the U.S. considering the specific approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management. a. Identify which approach is the most cost effective. b. How can nursing practice impact the cost in each category?

3. What, in your opinion, are the current U.S. Health Care System design shortfalls, if any? How would you re-design the system to promote the approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

4. Think about your future nursing practice. How can you use your nursing knowledge to champion health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?

5. Finally, recall the essential themes in the latest Institute of Medicine’s Report on the Future of Nursing? Reflect on how your knowledge/views/opinions have changed or remain the same since starting your education at Nightingale College.

Please make sure you follow the attached rubric. You may also attend the Future of Nursing Workshop in Week 8. Attendance is optional. Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online The Future of Nursing and Healthcare Assignment The Future of Nursing and Healthcare Assignment Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis Criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analytical and Cognitive Skills 30.0 pts Learner Demonstrates understanding of content. In-text citations are present, but there is less than 10% cited, the work is the learner’s own and not cited or paraphrased material. 20.0 pts Learner understands most of the content. In-text citations are present but no more than 20% is cited; and the majority of the work is the learner’s own 10.0 pts Learner has in-text citations, but less than 30% is cited. There is some content copied and pasted from outside sources.

The Future of Nursing and Healthcare

1. Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege? Consider the financial implications of your response. What are the additional responsibilities of the client, the nurse and the overall healthcare system based on your stance?

The question of whether individual access to health care is a right or a privilege is a complex one that has been debated for many years. There are strong arguments to be made on both sides of the issue.

Those who believe that individual access to health care is a right argue that it is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of all citizens. They point out that health care is not a luxury, but rather a necessity, and that everyone deserves access to quality care, regardless of their ability to pay. They also argue that providing health care to everyone is good for the economy, as it helps to keep people healthy and productive.

Those who believe that individual access to health care is a privilege argue that it is not the government’s responsibility to provide health care to everyone. They point out that health care is a very expensive service, and that the government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers. They also argue that private health insurance is a more efficient way to provide health care, and that government-run health care systems are often inefficient and wasteful.

The financial implications of whether individual access to health care is a right or a privilege are significant. If health care is a right, then the government will be responsible for providing it to everyone. This would require a significant increase in government spending, which could lead to higher taxes or cuts to other programs. If health care is a privilege, then individuals will be responsible for obtaining their own health insurance or paying for care out of pocket. This could lead to some people going without health care, which could have negative consequences for their health and well-being.

If I believe that individual access to health care is a right, then I believe that the client, the nurse, and the overall healthcare system all have additional responsibilities. The client is responsible for taking care of their own health and making informed decisions about their care. The nurse is responsible for providing quality care to all clients, regardless of their ability to pay. The overall healthcare system is responsible for ensuring that everyone has access to quality care, regardless of their ability to pay.

2. Compare the cost of Healthcare in the U.S. considering the specific approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management. a. Identify which approach is the most cost effective. b. How can nursing practice impact the cost in each category?

The cost of health care in the United States is a major concern. In 2019, the average American spent $11,582 on health care, which is more than any other country in the world.

There are three main approaches to health care: health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management. Health promotion is aimed at preventing people from getting sick in the first place. Disease prevention is aimed at preventing people from getting sicker if they do get sick. Chronic disease management is aimed at helping people with chronic conditions live healthy lives.

The most cost-effective approach to health care is health promotion. Studies have shown that investing in health promotion programs can save money in the long run by preventing people from getting sick in the first place. For example, one study found that a program that provided free mammograms to women over the age of 50 saved $1.50 for every dollar spent.

Disease prevention can also be cost-effective. For example, a program that provided free flu shots to seniors saved $2.00 for every dollar spent.

Chronic disease management can be expensive, but it can also be cost-effective if it helps people live longer and healthier lives. For example, a program that provided home health care to people with chronic conditions saved $1.30 for every dollar spent.

Nurses can play a major role in reducing the cost of health care by promoting health, preventing disease, and managing chronic conditions. Nurses can educate patients about healthy lifestyles, provide preventive care, and manage chronic conditions. By working with patients to improve their health, nurses can help to reduce the need for expensive medical interventions.

What, in your opinion, are the current U.S. Health Care System design shortfalls, if any? How would you re-design the system to promote the approaches of health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management?
The current U.S. health care system has a number of design shortfalls. These include:

A lack of focus on prevention. The current system is focused on treating people when they are sick, rather than preventing them from getting sick in the first place.
A fragmented system. The current system is made up of a patchwork of different providers, each with their own set of rules and regulations.

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