Bio-psycho-social Assessment

Description 6- to 9-page paper that focuses on an adolescent from one of the case studies presented in this course. For this Project, complete a bio-psycho-social assessment and provide an analysis of the assessment. This Project is divided into two parts Part A: Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment: The assessment should be written in professional language and include sections on each of the following: Presenting issue (including referral source) Demographic information Current living situation Birth and developmental history School and social relationships Family members and relationships Health and medical issues (including psychological and psychiatric functioning, substance abuse) Spiritual development Social, community, and recreational activities Client strengths, capacities, and resources Part B: Analysis of Assessment. Address each of the following: Explain the challenges faced by the client(s)—for example, drug addiction, lack of basic needs, victim of abuse, new school environment, etc. Analyze how the social environment affects the client. Identify which human behavior or social theories may guide your practice with this individual and explain how these theories inform your assessment. Explain how you would use this assessment to develop mutually agreed-upon goals to be met in order to address the presenting issue and challenges face by the client. Explain how you would use the identified strengths of the client(s) in a treatment plan.
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Part A: Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment

Presenting Issue (including referral source)

The client, a 16-year-old female, was referred to the clinic by her school counselor. The counselor reported that the client has been struggling academically and socially, and has been exhibiting signs of depression and anxiety. The client has also been cutting herself.

Demographic Information

The client is a white female who lives with her mother and younger brother. She is in the 10th grade and has a GPA of 2.0. She has a history of anxiety and depression, and has been cutting herself for the past year.

Current Living Situation

The client lives with her mother and younger brother in a two-bedroom apartment. The family is financially stable, and the client has a safe and supportive home environment.

Birth and Developmental History

The client was born full-term and without any complications. She developed normally and reached all of her developmental milestones on time. She has no history of any significant medical or mental health problems.

School and Social Relationships

The client is struggling academically and socially. She has a hard time making friends and has been feeling isolated and alone. She has been cutting herself as a way to cope with her feelings of sadness and despair.

Family Members and Relationships

The client has a close relationship with her mother and younger brother. Her mother is a single parent who works full-time. The client’s father is not involved in her life.

Health and Medical Issues

The client has a history of anxiety and depression. She has also been cutting herself for the past year. She has no other significant medical or mental health problems.

Spiritual Development

The client is not religious or spiritual.

Social, Community, and Recreational Activities

The client does not participate in any social, community, or recreational activities. She spends most of her time alone in her room.

Client Strengths, Capacities, and Resources

The client is intelligent and capable. She is also creative and artistic. She has a strong support system in her family and friends.

Part B: Analysis of Assessment

The client is facing a number of challenges, including academic struggles, social isolation, depression, and anxiety. These challenges are likely due to a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.

Biological factors that may be contributing to the client’s challenges include her history of anxiety and depression. These conditions are often genetic in nature.

Psychological factors that may be contributing to the client’s challenges include her feelings of sadness, despair, and isolation. These feelings are likely due to her academic struggles and social isolation.

Social factors that may be contributing to the client’s challenges include her family’s financial situation and her father’s absence from her life. These factors may have contributed to her feelings of sadness, despair, and isolation.

The social environment is also affecting the client. She is living in a society that places a high value on academic success and social popularity. These values may be contributing to her feelings of sadness, despair, and isolation.

The following human behavior or social theories may guide my practice with this individual:

The biopsychosocial model. This model views human behavior as a result of the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. This model can be helpful in understanding the client’s challenges and developing an effective treatment plan.
The social learning theory. This theory suggests that people learn new behaviors by observing and imitating others. This theory can be helpful in understanding how the client’s social environment may be contributing to her challenges.
The cognitive-behavioral therapy. This type of therapy focuses on changing the client’s thoughts and behaviors. This therapy can be helpful in treating the client’s anxiety and depression.

I would use this assessment to develop mutually agreed-upon goals to be met in order to address the presenting issue and challenges faced by the client. These goals may include:

Improving the client’s academic performance
Increasing the client’s social interaction
Reducing the client’s anxiety and depression
Helping the client develop coping skills

I would use the identified strengths of the client in a treatment plan. These strengths include her intelligence, creativity, and artistic ability. I would use these strengths to help the client develop a positive self-image and to cope with her challenges.

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