BUS 2207
Learning Journal
Assignment instructions
This assignment aims to assess your knowledge and skill in managing and leading global teams.

One of the major challenges of leading global teams is to choose a leadership style that suits the expectation of a culturally diverse group of people. Leaders need to adjust their attitudes towards authority and decision-making based on the team’s cultural and intellectual composition. Attitudes toward authority can range from strongly hierarchical to strongly egalitarian. Approaches to decision-making can range from top-down to consensual.

In the article, ‘Being the boss in Brussels, Boston, and Beijing’, author Erin Meyermaps various leadership cultures in four quadrants—consensual and egalitarian; consensual and hierarchical; top-down and hierarchical; and top-down and egalitarian.

Read the article to understand the expectations of leadership in various cultures and answer the following questions.

Compare and contrast the leadership culture of your country with any other country of your choice. Discuss how power and authority are perceived in both cultures?

Suppose you are asked to lead a global team. Your team members are mostly from India, France, and Russia.

a) Discuss how your attitude to power and authority would differ from that of your team members. How flexible would you be to adapt to the team’s expectations based on their cultural diversity?
b) Discuss the leadership approach you would adopt to effectively manage the team’s performance and motivation.
Submission Instructions

The paper should be a minimum of 300 words and support your arguments with sources and evidence in APA format

Leadership Culture: A Comparative Analysis of Power and Authority

Leading global teams requires leaders to navigate the challenges of cultural diversity and adapt their leadership styles accordingly. This journal aims to compare and contrast the leadership culture of my country, the United States, with France, and discuss how power and authority are perceived in both cultures. Additionally, I will address how my attitude towards power and authority would differ from my team members from India, France, and Russia, and propose a leadership approach to effectively manage the team’s performance and motivation.

Comparison of Leadership Culture between the United States and France:
The leadership culture in the United States can be described as a mix of egalitarian and consensual approaches. American leaders value individualism, open communication, and participatory decision-making. Power and authority are perceived as being earned through competence, expertise, and results. Hierarchical structures exist but are more flattened compared to many other cultures.

On the other hand, France has a more hierarchical and top-down leadership culture. French leaders often possess formal authority and are expected to make decisions without extensive consultation. Power is centralized, and respect for authority is deeply ingrained in the French society.

Perception of Power and Authority within the Team:
As the leader of a global team comprising members from India, France, and Russia, it is important to recognize and appreciate the cultural differences in attitudes towards power and authority. In India, there is a blend of hierarchical and egalitarian approaches. Respect for authority figures is emphasized, but decision-making may involve seeking consensus within the team. In France, the team members may have a greater expectation of hierarchical decision-making and respect for authority figures. In Russia, power distance is relatively higher, and team members may expect leaders to have significant authority and control over decision-making.

Flexibility and Adaptation to Cultural Diversity:
To effectively lead the global team, I would need to be flexible and adaptable in my approach to power and authority. Recognizing the expectations of my team members, I would strive to strike a balance between the leadership styles of the different cultures represented. I would emphasize open communication, encourage participation in decision-making, and create a collaborative environment where team members from all cultures feel comfortable sharing their perspectives.

Leadership Approach to Managing Performance and Motivation:
To manage the team’s performance and motivation effectively, a transformational leadership approach would be appropriate. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their team members by setting clear goals, providing support and coaching, and encouraging individual growth. This approach would help create a shared vision that aligns with the cultural diversity of the team, fosters innovation, and promotes a sense of ownership and engagement.

Leading global teams necessitates understanding and adapting to the diverse cultural expectations regarding power and authority. By recognizing the differences between leadership cultures in my country, the United States, and France, I can approach the management of my global team members from India, France, and Russia with flexibility and adaptability. Implementing a transformational leadership approach will foster a collaborative and motivated environment, enabling the team to perform at its best. Effective leadership in a culturally diverse context requires ongoing learning, open-mindedness, and an appreciation of different perspectives to harness the team’s full potential.

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