Assignment 3 – Group (25%) Report Due: 23:59pm Sunday Week 13 – 07/05/2023 This assignment will be marked out of 25 marks and is worth 25% of the overall mark for the unit. Please check the unit outline for late penalties and restrictions on late submissions. This assignment is a group assignment. Any requested group member evaluations will close 1 week after the assignment due date, and no late submissions will be accepted for these evaluations as individualised marks need to be calculated.
Report Due: 23:59pm Sunday Week 13 – 07/05/2023……………………………………………………………. 1
Choosing a group for the assignment……………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Group member evaluation upon request………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Submission…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Assignment extension requests……………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Choosing a case study…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Assignment limitations………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Length…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Legibility………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Content in excess of assignment requirements………………………………………………………………. 6
Academic misconduct……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Assignment requirements……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1. Additional research and assumptions (1 mark)…………………………………………………………. 7
2. Class diagram (7 marks)……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
3.Activity diagram (5 marks)……………………………………………………………………………………. 8
4. State machine diagram (5 marks)…………………………………………………………………………… 8
5.Sequence diagram (5 marks)………………………………………………………………………………… 8
6. Reference List (1 mark)……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Formatting and Style (1 mark)……………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Marking……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Choosing a group for the assignment Groups for this group assignment will be the same as those for Assignment 2 – Group. Full instructions and deadlines for group registration are described in the instructions for that assignment.
If there are extenuating and exceptional circumstances, group changes from Assignment 2 can be requested prior to the start of Week 12 by emailing the unit convener with the reason and evidence for any requested changes. Any group changes are at the discretion of the unit convener, and no group change requests will be accepted after the start of Week 12 (in order to give groups certainty in advance of the Assignment 3 due date and time).
Group member evaluation upon request By default, all group members will receive the same mark. This mark for the assignment is referred to as the ‘group mark’.
Upon request from any group member, to be received by the unit convener no later than the due date of the assignment, each individual within a group may receive an individualised mark calculated from the ‘group mark’ and the group member evaluation responses. The maximum mark that can be received after adjustments is 100% of the available mark for the assignment (i.e. 25/25).
If requested, group member evaluation responses will close 1 week after the assignment due date.
For the group member evaluation, you will be expected to divide 100 marks between members of the group, including yourself, and provide comments for your ratings. Based on these ratings, each group member will receive a peer assessment factor that, subject to moderation, will be multiplied with the group mark to provide an individualised mark.
[Assignment 3 Individualised Mark] = [Peer Assessment Factor] x [Assignment 3 Group Mark]
Group members rated higher than their peers will receive slightly more marks, and conversely group members rated lower than their peers will receive slightly fewer marks.
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note that the peer assessment factor is subject to moderation and review, and attempts to ‘game’
the system will be dealt with accordingly.
Peer Assessment Factor use example
For each student a PAF (Peer Assessment Factor) is calculated. After the student responses have been moderated the PAF can be used to calculate individual student assignment marks based on their contribution to the group assignment.
i.e.If amarkofoutof of
Student 1: 0.85
Student 2: 1.00
Student 3: 1.10
Student 4: 0.95
Student 1’s assignment mark = 0.85 x 80% = 68%
Student 2’s assignment mark = 1.00 x 80% = 80%
Student 3’s assignment mark = 1.10 x 80% = 88%
Student 4’s assignment mark = 0.95 x 80% = 76%

Submission All submissions must be electronic submissions through Canvas. Submissions made by any other means will not be accepted. If you experience any issues with submission, email the unit convener and your tutor immediately and describe and explain the issues encountered, including screenshots of any errors including the date and time.
One submission comprising of two files is required for this assignment:
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2. a asa a
It is every student’s responsibility to ensure that the correct files are uploaded and submitted for the assignment. You can check the submitted file by going back to the assignment submission box on Canvas and re-downloading your submission. No consideration will be given for mistakes or errors made in submission, such as but not limited to corrupted files, files in the wrong format, or uploading an incorrect file.
Each group only needs to submit once, as the submission on Canvas will appear for and be counted for all registered members of the group. Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note that it is each and every group member’s individual responsibility to ensure that the assignment is submitted on time – each group member should double check and do not rely on a single group member to submit the assignment, as no consideration will be given for late or missing assignment submissions due to a group member’s issues.
Assignment extension requests Assignment extensions are not granted due to circumstances of group members. Assignment extensions will generally only apply to specific assignment components as allocated to the individual to whom an assignment extension has been approved. Other group members and other assignment components are still expected to be submitted on time, with standard late penalties being applied as per university policy. If you or a group member is experiencing any issues and may require an extension, contact the unit convener as soon as possible to discuss further.
All usual requirements for assignment extension requests still apply.
Choosing a case study Choose one of the four case studies presented on the Canvas site. Links to the case studies are available on the Assessment Instructions page. The four case studies are:
Assignment Case Study A: RollingRoundAboutCanberra Assignment Case Study B: LeapFrogMovers
Assignment Case Study C: HolidayEntertainmentLuxuryLeisureOrganiser Assignment Case Study D: GovEDex
It is recommended that you choose the same case study as you did for Assignment 1 – Individual and Assignment 2 – Group (although this assignment covers different unit topics, the previous analysis and modelling you have performed will still be useful to inform your work in this assignment), however this is not required. If you would like to pick a different case study from Assignment 1 and/or Assignment 2, then this is perfectly fine.
With the exception of Assignment 1 – Individual and Assignment 2 – Group from earlier this semester, if you have previous experience with any of these case studies (for example, in previous attempts of this unit), you must choose a case study that you have not experienced previously. If you do not follow this instruction, this may be construed as academic misconduct and will be handled according to university policy. If there are any doubts about this requirement, please contact the unit convener for advice.
You will perform your analysis and modelling for this assignment based on the case study you have chosen.
Assignment limitations Length The complete report must not exceed 12 A4 pages (or equivalent) in length. This page count includes figures, tables, diagrams, and references. This page count does not include the cover sheet (as this is to be submitted as a separate file). It is expected that most assignments will be significantly shorter than this maximum page limit.
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note that some assignment parts may also have individual page or length limits – these are clearly specified in each part.
Content in excess of the page limit or in excess of any limits placed on specific assignment parts may not be assessed during marking. Legibility It is critical that all content in your assignment, including text within figures and diagrams, is clearly readable at 100% zoom – this is because most marking takes place using the Canvas built-in document reader. As a general guide, text smaller than the text in this assignment instruction document (This font is Calibri 11pt) is too small to be easily read.
Content that is not clearly readable at 100% zoom may not be assessed during marking. Content in excess of assignment requirements Content that is in excess of assignment requirements may not be assessed during marking. If additional content is provided, then only the required elements that appear first in the report will be assessed.
For example, an assignment requirement might expect description and explanation for one element. If more than one description and explanation are provided, then only the first one that appears in the report will be assessed, and any further descriptions and explanations may not be assessed.
Therefore, there is no benefit in including content in excess of the assignment requirements.
Academic misconduct Any cases of suspected academic misconduct will be dealt with following the university’s policies and procedures. See the university website for further information, including resources such as the university’s Student Conduct Rules, Student Charter, and the Academic Integrity Module.
Assignment requirements All of the requirements below relate to your chosen case study and the ICT system described in the case study. It is expected that you perform additional research and investigation, in addition to the information provided in the case study, to inform your reasoning and analysis. Explanation, justification, and evidence is expected to support report contents wherever relevant.
See the marking rubric on the assignment submission box for detailed information on what is expected for each item. 1. Additional research and assumptions (1 mark) Your report is expected to describe the additional research and investigation that has been used to inform and improve the analysis and modelling in the remainder of the assignment, citing specific sources where necessary. This may include websites, articles, and examples of similar systems or businesses. In addition, you are expected to list and describe any assumptions made that affect the analysis and modelling in the remainder of the assignment.
This section is expected to describe the following:
a) (1 mark) What has been added or expanded upon, compared to the case study as provided, and what other sections of the assignment these additions and expansions are most relevant to. For those additions/expansions based on research and investigation, cite the specific sources that have informed these additions and expansions; for those additions/expansions based on assumptions, explain and justify why the assumption has been made.
Remember that additions/expansions, and particularly assumptions, should not contradict or conflict with anything already described in the case study.
If you are working on the same case study for Assignment 3 as you did for Assignments 1 and/or 2, it is acceptable for your additional research and assumptions to be similar to those you have made in the previous assignments. However, it is expected that the impact and relevance of these additions and expansions will differ given the different content of this assignment compared to the previous assignments. 2. Class diagram (7 marks) Your report is expected to contain a class diagram for the system. The class diagram should contain the following elements:
(1 mark) Classes
(1 mark) Associations – verb phrases
(1 mark) Associations – multiplicities
(1 mark) Attributes
(1 mark) Methods
(1 mark) Complex features – generalisation and/or associative classes
In addition to the diagram, for one of the most important and interesting associations in the class diagram, provide the following:
(1 mark) a 2-3 paragraph description of the association chosen, including expansion of the association details such as verb phrases and multiplicities, and justification for why this association is one of the most important and interesting associations
3. Activity diagram (5 marks) Your report is expected to contain one activity diagram for one of the most interesting activities of the system that is sufficiently complex to justify further explanation using an activity diagram.
The activity diagram should contain the following elements:
(1 mark) Actions
(1 mark) Flows, including to/from appropriate initial and final nodes
(1 mark) Decision/merge points and/or synchronisation
(1 mark) Partitions
In addition to the diagram, further explanation is expected for the following:
(1 mark) A 2-3 paragraph description of the activity chosen for the activity diagram and justification for why this activity is one of the most interesting and complex activities of the system that warrants further explanation using an activity diagram
If the activity diagram is not clearly for a single activity from the system as required above, marks may be penalised across all elements of this section. 4. State machine diagram (5 marks) Your report is expected to contain one state machine diagram for one of the classes from the class diagram depicted previously (from the Class Diagram in section 2). The state machine diagram is expected to depict the class lifecycle of this class, and this class lifecycle is expected to be one of the most interesting and/or sufficiently complex to justify further explanation using a state machine diagram.
The state machine diagram should contain the following elements:
(1 mark) States
(1 mark) Transitions
(1 mark) Appropriate events, guards, and parameters on transitions
(1 mark) Actions/activities
In addition to the diagram, further explanation is expected for the following:
(1 mark) A 2-3 paragraph description of the lifecycle of the class chosen for the state machine diagram and justification for why this class lifecycle is one of the most interesting and complex lifecycles of the system that warrants further explanation using a state machine diagram. Included in this paragraph should also be a clear mention of which class (from the Class Diagram in section 2) this state machine diagram relates to.
If the state machine diagram is not clearly for a single class from the Class Diagram in section 2 as required above, marks may be penalised across all elements of this section. 5. Sequence diagram (5 marks) Your report is expected to contain one sequence diagram for one of the most interesting sequence interactions of the system that is sufficiently complex to justify further explanation using a sequence diagram.
The sequence diagram should contain the following elements:
(1 mark) Objects including lifelines
(1 mark) Messages

(1 mark) Focus boxes
(1 mark) Fragments
In addition to the diagram, further explanation is expected for the following:
(1 mark) A 2-3 paragraph description of the interaction chosen for the sequence diagram and justification for why this interaction is one of the most interesting and complex interactions of the system that warrants further explanation using a sequence diagram
If the sequence diagram is not clearly for a single interaction from the system as required above, marks may be penalised across all elements of this section. 6. Reference List (1 mark) Your full list of references should also be presented at the end of the report in a consistent academic style, such as IEEE or Harvard (pick one or the other, not both!). See the UC Referencing Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide for more information. Do not list any references that are not directly cited in the report. Formatting and Style (1 mark) The formatting and style of your report will also be assessed. This does not form a separate individual section of your report. Your report should be easy to read, and the marker should be able to easily find the relevant information in your report for marking purposes. Factors such as formatting, layout, organisation, spelling, and grammar will be taken into account for this criteria.
Marking Each group’s assignment will be allocated to a tutor for marking. Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note that as assignment groups are not necessarily from the same tutorial, the tutor from your registered tutorial group may not be the one who will mark your group’s assignment.
Each group will receive a ‘group mark’, which will be based on the marking performed according to the rubric that is available on the assignment submission box on Canvas. In the event of any disparity between the mark breakdown presented in this document and the rubric on Canvas, the rubric on Canvas will take precedence.
As described previously, upon request from any group member, each individual within a group may receive an individualised mark calculated from the ‘group mark’ and the group member evaluation responses. The maximum mark that can be received after adjustments is 100% of the available mark for the assignment (i.e. 25/25).

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