What cultural frameworks of “right” and “wrong” did you grow up with?
How were these communicated to you? How do those influence your interpretation of the BACB Code?

– Grammar/Spelling/APA format (though you may use first person for this assignment)
– completely answering each of the three questions in the text of your paper

The response should be 2-3 pages in length.

Please use the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts as reference



The cultural frameworks of “right” and “wrong” that I grew up with were primarily based on the values of my family and community. My parents taught me that it is important to be honest, respectful, and responsible. They also taught me that it is important to help others and to stand up for what is right. These values have been communicated to me through my parents’ words and actions, as well as through the stories and traditions of my culture.

These cultural frameworks have influenced my interpretation of the BACB Code in a number of ways. First, they have helped me to understand the importance of the Code’s values, such as honesty, respect, and responsibility. Second, they have helped me to see how the Code can be applied to real-world situations. Third, they have helped me to develop a personal commitment to ethical behavior.

For example, the Code’s value of honesty reminds me that it is important to be truthful in my interactions with clients, colleagues, and others. The Code’s value of respect reminds me that I should treat all people with dignity and fairness. And the Code’s value of responsibility reminds me that I should be accountable for my actions and that I should always strive to do the right thing.

I believe that adhering to the BACB Code is essential for behavior analysts. The Code provides us with a framework for making ethical decisions and for ensuring that our behavior is consistent with our profession’s values. By adhering to the Code, we can help to protect the rights of our clients and to promote the highest standards of professional conduct.

In addition to the cultural frameworks of “right” and “wrong” that I grew up with, I have also been influenced by the ethical theories of virtue, consequentialism, and deontology. Virtue theory focuses on the development of good character traits, such as honesty, courage, and compassion. Consequentialism focuses on the consequences of our actions, and argues that we should act in ways that produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Deontology focuses on the duty to act in accordance with certain moral principles, regardless of the consequences.

I believe that all three of these ethical theories can be helpful in guiding our behavior. Virtue theory can help us to develop the character traits that we need to be ethical behavior analysts. Consequentialism can help us to make decisions that will have the most positive impact on our clients. And deontology can help us to stay true to our moral principles, even when it is difficult.

I am committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in my work as a behavior analyst. I believe that by doing so, I can make a positive difference in the lives of my clients and in the field of behavior analysis as a whole.

Here are some specific examples of how I have followed the BACB Code in my current practice:

I have always been honest with my clients and colleagues. I have never lied to them or misled them in any way.
I have always treated my clients with respect. I have never discriminated against them or treated them unfairly.
I have always been responsible for my actions. I have never taken any actions that would put my clients at risk or that would violate the Code.

I believe that my adherence to the BACB Code has helped me to be a more effective behavior analyst. It has helped me to build trust with my clients and colleagues, and it has helped me to provide them with the best possible care.

I am always looking for ways to improve my ethical practice. I am currently reading a book on virtue ethics, and I am planning to attend a workshop on ethical decision-making. I believe that by continuing to learn and grow, I can become an even more ethical behavior analyst.

DeCoster, Brendan. “There is no culture? A framework for addressing admissions fraud.” In Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials in Higher Education, pp. 209-226. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Kilcullen MP, Bisbey TM, Ottosen MJ, Tsao K, Salas E, Thomas EJ. The safer culture framework: An application to healthcare based on a multi-industry review of safety culture literature. Human factors. 2022 Feb;64(1):207-27.

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