Assessment task instructions:
•This is the first (1) unit of assessment task student has to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
•The task is comprised of seven (7) written questions. Student must respond to all questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
•Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task. Refer to the answer guide.
Purpose of the assessment task:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your knowledge for the following:
explain the change management process or cycle and strategies for communicating and embedding change
explain how organisational behaviour and the external environment can impact on change strategies
describe the components of a change management project plan
list potential barriers to change and explain possible strategies to address barriers
Assessment conditions and resources:
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the creativity and innovation and include access to:
workplace documentation and resources
office equipment, materials and software packages
case studies or, where available, real situations
Assessment Task 1: Review Questions

1.1 Refer to a company of that you are aware and explain the change management cycle this company has gone through. You must name the company and a thorough investigation of the change management process of this company. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 250-300 words)

Research a company that you know or through Google.

Apple-from desk top computers to radical changes in smart phones, laptops, iPad, and accessories.

Apps-the way they have changed our way of communication and we can use our smart phone to pay for goods and services. (Refer to banks below). Samsung can be used as well.

Nokia-went from a cellular phone to being purchased by Microsoft.

Dyson Vacuum cleaners-revolutionary in so far as mobility. Battery operated disconnected to power points and relatively lite compared to traditional Vacuum cleaners.

Banks where salaries and wags are extremely high, and the recruitment of staff is based on volume the introduction of ATM’s was an incredible and profitable change to salaries and wages costs. ATMs are becoming redundant as people use their smart phones to access funds and many activities used with ATM’s.

Changes to the car industry globally.

1.2 Explain how this company communicated the change to all the stakeholders and was this method effective? Explain why you think so. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 150-170 words)
Learners Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide-P61 and P77

Was the communication successful in reducing barriers to change?

Apple product development included very confidential communication internally and then in 2007 when the iPhone was introduced an extremely well planned and delivered global communication of this unique product.

1.3 Explain how organisational behaviour can impact change strategies. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 250-300 words)
Organisational behaviour Negative change-Employees are resistant to change. It is human nature to be wary of change. They become barriers to change. In many cases employees are happy with the way they perform their duties and feel it unnecessary to change.

Positive change-Where employees are subjected to a new product or service that provides revenue and profitable improvement. There are no barriers, employees are happy in their jobs.

External environmental forces Power Point-PEST Analysis
Political-Government legislation
Economic-Supply chain that have cause companies to reduce staff.
Social-Positive impact for the development of new products.
Technological-Assembly line production has been a major innovation in manufacturing. IT improvement has been quite incredible.

1.4 Refer to the following external environmental forces which can impact change strategies. Explain how these forces can have an impact on change strategies (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 250-300 words)-Refer to the PPT
The political and legal forces Legislation such as:
• Government relations.
• The Privacy Act.
• EEO Act
• Fair Work Act
• Licensing for copyright and trademarks.
• Other legislations that require consideration.
Legal issues:
• Hiring and firing of employees during organisational change.
• Consumer responsibilities.
• Fraud and misappropriation of funds (Risk Management issue).
• Competitive nature of changes to products and services such as price gouging, plagiarism, anti-competitive behaviour and collusion.
The Economic forces Global or domestic issues that impact on the change.
The demographic Forces Demographics a statistical term used to define consumer markets or groups. Such as over 60 years old, male, or female etc.

New products introduced to provide a healthy alternative such as diet companies, no sugar beverages, healthy food promotion, and medical check-ups.

Global forces Supply chain problems.
Ukrainian war.
Political upheaval.
Famine and floods impacting global food markets.

The Technological forces Technology risk such as Cyber terrorism.
Advanced technical improvement.
Product value and life cycle.

The Social and Cultural forces Woke society which affects many people who feel traditional value and responsibilities are being eroded.
Cultural diversity where immigration has had a significant improvement on the economy.
Social services such as Medicare and Work, Health and Safety in the workplace have improved.

1.5 Refer to a change management project plan and list the components and explain each of the components of the change management project plan. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 250-300 words)
Learners Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide P51
Sponsor: Person implementing the change.
Objectives: What will the change achieve-outcome
Principals: ethical issues of the change.
Elements of the change plan:
Rationale of the change:
Stakeholder analysis:
Organisations Readiness to change:
Communication Message to be delivered:
Evaluation or outcome of change:
Monitoring the change impact:

1.6 Explain what the potential barriers would be to change. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 50-70 words)
Learners Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide P45
1. Poor communication to those involved in the change.
2. Poor planning.
3. Lack of stakeholder involvement- “Buy In”.
4. Financial issues.
5. Poor Product development and senior management support.
6. Complexity-complex change is difficult to understand.
1.7 Explain in detail how managers facing resistance to change overcome these barriers? (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 250-300 words)-Learners Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide P68
• Improve communication and involve all stakeholders in the change management process.
• Ensure the change management plan is consistent with implementation of success.

Assessment task instructions:
•This is the second (2nd) unit of assessment task student has to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
•The task is comprised of a case study and activities relating to the case study. Student must respond to all activities and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
•Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task. Refer to the answer guide.
Purpose of the assessment task:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your knowledge for the following:
•Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives
•Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives to identify where changes are required
•Monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that impact on the achievement of organisational objectives
•Identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or management decisions
•Review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities with relevant managers
•Consult stakeholders, specialists and experts to assist in the identification of major change requirements and opportunities
Assessment conditions and resources:
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the creativity and innovation and include access to:
workplace documentation and resources
office equipment, materials and software packages
case studies or, where available, real situations
Read the case study below and complete the following activities.
Australian Hardware –
What is now known as Australian Hardware opened its first store under the name of Percy’s Home Goods in George St Sydney in 1921. Percy’s Home Goods initially specialised in the manufacturing and sale of small household furniture. The company founder, Percy Greenwright, ran the store as a family business. The business quickly expanded from one to four stores across Sydney’s northern and western suburbs. The stores employed the equivalent of 60 full-time staff by the beginning of 1928. All of which were either family members or friends.

In 1930, the midst of the Great Depression, the demand for Percy’s Home Goods began to decline. Over the next three years, Mr. Greenwright was forced to close three of the stores but he refused to lay-off staff as they were his friends and family and he knew the chances of them finding other work was near to impossible. Mr. Greenwright managed to sustain the business and all of its employees, even expanding back to two stores in 1937.

In 1941, declining consumer demand in conjunction with the onset of World War II again brought Percy’s Home Goods to the brink of closure. This time it was Mr. Greenwright’s youngest child and only son Eric, who had only been working in the business for four years, who provided the catalyst for survival. Eric, without the knowledge of his father, negotiated a contract with the Australian Armed Forces to provide a range of outdoor and camping equipment for the war effort including tents, ground covers, lightweight furniture, and cooking utensils. The contract would require significant change to existing business practices if it was to be fulfilled. When Mr. Greenwright was told of the contract by his son Eric, he immediately handed over the running of the business to his son. Eric Greenwright immediately initiated a change process that included re-training the existing manufacturing and sales staff and modifying the company’s supplier relationships and equipment to cater to the contract. This sustained the business through the war years.

In the early 1950s, Eric Greenwright repositioned the business again; this time to benefit from the housing boom by supplying wood and other hardware items. The business was re-named Australian Hardware and an expansion program commenced that took the business into all states over the next 10 years.

In 1982 Australian Hardware was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and was offered to the public in a share float.

The business has continued to expand to now have 138 stores and approximately 10,000 staff across the country.

To remain competitive, the Board has decided to implement a new Point of Sales System (POS) which would be a self-checkout system in all the departments which includes garden, paint, tools, homewares, outdoor, and hardware. The Board has decided to implement it in one of the stores then roll it out to the other stores. This will be a major change for the company with the new system. However, this will mean that the company remains profitable and also competitive with other providers.

2.1. You are the project manager responsible for implementing the new POS system. Read all the company documents available from the following website . Once you have reviewed all the documents such as business and marketing plan and financial statements, you are required to undertake the following activities:
a. analyse Australian Hardware’s objectives and identify the strategic change.
b. Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives to identify where changes are required. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 150-170 words)

***Read through the Australian Hardware documents and fully understand the information available.

a) Australian Hardware’s strategic objective Identify the change
• Introduce a new Point of Sale Product.
• In conjunction with a Self-Checkout service.
• Increase Profitability.

Implementation of the new product in one Australian Hardware store and then a roll out to all others once successful.
b) Review existing policies and procedures Identify where changes are required
Financial management
Risk management and theft
Asset management
Project Management
Privacy Policy

2.2. You are now required to review the company’s macro external environment and identify events or trends that impact the achievement of organisational objectives. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 250-300 words)
PEST Analysis

Political environment Change of government
National Budget restrictions that impact on business.
Economic environment Imports are impacted by global supply chain problems.
The war in Ukraine.
Inflation at 7%
Social environment Reduction in disposable income from Inflationary pressures.
Inflation and interest rate rises impacts on community wellbeing.
Technological environment The successful selection and introduction of the POS Software and Hardware.

2.3. Consult stakeholders, specialists, and experts to assist you in the identification of the change requirements and opportunities. List all the parties you consulted with and document major operational change requirements due to performance gaps, business opportunities or threats or management decisions. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 150-170 words)
List of consultants and experts regarding the implementation of the POS, self-check-out and improved profit.
Document operational change requirements-Identify Performance gaps, Training, Coaching and Consumer promotion.
Introduce Policies and Procedures.
Identify Business opportunities and external threats.
Management Decisions-These include decisions on project completion, KPI’s, Quality control and implementation.


2.4. Meeting

Issues discussed with the Assessor:
• Training, Coaching and Assessing each person’s ability to use the new POS successfully and accurately.
• Identify performance gaps as a result of training through observation and knowledge testing.
• Allocation of Key Performance Indicators and Quality Control Monitoring.
• Opportunities-Fast transaction process, Ability to record sales and inventory, link to internal accounting software.
• Threats-Competitor behaviour and Consumer acceptance.
• Risk Management Identification-Theft, Consumer non-acceptance, Software failure, Poor Training and finally lack of Quality Control/Monitoring.

You are now required to review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities and discuss these with your assessor and obtain feedback from your assessor. Once you have met with your assessor, you are required to meet with the managers from each of the different departments (Garden, Paint, Tools, Homewares, Outdoor, and Hardware). Your assessor will allocate your colleagues to act as the departmental managers. Document minutes of the meeting using the meeting template below. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 150-170 words)

Date of meeting:
Priority No. Change management requirements and opportunities Responsibility
Performance Gaps Assessing the success of the training and coaching
Quality control/Monitor
Risk management

Assessment task instructions:
•This is the third (3rd) unit of assessment task student has to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
•The task is comprising of practical activities based on the Australian Hardware case study. Student must respond to all activities and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
•Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task. Refer to the answer guide.
•Trainer/Assessor is required to provide the feedback within two weeks and notify students when results are available.
Purpose of the assessment task:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your knowledge for the following:
•Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and opportunities
•Undertake risk analysis and apply problem solving and innovation skills to identify barriers to change and agree and record mitigation strategies
•Develop change management project plan
•Obtain approvals from relevant authorities to confirm the change management process
•Assign resources to the project and agree reporting protocols with relevant managers
Assessment conditions and resources:
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the creativity and innovation and include access to:
workplace documentation and resources
office equipment, materials and software packages
case studies or, where available, real situations

3.1 As the Project Manager, you are now required to undertake the following activities:
a. Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and opportunities

b. Undertake risk analysis and apply problem solving and innovation skills to identify barriers to change and agree and record mitigation strategies. You can use graphs, charts, and figures to demonstrate cost benefit analysis.

Cost benefit analysis
Costs of the POS Introduction
• Product purchase-$$$$$$$$$.
• Installation. (Should be included in Purchase cost)-$$$$$$$$$$$$.
• Training/Coaching$$$$$$$$.
• Observe and Monitor.
• Ongoing Maintenance-Warranty Requirements. (Should be included in purchasing price)

• Reduce number of Cashiers-Saving $$$$$.
• Reduction in cashier salaries and wages as an operational cost saving $$$$$.
• Efficiency of customer transaction using self-checkout.
• Improved customer service and satisfaction.
• Increased revenue due to the high standard service and return business.

b. Risk analysis
Risk Matrix
Rating key is as follows:
• Rating of Likelihood – 1 = least likely and 5 = most likely
• Rating of Consequences – 1 = minimal and 5 = severe
• Risk Level Rating of Risk level – L = Low, M = Medium and H = High
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe risk Inherent risk Risk treatment
Likelihood Consequence Risk Level Mitigation
Self-Check-out Theft AH has a problem where self-checkout may be abused with customers not paying for all products to be processed. 5 5 H AH has decided to place cameras above the self-checkout register to view the transactions and identify theft. Bags can also be checked.

Risk Matrix – Using the matrix calculate the level of risk by finding the intersection between the likelihood and the consequences
Likelihood Consequence
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Severe
Almost Certain 150-170 words High Extreme Extreme Extreme
Likely 150-170 words 150-170 words High Extreme Extreme
Possible Low 150-170 words 150-170 words High Extreme
Unlikely Low Low 150-170 words 150-170 words High
Rare Low Low Low 150-170 words 150-170 words

3.2 Once you have undertaken the cost-benefit analysis and risk analysis, you are required to:
a. develop a change management project plan using the template below.

Change Management Project Plan

Executive Summary
The executive summary lists the history of the change that is to be implemented in your project. By taking the time to ensure that you describe the history of the project and the change plan to be implemented, you can catch people upon the reason for the change. In this section, you will also describe the purpose of the change. Ensure that you include a scope statement that describes the constraints and direction of the change to take place.

The project of implementing the POS software and hardware plus the added benefit of enabling customers a self-checkout service will provide significant cost saving to AH and improve customer service and satisfaction……………………………………

Roles and Responsibilities
In the roles and responsibilities section of your change management project plan, you will want to list the different people and their work allocations for affecting the change. By making sure that every aspect of the change is covered by an individual, and all team members and stakeholders understand what is expected, what will be done, and by whom it will be done, you can ensure that your change management project will be effective.

• IT and Management-would make-up the key stakeholders in the POS selection decision, the implementation of the technology and the ongoing monitoring and quality control…………………………………………………………….
• Finance Manager-Budget…………………………………….
• Individual self-checkout assistants………………………………………….
• CEO & Board of Directors-monitor success (ROI)…………………………………………………….
• Security to manage self-check-out risk…….
• HR manages barriers to change of all team members……

Change Management Project Procedures
Next, you will list the procedures for executing the change. You may find it useful to list the different elements of the process for executing the change in this section. If necessary, include a work breakdown structure in your plan. By ensuring that you cover these aspects, you can help avert any ambiguity that might otherwise occur.
Additionally, you will want to list any tools necessary for implementing the change. If your company will need new software, list that here as well as the specifications.
Anything required for ensuring that the process of change occurs will go in this section.

Work Breakdown Structure:
1. Research-Design, Licenses, and legislation.
2. Selection POS product-based on the best available product for AH.
3. Cost/Benefit Analysis.
4. Financial issues-such as cost to budget and cost to implement approval.
5. Train staff to use product.
6. Implement the POS into AH.
7. Coach during real time.
8. Observe and Monitor.

Budget for the Change
Changes usually mean that more money must be spent. Make sure you include a budget in your change management project plan. Every project comes with budget constraints, and you should account for this in even a change management plan.
(Students need to research & determine the cost of the POS product and explain that in this section).

Budgeted Costs
• Product cost…………………………. $
• Installation……………………………………. $
• Training……………………………………. $
• Coaching………………………………………$
• Cost of Monitoring………………………. $
• Salaries & wages plus Superannuation of cashiers………………………. $

Risk Factors Should be Analysed
No project plan is complete without a risk analysis, and any time you implement a change, you should factor in any potential risks that may be associated with that change. Make sure that when you construct your change management plan, you also perform a risk analysis and account for potential risk factors associated with the change. You can insert the risk management you conducted in task 3.1b here.

Key Risk Factors associated with the research, purchase, and installation of the POS product.
1. Theft (explain the mitigation strategy to minimise or eliminate risk) ………………………

Change Management Project Schedule
Finally, your change management project plan should include a schedule for implementing the different phases of the change. You can do this a few ways – either insert your Gantt Chart using an Excel spreadsheet file or you can use project management software designed for this purpose. Make sure you have accounted for everything that needs to be done and when it needs to be done in your project schedule.


Action May June July Aug Sept Oct
Research 1-20
Board Approval 21-22
Install 1-12
Training 14-21
Assessment of results 1-2
Appointed cashiers & assistants 3-4

Coaching 10-20
Monitoring 1-31 1-30
Reporting of results and revenue increase to the Board 10

3.3 Consult with relevant authorities and obtain approvals from relevant authorities to confirm the change management process. Your assessor will act as the CEO. You must meet with your assessor and get your assessor’s approval prior to meeting with the rest of the relevant authorities to obtain their approval. List the relevant authorities you met within the space below and any feedback received.

The change management process regarding the implementation of a POS system at Australian Hardware has involved much consultation with relevant authorities to obtain approval. The list below highlights our most senior authorities that we have had consultations with:

Consultations have had to take place with the following:
• CEO Australian Hardware – Eric Greenwright, to outline plan and get initial endorsement.
• Finance Director – To ensure budget funding and discuss the cost benefit analysis
• POS Representatives – Including Banks and POS supplier to acquire the best product for AH.
• POS IT Trainers-Technical Training and Support.
• HR-Head of Training – Customer service training, coaching, and monitoring.
• Human Resources Manager to co-ordinate training, coaching support and remove barriers to change.
• Security Director -Risk Matrix completion & engage security and their responsibilities for our POS roll out.
• Board of Directors and CEO to evaluate results in the first 6 months of operation.

Each of the above relevant authorities endorsed and supported our plan to introduce a POS system into Australian Hardware. Our only final decision to make is to confirm our relationship going forward to our chosen bank and their chosen POS systems which provide the best terms for AH and our type of operation. This will include all transactional activity, warranties, installation, IT support and inventory/stock control.

3.4 Meeting
Once you have gained approval from relevant authorities, assign resources to the project. Once you have assigned resources, meet and agree to report protocols with the relevant managers. Document minutes of meeting using the template below.

Date of meeting:
Assign resources Responsibility
Review Training Resources & Overall Budget allocation Financial Controller.
Determine redundancy payments for excess cashiers. HR& Financial Controller.
Equipment allocations-Implementation of POS and self-check-out areas.
Management Assessment and Observation of use of POS and Self-Checkout.
Program Training sessions for both IT and Customer service.
Implementation of the risk & security strategy
Implement Coaching actions and support.
Monitor and Review-Results in the first 6 months.

Assessment task instructions:
•This is the fourth (4th) unit of assessment task student has to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
•The task is comprised of a case study and activities relating to the case study. Student must respond to all activities and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
•Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task. Refer to the answer guide.
Purpose of the assessment task:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your knowledge for the following:
•Develop communication or education plan, in consultation with relevant groups and individuals, to promote the benefits of the change to the organisation and to minimise loss
•Arrange and manage activities to deliver the communication or education plans to relevant groups and individuals
•Consult with relevant groups and individuals for input into the change process
•Identify and respond to barriers to the change according to risk management plans
•Action interventions and activities set out in project plan according to project timetable
•Activate strategies for embedding the change
•Conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project plan where appropriate to achieve change program objectives
Assessment conditions and resources:
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the creativity and innovation and include access to:
•workplace documentation and resources
•office equipment, materials and software packages
•case studies or, where available, real situations
•Interaction with others.

Read the case study and complete the following activities.

Case study – Australian Hardware (Continued)

Communication is critical to the success of the project plan. The staff at Australian Hardware have been talking amongst themselves and are worried about the organizational change. Many staff have been working at the Australian Hardware warehouse for a long time and are not computer literate and do not shop online. They are also worried and fearful that the change would mean job losses due to the implementation of the self-service checkout. However, the employees are not aware that there are opportunities for employees to be redeployed to other departments such as the warehouse if they choose to remain with the company.

4.1 Develop a communication plan to promote the benefits of the change to the organization and to minimize loss. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 150-170 words)

Example of change management communication plan

Project Name POS & Self-Check-out Implementation Date Created 1/3/20/23
Project Manager Glenn Version Date 1/3/2023
Organization Australian Hardware Version No. 1
Action Project Phase Date of Implementation Stakeholders Reason for Communication Method of Communication
Announcement of change. 1 12/6/2023 Team members
Customers To advise of the change to the way transactions are made in AH. Internal meetings.
External emails.
Social media.
Implementation Training.
Customer Service & Tech support. 2
Risk & Security Strategy. 3 Board of Directors
Team Members
Report on the evaluation of budget spend. 4 B of D/CEO.
Financial Controller.
Monitoring and Review

4.2 Once you have developed the communication plan, meet with the stakeholders and
a. Consult with the stakeholders regarding the communication plan.
The communication plan will be implemented after the meeting in accordance with stakeholder advice from all key stakeholders including:
1. CEO/B of D.
2. HR Manager
3. Finance Controller.
4. Security & Risk Manager.
5. Team members.
6. Product supplier and Bank.

b. Arrange and manage activities to deliver the communication or education plans.

c. Seek input into the change process.

d. Discuss how you are going to identify and respond to barriers to the change according to risk management plans.

e. Discuss how you are going to action interventions and activities set out in the project plan according to the project timetable.
• Improve communication through face-to-face meetings.
• Identify the most successful methods of communication for customers.
• Review the successful impact of social media communication or emails to customers.
• Mitigate Risk.

f. Discuss how you are going to activate strategies for embedding the change.
Implement Communication Strategy-this product is going to benefit AH through cost savings and improved customer service.

Risk & Security Strategy-This strategy is going to provide reduced risk and reduction in productivity.

Human Resource Strategy:

g. Discuss how you are going to conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project plans where appropriate to achieve change program objectives.
• Conduct Monitoring meetings with key stakeholders including customers.
• Through Surveys, Focus Groups and Observation.
• Evaluate achievement of KPI’s.
• Report on any amendments that are required.

Document the above using the meeting minutes template below. You must address all the points listed above. Your colleagues will act as the stakeholders. (Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide: 250-300 words)

Date of meeting:
Items discussed Responsibility
The communication plan will be implemented after the meeting in accordance with stakeholder advice from all key stakeholders including:
1. CEO/B of D.
2. HR Manager
3. Finance Controller.
4. Security & Risk Manager.
5. Team members.
6. Product supplier and Bank. All Stakeholders

Chair: [Your Name]
Present: [List of Managers and Relevant Stakeholders Present]
Date of meeting: [Meeting Date]


Introduction and Project Overview
Assignment of Resources
Report Protocols and Communication Channels
Next Steps and Action Items

Introduction and Project Overview:
The meeting was called to discuss the implementation of the new Point of Sales (POS) system with self-checkout service at Australian Hardware.
[Your Name] provided an overview of the project, including the strategic change objectives, cost-benefit analysis, and risk analysis.
Assignment of Resources:
[Your Name] outlined the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders involved in the project.
The IT and Management team will be responsible for the POS selection decision, implementation, and ongoing monitoring and quality control.
The Finance Manager will oversee the budget and financial aspects of the project.
Individual self-checkout assistants will be appointed to manage the self-checkout service at each store.
The Security team will be responsible for mitigating risks related to self-checkout theft.
Report Protocols and Communication Channels:
[Your Name] discussed the importance of regular reporting and communication throughout the project.
It was agreed that weekly progress reports will be submitted to the CEO and Board of Directors.
Monthly meetings will be held with all stakeholders to review progress and address any challenges.
The IT and Management team will maintain open communication channels to address any technical issues during the implementation phase.
Next Steps and Action Items:
[Your Name] outlined the next steps, including the completion of the research and selection of the POS product.
The Finance Manager will finalize the budget and funding allocation for the project.
HR will work on training plans for staff and the coaching support required during the implementation phase.
The Security team will set up surveillance systems and implement the risk mitigation strategy.

The meeting concluded with all stakeholders expressing their commitment to the successful implementation of the POS system and self-checkout service at Australian Hardware.
[Your Name] will continue to oversee the project and ensure that all tasks are completed according to the agreed timeline and protocols.
End of Meeting.

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