Assessment 1 Online Discussion The average lifespan of someone on renal replacement therapy is lower than people who are diagnosed with many types of cancer. You are going to explore multiple aspects of supportive care.
This assessment links to the Unit Intended Learning Outcomes 1 & 2:
Discuss the spectrum of treatment options available to clients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).
Critically analyse clinical practice in renal replacement therapies.
Online Discussion
For this task you will participate in an online discussion with a group of peers, completing a minimum of 4 x 250-word discussion posts.
Choose from subtopics of;
shared-decision making,
timely start to treatment,
assessing and managing symptom burden (without dialysis),
conservative care/supportive care by multidisciplinary team,
palliative care and end of life care,
advance care planning (any aspects including advance health directives),
voluntary assisted dying
facilitating timely withdrawal from dialysis.
You can explore these topics from the angle of patient care, multidisciplinary team input or health system responsibilities, processes and models of care. You can also choose a particular population sub-group.
Part A: Create and submit one initial 250 word post; by the third day the forum is open (dates in unit outline)
Part B: Read the discussion forum initial posts from your peers to find a topic of interest. Research, write and then submit minimum ofthreeresponses to your peers throughout the time the forum is open.
Submit for marking.Choose your four best posts covering at least 3 different subtopics for marking.
Writing Part A: First post 1 x 250 words plus references
Choose a topic as above, related to content of module 1.
Research and critique literature or websites (for example if discussing advance care planning you may want to refer to state guidelines)
Consider if you can add a question in an area that you would have liked to continue researching/writing about
It is strongly recommended you write your post in a word document (and that you continue and write all posts into this one document ready for final submission for marking).
For writing assistance, you can use the Studiosity student services if you are new to study or want support for your written English (link on front page and in this module of content).
The references must be provided both in-text and endtext, but they are not counted in the word count. You can be +/- 10% on your word count.
Optional: Check your post via Turnitin to make sure that you are following referencing guidelines and have a low text match (less than 10% ideally). Visit the Turnitin and Academic Integrity Unit for the comparison upload service, the link is on the homepage of this unit. It is important that you do thisbeforesubmitting your posts, not after, or your report will not be accurate.
Sample discussion postfor you to review the standard of content expected
Where and when to submit your posts
You will be put into groups of up to 25 students with your tutor.
This is a formally assessed discussion forum and is only available on the dates as per your unit outline. It will close promptly so do not leave it to the last minute to post.
Please ensure that you submit your posts to the assessable discussion forum, not the general chat forums. It is found in the usual discussion/communication section. It clearly statesassessable discussion forum
Once you are ready to post, then go to your assessable discussion forum andstart a new thread. Copy and paste your information into the box. Choose post/submit. The tutors will keep an eye on the discussion area to make sure it is all going well. You can re-edit your own post if you have a problem when copying and pasting.
Part B: Reply – 3 x 250 word posts plus references Next you will start reading other students posts and when you find a topic of interest, research it further, compose a reply and then post your reply as a “reply to the discussion thread”. Click on that thread to do this. Submit Four posts for marking There is no need to write an additional summary of content for this assignment. Once you have completed all of your posts they need to be submitted, as they were written, into theassignment space assessment onefor marking. Please put all four posts into one document, prior to submitting. If you wrote more than four posts, you must choose your initial post but then you can choose your three best replies. Keep the references separately with each post; do not create one list of references.
Within your document, label the components as Discussion Post 1, Discussion Post 2, 3, 4 etc. with a title for each. For example:
Discussion post 1. 24th July 2023. Advance Care Planning.
Discussion post 2. 28th July 2023. Palliative care – response to **
Do not include anyone elses discussion posts in your document for marking. Important Submit into the assignment space for AT1: Online Discussion Summary. Find this under the Assessments menu, then Assignments for marking by the due date in unit outline. Extra general information for those new to written assignments Assessment Criteria Sheets (Marking Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay onlines) A criteria sheet is a tool/device/mechanism for providing comprehensivefeedforwardin advance to students about expectations to meet particular standards, andfeedbackabout student achievement on individual assessment tasks from an assessor.
A criteria sheet is also referred to as a rubric or grading rubric, standards matrix or schema. It comprisescriteriaanddescriptorsmatched tolevels ofachievementor grading scale(High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass, Fail)presented in a format such as a table or matrix. (UTAS, Learning and Teaching, Assessment Terminology.
The assessment criteria sheet available via the following link is designed to help the assessor grade your assessment task as fairly and accurately as possible.
You can use the criteria sheet to help guide your study and the planning and development of this assessment task. These are the criteria with their weighting i.e. 50% means 10/20 of the marks go to that criteria.
Criterion 1
Weighting 50% Analyse issues affecting best practice in renal replacement therapies based on contemporary research literature LO1, LO2
Criterion 2
Weighting 30% Actively participate in the discussion forum, engaging with at least two other students. LO1, LO2
Criterion 3
Weighting 20% Write clearly in an appropriate academic style and structure and back up claims by referring to academic literature. References accurately using the Harvard style LO1, LO2
You can review the marking criteria of NN through to HD in detail from the Rubric – Buy ‎Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online, which can be found on the next page.
Following are some tips to help you interpret the marking criteria.
Analyse issues affecting best practice in renal replacement therapies based on contemporary research literature
Firstly what is meant by best practice? BP or EBP is practice recommendations (including texts, guidelines or protocols) based on research evidence. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe best practice for your topic of interest. Use references to support your claims.
Within your post consider what are the key issues related to your topic such as decision making and supportive care and how well are patients supported in this area?
Actively participate in the discussion forum, engaging with at least three other students.
This means timely posts and two way conversation with other students. Your posts should reflect and continue on from their discussion.
Write clearly in an appropriate academic style and structure and back up claims by referring to academic literature. References accurately using the Harvard style
This is where you will use the research literature to support your critical analysis of practice. You can use provided articles but it is anticipated you will need to search more widely via the internet or the university library. They have free access to hundreds of journals and books.
Please ensure all references to another author/s is correctly attributed. The Harvard style of referencing is explained in theHarvard Referencingavailable through this MyLO unit.

Assessment 1 Online Discussion: Exploring Supportive Care for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients

Part A: Initial Post – Shared-Decision Making in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

In this online discussion, we will delve into various aspects of supportive care for patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). ESRD poses significant challenges to patients, and the spectrum of treatment options available demands careful consideration. One critical aspect of this care is shared-decision making, where patients, healthcare providers, and the multidisciplinary team collaborate to make informed treatment choices. This initial post will focus on the importance of shared-decision making and its implications for ESRD patients.

Shared-Decision Making in ESRD:
Shared-decision making is an approach that emphasizes active patient involvement in healthcare choices. In the context of ESRD, it involves open communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to discuss the various treatment modalities available and align them with the patient’s values, preferences, and goals. This collaborative process acknowledges the patient’s autonomy, fosters trust, and ensures a patient-centered approach to care, thus enhancing treatment adherence and overall outcomes.

Evidence Supporting Shared-Decision Making:
Scholarly sources highlight the benefits of shared-decision making in ESRD management. A study by Stacey et al. (2016) demonstrated that patients who actively participated in making decisions about their renal replacement therapy experienced reduced decisional conflict and increased satisfaction with their chosen treatment. Moreover, the study by Morton et al. (2017) revealed that shared-decision making improved patients’ comprehension of treatment options, leading to more realistic expectations and improved adherence.

Addressing Challenges and Ethical Considerations:
Shared-decision making in ESRD is not without challenges. Patients facing life-altering decisions may experience emotional distress and require support from the multidisciplinary team. Additionally, healthcare providers must consider potential biases and disparities in healthcare access when engaging in shared-decision making discussions with patients from diverse backgrounds.

A question that merits further exploration is how can we ensure that shared-decision making is effectively integrated into the clinical setting, considering time constraints and resource limitations? Is there room for improvement in how we approach shared-decision making with patients who have limited health literacy?

Shared-decision making is a crucial aspect of supportive care for ESRD patients. Engaging patients in the decision-making process empowers them to make informed choices about their treatment, enhances treatment adherence, and improves overall patient satisfaction. As we delve deeper into this topic, let us critically assess the existing literature and explore strategies to optimize shared-decision making in the context of ESRD.

Stacey, D., Legare, F., Lewis, K., Barry, M. J., Bennett, C. L., Eden, K. B., … & Wu, J. H. (2016). Decision aids for people facing health treatment or screening decisions. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (4), CD001431.

Morton, R. L., Sellars, M., Clayton, P. A., & Cass, A. (2017). Perspectives of patients, family caregivers, and health professionals on decision-making about dialysis modality—the good, the bad, and the misunderstandings!. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 37(3), 278-286.

Word count: 334 (excluding references)

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