Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Q SIT40521- Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes

1. List at least three food safety issues which you must consider when handling and cooking with eggs. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how you would reduce each risk. You should refer to fact sheets 1,4,5 for reference.
Fact Sheet 1 Following hygienic work practices.
• Fact Sheet 4 Managing food safety hazards and risks
• Fact Sheet 5 Safe food handling
Risk Strategy for reducing risk

2. Explain how you can reduce the risk of contaminants such as e. coli, salmonella and listeria when handling and cooking with fruit and vegetables. Provide two examples.

3. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe three indicators which you would use to select fresh, quality fruit and vegetables.

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4. List three signs that vegetables have spoiled or have been contaminated.

5. List three signs that pasta has spoiled or has been contaminated.

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6. List the requirements for the safe storage of the following foods:
Food Storage conditions + temperature if needed
Tinned vegetables

Dry pasta and rice

Fresh pasta

Ripe pineapple


Sweet potato



7. Identify the shelf/storage life of the following foods.
Food Shelf life
Dry pasta
Cooked rice
Hard boiled eggs (in refrigerator)
Leftover meals containing egg
Fresh peas
8. Assume you have been asked to prepare a dish that contains eggs, but there has been a special customer request. There are several customers who are vegan. What can you substitute the eggs with? In your answer, include reference to egg replacers and their ingredients.

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9. Identify three precision cuts you would use when cutting vegetables.

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10. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe four items which you should check before using a blender or food processor to prepare fruit and vegetables.

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11. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe two things you should do when using the above equipment (blender and food processor) to ensure you work safely.

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12. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe four mise en place tasks related to preparing vegetable, fruit, farinaceous and egg dishes that you can complete without affecting the quality of dishes.

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13. Define the following culinary terms and functions of the following words when preparing vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous.
Culinary Terms Definition
• Aerating
• Enriching
• Farinaceous
• Binding
• Setting
• Julienne
• Thickening
• Crumbing/coating
• Zest
• Glazing
• Emulsifying
14. Provide three reasons why it can be beneficial to use convenience products.

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15. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe at least one convenience product commonly used in dishes that contain fruits, vegetables, eggs and farinaceous items.
16. Discuss the difference in appearance and presentation when it comes to using frozen fruit and vegetables over fresh.
17. Discuss the difference in texture between frozen fruit and vegetables and fresh fruit and vegetables.
18. Identify two cookery methods or techniques commonly used when preparing egg dishes. Include an example of an egg dish for each method used
Cookery Method or technique Example of a dish for that method

19. Identify two cookery methods or techniques commonly used when preparing fruit and vegetable dishes. Include an example of a dish for each method used.
Cookery Method or technique Example of a dish for that method

20. Identify two cookery methods or techniques commonly used when preparing farinaceous dishes. Include a description of how each method is used.
Cookery Method or technique Example of a dish for that method

21. List three sauces commonly used with vegetable dishes.

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22. List three sauces commonly used with pasta dishes.

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23. List three accompaniments commonly served with pasta dishes.

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24. Read the 3 scenarios described below in the box.
Today’s date is 30/07/2022. You have received several items. You are required to explain the following statements:
• Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe what information would be on the stock date/label for each of the product.
• List the expected expiry date/ and/or shelf life left according to each of the product.
• Explain the action taken for each situation: either the storage condition (temperature included) or disposal process.

Today is 30/07/2022 Supplies
What information would be on the stock date code/label? If any/or freshness signs when fresh What would be the expected expiry date? Shelf life? Explain the action taken: either the storage conditions or disposal process.
Delivery date

Delivery date 25/07/2022
A10 tin peaches

Delivery date is 25/07/2022
1 dozen of egg

Production date is today 30/07/2022
Freshly made fettuccine
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Here are the answers to your questions:

Food safety issues to consider when handling and cooking with eggs:
Salmonella is a bacteria that can cause food poisoning. It is found in the intestines of some animals, including chickens. Eggs can become contaminated with salmonella if they come into contact with the animal’s feces. To reduce the risk of salmonella, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling eggs. You should also cook eggs until they are completely cooked through.
E. coli is another bacteria that can cause food poisoning. It is found in the intestines of some animals, including cattle. E. coli can contaminate meat, milk, and other foods that come into contact with the animal’s feces. To reduce the risk of E. coli, it is important to cook meat and poultry thoroughly and to pasteurize milk.
Listeria is a bacteria that can cause food poisoning. It is found in the soil and in some foods, such as unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses. Listeria can also contaminate processed foods, such as deli meats and hot dogs. To reduce the risk of listeria, it is important to cook foods thoroughly and to avoid eating unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses.

Risk reduction strategies:
Code snippet

* **Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling eggs, meat, poultry, and other foods.**
* **Cook eggs until they are completely cooked through.**
* **Pasteurize milk.**
* **Avoid eating unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses.**
* **Cook foods thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, and seafood.**
* **Refrigerate leftovers promptly.**
* **Do not cross-contaminate foods.**
* **Thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces and utensils that come into contact with raw meat, poultry, and seafood.**

Use code with caution. Learn more

How to reduce the risk of contaminants such as e. coli, salmonella, and listeria when handling and cooking with fruit and vegetables:
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling fruit and vegetables.
Scrub fruit and vegetables under running water.
Remove any bruised or damaged areas of fruit and vegetables.
Do not eat raw sprouts.
Cook fruit and vegetables thoroughly, especially leafy greens and root vegetables.
Refrigerate leftovers promptly.

Indicators of fresh, quality fruit and vegetables:
Absence of blemishes

Signs that vegetables have spoiled or have been contaminated:

Signs that pasta has spoiled or has been contaminated:

Storage requirements for the following foods:
Tinned vegetables: Store in a cool, dry place.
Dry pasta and rice: Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.
Fresh pasta: Store in the refrigerator.
Eggs: Store in the refrigerator.
Ripe pineapple: Store at room temperature.
Pumpkin: Store in a cool, dry place.
Sweet potato: Store in a cool, dry place.
Lettuce: Store in the refrigerator.
Strawberries: Store in the refrigerator.
Mushroom: Store in the refrigerator.

Shelf/storage life of the following foods:
Dry pasta: 1 year
Oranges: 2 weeks
Cooked rice: 3-4 days
Hard boiled eggs (in refrigerator): 1 week
Leftover meals containing egg: 3-4 days
Watermelon: 7-10 days
Eggplant: 3-5 days
Fresh peas: 3-5 days
Mushroom: 3-5 days

Egg replacers:
Flaxseed meal: Mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal with 3 tablespoons of water. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then use it as you would use an

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