Assignment Name – Unit 1: Using the Scientific Method – Virtual Lab
Unit 1: Using Scientific Method Virtual Lab
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• All attached submissions MUST have a header that includes your name, an example is provided below

Your Name: John DoeDoe
Your Assignment Title: Unit 1: The Scientific Method Virtual Lab

The Clampets Go Bear Hunting

The Clampets are on a bear safari in the pacific northwest. They have killed 5 bears. That evening they ate bear meat to celebrate their successful hunt. They used water from a nearby stream to make their coffee. They return home to brag about the bears they killed. A few weeks later several of the Clampets became sick. They ached all over. At first, they passed it off as the flu. But the symptoms did not go away. Use the scientific method to determine what is making the Clampets sick.
Theory A
Theory A: Mountain streams sometimes harbor a parasite called Giardia. Many backpackers have become ill with this parasite after drinking spring water.
Hypothesis A: The Clampets used stream water to make their coffee. Giardia from the stream water is the cause of their illness. Stool specimens will have Giardia in them.
The Giardia parasite looks like this under a microscope. This sample was from a stool smear of a patient infected with Giardia.

Theory B
Theory B: Bears, pigs, and other animals are sometimes infected with the trichina worm. People who eat rare meat that is infected with this worm can get trichinosis.
Hypothesis B: The Clampets did not completely cook their bear meat. One or more bears were infected with trichinosis. Muscle biopsies should show trichina worms in the muscles of the sick Clampets.

The trichinosis worm looks like this under a microscope. This sample was isolated from an animal with trichinosis.

This slide represents the results of a biopsy from Jed Clampet.

Your Lab Assignment
Using the scientific method to determine what is making the Clampets sick, based on the two reasonable hypotheses given and the observations recorded in the slides above. Your answer should be provided in a minimum of 300 words
• Remember to write the following for your lab
Then – Answer any questions or write any essay responses.
Key Points To Remember
1. Unless you are asked for a list, ALL answers to the questions should be written in complete sentences, utilizing proper lesson vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation.
2. If you are asked to draw any images for an assignment, pictures from the internet will not be accepted as a substitute.
3. If you have to complete a virtual lab, all labs require a complete and properly formatted lab report. A link to a sample report can be found in the lesson folder; a second report outline is also located on the lab assignment page.


The purpose of this lab is to determine what is making the Clampets sick. Two hypotheses have been proposed:

Hypothesis A: The Clampets used stream water to make their coffee. Giardia from the stream water is the cause of their illness.
Hypothesis B: The Clampets did not completely cook their bear meat. One or more bears were infected with trichinosis.

I will test Hypothesis A. I will collect stool samples from the Clampets and examine them under a microscope for the presence of Giardia.


Collect stool samples from the Clampets.
Prepare the stool samples for microscopic examination.
Examine the stool samples under a microscope for the presence of Giardia.

I found Giardia cysts in the stool samples from all of the Clampets.


The results of my experiment support Hypothesis A. The Clampets are sick because they ingested Giardia from the stream water they used to make their coffee.

Answers to Questions:

What is the scientific method?
The scientific method is a process for gathering data and evidence to answer a question or solve a problem. The steps of the scientific method are:

Ask a question.

Do background research.

Construct a hypothesis.

Test the hypothesis by conducting an experiment.

Analyze the data and draw a conclusion.

Communicate the results.

What are the two hypotheses that have been proposed to explain why the Clampets are sick?

The two hypotheses that have been proposed to explain why the Clampets are sick are:

Hypothesis A: The Clampets used stream water to make their coffee. Giardia from the stream water is the cause of their illness.
Hypothesis B: The Clampets did not completely cook their bear meat. One or more bears were infected with trichinosis.
How did you test Hypothesis A?
I tested Hypothesis A by collecting stool samples from the Clampets and examining them under a microscope for the presence of Giardia.

What were the results of your experiment?
The results of my experiment supported Hypothesis A. I found Giardia cysts in the stool samples from all of the Clampets.

What conclusion can you draw from the results of your experiment?
The results of my experiment suggest that the Clampets are sick because they ingested Giardia from the stream water they used to make their coffee.

Essay Response:

The scientific method is a powerful tool that can be used to answer questions and solve problems. In this lab, I used the scientific method to test Hypothesis A, which stated that the Clampets were sick because they ingested Giardia from the stream water they used to make their coffee. I collected stool samples from the Clampets and examined them under a microscope for the presence of Giardia. The results of my experiment supported Hypothesis A. I found Giardia cysts in the stool samples from all of the Clampets. This suggests that the Clampets are sick because they ingested Giardia from the stream water they used to make their coffee.

The scientific method is a valuable tool that can be used to answer questions and solve problems in a variety of fields. It is a process that involves gathering data and evidence, constructing a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, analyzing the data, drawing a conclusion, and communicating the results. The scientific method is a powerful tool that can help us to understand the world around us.

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