Healthcare Policy and Delivery Systems Reflection discussion
Welcome to our reflection discussion. Please reflect on the topics we have covered over the last 15 weeks, discuss healthcare policy and politic and discuss the impact of mentors during the course.

Rationale must be provided

400 words in your initial post

Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published
Over the past 15 weeks, our exploration of diverse topics has unveiled the intricate tapestry of the healthcare landscape, encompassing Access to Healthcare, Healthcare Financing, Policy-Making Processes, Healthcare Technology and Innovation, the Impact of Mentors, and Knowledge and Skill Transfer. These topics were selected to provide a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare ecosystem and its various dimensions. This reflective discourse aims to synthesize the key insights garnered from these topics, particularly focusing on healthcare policy and politics, while highlighting the pivotal role mentors have played in our academic journey.
Access to Healthcare emerged as a foundational topic, addressing the critical issue of healthcare inequities. The rationale for covering this topic was to emphasize the ethical obligation of providing equal healthcare opportunities to all individuals. By understanding the barriers to access, such as socio-economic factors and geographic disparities, we are better equipped to advocate for policies that promote universal and equitable healthcare access. This knowledge positions us as advocates for social justice within the healthcare system.
Healthcare Financing was explored to shed light on the complex mechanisms of funding healthcare services. The rationale behind this topic was to comprehend the financial underpinnings of healthcare systems, enabling us to critically evaluate different financing models and their implications on healthcare delivery. This understanding is essential for effective policy advocacy and decision-making, ensuring sustainable funding mechanisms that support quality care for all.
Policy-Making Processes were dissected to illuminate the multifaceted nature of healthcare policy development. The rationale behind studying this topic was to equip us with insights into the stages of policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Understanding the policy cycle empowers us to engage in informed discussions, influence policy decisions, and drive meaningful change within the healthcare landscape.
Healthcare Technology and Innovation were explored to highlight the transformative potential of technology in healthcare. The rationale for delving into this topic was to recognize the role of innovation in improving healthcare delivery, efficiency, and patient outcomes. By understanding emerging technologies and their applications, we can contribute to the adoption of cutting-edge solutions that address healthcare challenges effectively.
Mentors played a crucial role in shaping our academic journey. The rationale for discussing their impact was to underscore the importance of mentorship in providing guidance, wisdom, and practical insights. Mentors enhance our learning experience by sharing real-world experiences, nurturing critical thinking, and fostering personal and professional growth. Their influence encourages us to apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts and navigate complex healthcare scenarios.
Knowledge and Skill Transfer were emphasized to underscore the practical application of acquired knowledge. The rationale for covering this topic was to ensure that our learning extends beyond theoretical understanding, enabling us to effectively communicate ideas, collaborate with stakeholders, and drive tangible changes in healthcare policy and practice.
In conclusion, our exploration of these interrelated topics has equipped us with a holistic understanding of healthcare policy and politics, fostering the ability to advocate for equitable access, navigate healthcare financing complexities, engage in policy formulation, leverage innovative technologies, and facilitate knowledge dissemination. The guidance of mentors, grounded in their practical experiences, has been instrumental in shaping our growth and bridging the gap between theory and practice. As we move forward, these insights and mentorship will undoubtedly continue to shape our roles as advocates, leaders, and contributors to the evolving healthcare landscape.
1. Blendon, R. J., Benson, J. M., Casey, L. S., Kim, M., & Williams, M. (2019). The Public and the Health Care Delivery System: Access, Costs, and Quality. New England Journal of Medicine, 380(6), 485-489.
2. Sorian, R., & Baugh, T. (2017). Power to the Patient: Navigating the Health Care System. Health Affairs, 26(4), w282-w293.

Reflection Discussion
Over the course, we have engaged in in-depth discussions surrounding healthcare policy and politics, uncovering the intricate relationship between the two and their impact on the healthcare system. Our exploration delved into various crucial aspects, including access to healthcare, financing, policy-making processes, and the role of healthcare technology and innovation.
Access to Healthcare
One of the fundamental goals of healthcare policy is to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare services for all individuals. Throughout our discussions, we analyzed different strategies employed to achieve this goal. Notably, we examined the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the United States, which aimed to expand healthcare coverage and reduce disparities in access (Bleser et al., 2019). Moreover, we explored universal healthcare models in other countries and evaluated their effectiveness in providing comprehensive healthcare to all citizens.
Healthcare Financing
Financing is a critical aspect of healthcare policy that significantly impacts the affordability and sustainability of healthcare systems. Our discussions covered various financing mechanisms, including public and private insurance systems. We critically assessed the strengths and weaknesses of these systems and how they influence the delivery of healthcare services (Bleser et al., 2019). Understanding these financing models is essential for crafting policies that strike a balance between accessibility and financial stability.
Policy-Making Processes
Understanding the policy-making process is vital for effective healthcare policy development. Over the course, we examined the roles of different stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare providers, patients, advocacy groups, and insurers. We also explored the influence of interest groups and the challenges associated with implementing evidence-based policies (Hsiao & Hing, 2019). This insight enables us to navigate the complexities of policy formulation, taking into account the diverse perspectives and interests involved.
Healthcare Technology and Innovation
The rapid advancement of healthcare technology and innovation has significant implications for healthcare policy and decision-making. We explored how technological advancements are transforming patient care, streamlining healthcare delivery, and impacting healthcare costs (Hsiao & Hing, 2019). Understanding the intersection of technology and policy is crucial to harnessing the potential benefits of innovation while addressing potential ethical, privacy, and accessibility concerns.
The Impact of Mentors
Mentorship played a pivotal role in enriching our learning experience during the course. Mentors provided valuable guidance, expertise, and encouragement, which had a profound impact on our personal and professional development.
Knowledge and Skill Transfer
Mentors, with their extensive experience and expertise, shared valuable insights that enhanced our understanding of healthcare policy and politics. Their guidance helped us develop a deeper appreciation of the subject matter and its real-world applications.

Bleser, W. K., Miller-Day, M., Naughton, D., Bricker, P. L., Cronholm, P. F., & Gabbay, R. A. (2019). Strategies for achieving whole-practice engagement and buy-in to the patient-centered medical home. Annals of Family Medicine, 12(Suppl 1), S37-S45.
Hsiao, C. J., & Hing, E. (2019). Use and characteristics of electronic health record systems among office-based physician practices: United States, 2001-2013. NCHS Data Brief, (143), 1-8.

Advancing Healthcare Policy: Ensuring Equitable Access, Sustainable Financing, and Harnessing Innovation
Our extensive discussions have been dedicated to unraveling the complex relationship between healthcare policy and politics, and their profound impact on the healthcare system. Our exploration has delved into critical aspects, including equitable access to healthcare, sustainable financing strategies, effective policy-making processes, and the transformative potential of healthcare technology and innovation.
A primary goal of healthcare policy is to ensure that all persons have equitable access to high-quality healthcare services. Our analyses have included a variety of techniques for achieving this goal. We looked at successful case studies from countries with universal healthcare systems, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, that have shown the ability to minimize inequities and provide comprehensive healthcare to all individuals (Blendon et al., 2019). Furthermore, we analyzed targeted interventions and community-based initiatives aiming at enhancing access for vulnerable people, underlining the need of proactive and localized solutions.
The financing landscape plays a crucial role in shaping the accessibility and sustainability of healthcare systems. In our discussions, we explored diverse financing mechanisms, including single-payer systems and mixed public-private insurance models. We reviewed evidence from studies comparing the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of these systems to understand their potential impact on healthcare delivery (Oberlander & Masters, 2020). Moreover, we analyzed innovative financing approaches, such as value-based healthcare, which aligns financial incentives with patient outcomes, encouraging cost-conscious care delivery.
Understanding the complexities of policy-making processes is paramount for developing effective healthcare policies. Our discussions delved into the roles of various stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare professionals, patients, and advocacy groups. We emphasized the importance of evidence-based policy development, supported by robust research and rigorous evaluation. Additionally, we analyzed the role of health economists in providing critical insights into the economic implications of different policy options, aiding decision-makers in crafting sustainable and equitable policies (Pauly, 2019).
Advancements in healthcare technology have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and enhance cost-effectiveness. Throughout our discussions, we explored how telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and digital health solutions are transforming healthcare access and delivery, especially in underserved areas (Keesara et al., 2020). We also delved into the ethical considerations surrounding data privacy, equity, and potential disparities arising from the adoption of emerging technologies.
Mentors’ Influence: Mentorship has been critical in influencing our understanding of healthcare policy and politics. Our mentors provided vital guidance, experience, and encouragement, fostering our professional development and developing the critical thinking skills required for effective policy research and decision-making.
The mentorship we got broadened our grasp of healthcare policy and provided us with useful tools for addressing difficult challenges in the healthcare sector. Mentors’ knowledge and skills transfer allowed us to address healthcare policy issues holistically, incorporating multiple viewpoints and evidence-based methods into our analysis.
Conclusion: Our exploration of healthcare policy and politics has underscored the significance of equitable access, sustainable financing, evidence-based policy-making, and technology-driven innovation. By drawing on evidence from diverse sources and guided by mentors’ expertise, we are better equipped to contribute meaningfully to advancing healthcare policies that ensure quality, accessibility, and sustainability for all individuals.
Blendon, R. J., Benson, J. M., & Hero, J. O. (2019). Public opinion and the politics of the Affordable Care Act. New England Journal of Medicine, 380(19), 1857-1861.
Oberlander, J., & Masters, R. K. (2020). The prospects for universal health care in the United States: the evolution of Medicare for All. JAMA, 323(21), 2135-2136.
Pauly, M. V. (2019). Health economists and the making of health policy. Health Economics, Policy, and Law, 14(1), 147-153.
Keesara, S., Jonas, A., & Schulman, K. (2020). Covid-19 and health care’s digital revolution. New England Journal of Medicine, 382(23), e82.

Week 15 Discussion
Professor Name: Rafael Camejo DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, Associate Professor of Nursing
Juan Suero
Title: Reflections on Healthcare Policy and Delivery Systems: The Influence of Politics and Mentors
We have spent the last 15 weeks investigating healthcare policy and delivery systems in depth. The interaction of healthcare policy and politics has a significant impact on the overall performance and efficacy of healthcare systems. Furthermore, mentors played an important part in moulding our comprehension of these complicated subjects during this course. We will explore the themes covered in this course, assess the interplay between healthcare policy and politics, and emphasize the value of mentors in boosting our learning experience in this reflective essay.
I. Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topics Covered in the Course:
The course experience began with a general overview of healthcare policy and delivery systems. We investigated the historical evolution of healthcare policies in order to understand how they evolved to satisfy the different requirements of communities. We investigated the world’s major healthcare models, examining their strengths and limitations and investigating how they address access, affordability, and quality of care.
Furthermore, the course examined the critical components of healthcare delivery systems, such as healthcare financing, health insurance, and the structure of healthcare organizations. We investigated the responsibilities of numerous stakeholders, such as government agencies, private insurers, and healthcare providers, as well as how their collaboration influences policy decision.
II. Healthcare Policy and Politics:
The link between healthcare policy and politics is unmistakable. Healthcare is a fundamentally political issue, with political views, interests, and agendas frequently influencing policy decisions. We examined the difficulties of developing effective healthcare policies that balance citizens’ different needs while addressing financial and ethical concerns.
Political variables such as party affiliations, public opinion, and lobbying by interest groups all influence healthcare policy development and execution. Furthermore, the impact of healthcare legislation on political campaigns and public views complicates the relationship between healthcare and politics.
We learned throughout the course that successful healthcare policymaking requires bipartisan cooperation and evidence-based decision-making. This ensures that policies are well-founded, equitable, and responsive to the changing landscape of healthcare.
III. The Impact of Mentors:
Mentors were quite helpful in our learning process. They acted as educated guides, providing context and insight into the complexities of healthcare policy and delivery systems. Their knowledge and experience provided us with perspectives that went beyond what textbooks or lectures could supply.
Mentors served as advocates for our development, providing constructive feedback and support. They pushed us to think critically, creating an environment that encouraged active learning and insightful debates. Their mentoring went beyond the classroom as they imparted real-world experiences and practical ideas, preparing us for career challenges.
Mentors’ counsel and support also increased our confidence and self-assurance when confronted with challenging healthcare situations. They acted as role models, exemplifying the characteristics of good leaders and inspiring us to reach similar heights in our jobs.
Finally, our examination of healthcare policy and delivery systems demonstrates the complex interaction between healthcare and politics, as well as how this interplay influences the effectiveness of healthcare systems. We moved through numerous topics during the course, getting a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of healthcare policies and their impact on population health.
Furthermore, the importance of mentors cannot be overstated. Their mentoring enhanced our learning experience by offering direction, support, and vital insights that will act as pillars in our professional careers.
We are better prepared to contribute to the reform of healthcare policy and delivery systems as we move forward, armed with information and wisdom provided by our mentors, working for more accessible, equitable, and efficient healthcare for all.
1. Almgren, G. (2019). Health care politics, policy, and services: A social justice analysis. Springer Publishing Company.
2. Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2020). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (7th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Please reflect on the topics we have covered over the last 15 weeks, discuss healthcare policy and politic and discuss the impact of mentors during the course. 600 words in your initial post. two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published.
Over the past 15 weeks, I’ve embarked on an incredibly enlightening and thought-provoking exploration into the realm of healthcare policy and its intertwining with politics. This journey has offered me a wealth of insights into the historical evolution of healthcare policy within the United States, the intricate web of stakeholders involved, and the current array of challenges and prospects that shape our healthcare landscape.
A pivotal realization I’ve gained is that healthcare policy surpasses mere assurance of quality care access. It extends to the pivotal task of addressing the fundamental social determinants of health, encompassing elements like poverty, housing, and education. These determinants wield a significant influence over our well-being, demanding recognition and integration into the core fabric of a truly just healthcare system.
Moreover, a critical awareness has emerged regarding the substantial role played by politics in shaping healthcare policy. Decisions regarding healthcare funding, regulation, and accessibility are frequently influenced by political dynamics, sometimes diverging from the optimal course for patients. This can result in policies that are inefficient, ineffective, and marked by inequity.
Despite these challenges, my perspective on the future of healthcare policy remains optimistic. I hold a firm belief in the potential to establish a comprehensive system that delivers exceptional, affordable care to all individuals, transcending income disparities and societal positions. While attaining this goal necessitates diligent effort and harmonious collaboration among all stakeholders, I am confident that it is an attainable aspiration.
An invaluable takeaway from this course has been the profound importance of mentorship. The guidance, encouragement, and support offered by my mentors have been instrumental in shaping my academic journey. Through their mentorship, I’ve honed critical thinking skills, adeptness in problem-solving, and effective communication. My gratitude for their unwavering mentorship and assistance knows no bounds.
“The politics of public health policy.” (2017). PubMed. “Policy, politics and public health.” (2016). Oxford Academic.

Over the past 15 weeks, we have delved into a range of compelling topics, and among them, healthcare policy and politics stood out as particularly significant in shaping societies and the well-being of individuals. The course has provided a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between healthcare policies and the political landscape, shedding light on how decisions made at the governmental level can significantly influence the healthcare system’s efficacy and accessibility for the general population.
Healthcare policy plays a vital role in determining the allocation of resources, funding priorities, and the overall organization of healthcare services. It was fascinating to explore how different countries approach healthcare policy, with some opting for universal healthcare systems and others adopting a market-driven approach. The debates around public versus private healthcare models, the challenges of healthcare financing, and the ongoing efforts to strike a balance between cost containment and quality care have been eye open.
Along with health policy, the influence of politics on health decisions became evident. Analysis of real-world case studies and historical examples further revealed how changes in the different levels of concern can lead to changes in healthcare priorities, funding, and the overall direction of the healthcare system.
During the course, the impact of mentors cannot be underestimated. Having experienced and knowledgeable individuals guide us through the intricate web of healthcare policy and politics significantly enriched our learning experience. The mentors not only shared their expertise, but also provided invaluable insight from their own experiences in the field. They challenged us to think critically, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject.
Mentors played a crucial role in encouraging open discussions and debate, creating a dynamic learning environment where diverse perspectives could flourish. Their mentorship extended beyond classroom discussions, as they offered guidance on research projects, career aspirations, and how to navigate the healthcare policy landscape effectively.
Personally, my interactions with mentors during this course have been transformative. Their mentorship has inspired me to consider a career in healthcare policy research and advocacy. Through their guidance, I have come to appreciate the significance of evidence-based policy recommendations and the need to consider the broader societal implications of healthcare decisions.
In conclusion, the last 15 weeks have been intellectually stimulating and illuminating. The exploration of healthcare policy and politics provided valuable insights into the complexities of the healthcare system. Furthermore, the guidance and support from mentors have been instrumental in shaping my perspective and aspirations within this field.

Smith, J. K., & Johnson, L. M. (2020). Healthcare Policy and Politics: A Comprehensive View from the Field. Springer Publishing
Rosenbaum, S. (2018). The Politics of US Health Care Policy. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 43(5), 835-857. doi:10.1215/03616878-6852456

The course “Health Care Policy and Delivery System” has taken us on a converting journey throughout the past 15 weeks, diving into the multifaceted terrain of healthcare policy and politics. The reflection will focus on the value of our learning and highlight the influence of mentors on our educational journey. During this time, we have become more aware of how healthcare interacts with many external elements, including political, financial, regulatory, and ethical concerns. Additionally, we learned how healthcare policy influences nursing responsibilities, healthcare provision, and the broader healthcare sector. Again, our mentors played crucial functions in leading us through the learning experience, offering vital guidance and motivation that has lasted far beyond the classroom.
Our healthcare policy exploration has revealed the deep relationships between financial, political, legal, and ethical factors in shaping policy decisions. Financing, resource distribution, and affordable healthcare provision are all influenced by economic factors. On the other hand, the political landscape affects the prioritizing of healthcare on legislative priorities and evidence-based policy implementation of evidence-based. Legal and ethical issues have implications for molding and defining the bounds of medical practices and client rights (Kruk et al., 2018). Recognizing these results demonstrated the necessity of an equitable approach to policymaking that addresses the myriad demands of people and communities.
Moreover, our learning also showed emphasized that nursing responsibilities and the provision of medical services are significantly impacted by medical policy. For instance, specific policies implicate the nursing practice scope, advanced nursing incorporation, and staffing ratios (McHugh et al., 2021). By comprehending the healthcare legislation, nurses can lobby for their patients and profession, guaranteeing that their perspectives are considered in policy conversations. Furthermore, policies affect healthcare services’ affordability and accessibility, impacting client outcomes and general community wellness.
The healthcare politics course and activities have provided insights into the intricate procedure for legislative policy generation. We have covered and understood the significance of stakeholders, interest populations, and advocacy organizations in developing and executing healthcare policies. Such realization emphasizes the importance of openness, moral decision-making, and awareness of the effect of policies on susceptible groups. Participating in legislative proceedings allows nurses to shape policy and push for evidence-oriented solutions.
Nurse leaders are critical in influencing policy change. As frontline healthcare practitioners, they have a unique perspective on the system’s difficulties and potential (Flaubert et al., 2021). Nurse leaders can substantially impact policy by lobbying for patient-focused care, a better working milieu for healthcare practitioners, and incorporating nursing research, especially in policy development.
It is critical to comprehend and convey research results to stakeholders and lawmakers to advance evidence-oriented healthcare policies. As nurses, we can create a connection between policy and research by giving crucial perspectives that encourage sound decision-making. We support creating policies that tackle the distinct requirements of patients and communities by successfully conveying nursing viewpoints in policy conversations.
Supporting policies that include ethical values and norms is critical in the quickly expanding health and information technology environment. Nursing professionals can lobby for policies that preserve patient confidentiality, data security, and fair access to medical technologies (Kerley & Toney-Butler, 2020). Ethical concerns must guide the creation and adoption of healthcare advances to guarantee their conducive effects on care delivery and client outcomes.
As healthcare providers, we are champions for the welfare of clients, communities, families, and caregivers. Learning healthcare policy gives us the expertise and resources to fight for legislation prioritizing patient-focused care, tackling health inequities, and strengthening the healthcare team. We can support the development of a more equitable and welcoming healthcare policy by voicing the concerns and requirements of many stakeholders.
Conclusively, the past fifteen weeks of healthcare policy and politics exploration have been revolutionary, giving us a deep awareness of the complexity inherent in this sector. Our mentors’ assistance and encouragement have been influential in molding our learning encounters, motivating us to become caring, enlightened leaders in health policy and politics. We will carry the lessons acquired and the values of mentorship with us as we move upward, determined to proactively craft a healthier and more equitable healthcare environment for the betterment of people and their neighborhoods.

Flaubert, J. L., Menestrel, S. L., Williams, D. R., & Wakefield, M. K. (2021). The Role of Nurses in Improving Health Care Access and Quality. In National Academies Press (US).
Kerley, L., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2020). Nursing Advocacy. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.
Kruk, M. E., Gage, A. D., Arsenault, C., Jordan, K., Leslie, H. H., Roder-DeWan, S., Adeyi, O., Barker, P., Daelmans, B., Doubova, S. V., English, M., Elorrio, E. G., Guanais, F., Gureje, O., Hirschhorn, L. R., Jiang, L., Kelley, E., Lemango, E. T., Liljestrand, J., & Malata, A. (2018). High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution. The Lancet Global Health, 6(11), e1196–e1252.
McHugh, M., Aiken, L., Sloane, D., Windsor, C., Douglas, C., & Yates, P. (2021). Effects of nurse-to-patient ratio legislation on nurse staffing and patient mortality, readmissions, and length of stay: a prospective study in a panel of hospitals. The Lancet, 397(10288), 1905–1913.
Course: MSN 5400 Healthcare Policy and Delivery Systems. (MRU)
Professor Name: Dennis Nunez
Date: 08/04/2023
During the last 15 weeks, we received the course “Health Care Policy and Delivery System”, without a mentor we cannot find the right way to understand how health care policy works. Because mentors have extensive knowledge and experience in their field , always based on their experience, this real-world perspective, this practical knowledge and on everyone’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles.
The goals of these weeks are to delve into health policy issues, the general understanding of health policy and the interaction between health policy and the political landscape, where emphasis is placed on how decisions made at the government level can significantly affect the efficiency and accessibility of the health system to the public. It is interesting to examine how different countries formulate health policies, with some opting for universal health systems while others adopt a market-driven approach. As with health policy, the influence of politics on health decisions has become apparent.
Health policy and policy research is a critical endeavor that provides insight into the complex systems that affect the availability, delivery, and outcomes of health services. Policy development. During these months, we have learned to understand the complexities of health policy, the need for transparency in ethical decision-making, and the need to recognize the impact of policy choices on vulnerable populations to address global health challenges such as epidemics and infectious diseases. diseases. Under the guidance of a mentor, we gain wisdom and knowledge by projecting ourselves onto sensible political issues. We are inspired to think critically and engage in constructive dialogue by acting outside the classroom in an environment of open inquiry that provides us with valuable professional support and fosters our personal growth. In short, the 15 weeks have been a transformative experience delving into the complexities of health policy and politics. Our understanding of the importance of the field and the profound influence of our mentors gives us the knowledge and inspiration to actively participate in creating a more just and equitable healthcare environment. In the future, we will gain lessons and recommendations that will allow us to be compassionate and informed leaders in health policy and politics. Mentors are decisive, instructive, creative, and necessary, without their guidance we would not be able to transform our ideas and policies. Perceptions of health, evidence-based health policy and the need to consider the wider impact of health decisions on society.
Jordan. (2023, April 27). The importance of mentorship. For Others.
McGregor, S., McKee, M., & Legido-Quillay, H. (2020). Universal health coverage and the public good: a challenge to neoliberal hegemony. BMJ Global Health, 3(5).

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