Contemporary Public Health Issue
Although the United States is among the wealthiest nations in the world, it is far from being the healthiest. Life expectancy and survival rates in the United States have improved dramatically over the past century, but Americans have shorter lifespans and experience more illness than people in other high-income countries. This assignment gives you an opportunity to put together what you have learned in this course, including, but not limited to:

public health policy, policymaking process, and law;
public health and the legal system;
individual and human rights in public health; and
social justice, ethics and public health policy.
Choose a contemporary public health issue (e.g., bioterrorism, gun violence, or natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires), its impact on public health, and strategies for mitigating and managing it once the issue occurs.

Following APA guidelines, create a PowerPoint presentation of 17-20 slides (plus title and reference slides) on the contemporary public health issue you have chosen and a human rights ethical dilemma. You will present this work to a team of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials tasked with developing global policies for addressing the impact of contemporary public health issues around the world.

Your presentation should assess:

The human rights concerns associated with the selected issues in public health policy,
The conflicts of interest between public health policies and your selected emerging public health issue, and
The gaps in the current health law that apply to the contemporary public health concern you selected with recommended suitable policy interventions to address the selected contemporary public health issue.
A relevant policy evaluation model you can employ to determine the best possible policy solution to the human rights concern.
Your assignment must be supported with evidence from three to five peer-reviewed references, two of which must be from the CSU Online Library and no more than five years old.

All content must follow APA guidelines, including all sources used, which must be cited and referenced according to APA standards found in the APA Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide l

Ensure your presentation includes visuals such as images and graphics to supplement your message. These images or graphics must be cited according to APA standards as well. Your title and reference slides do not count toward the total slide requirement.

As a part of the presentation, you are encouraged to use the speaker notes section for the content slides to reinforce your presentation.

Title: Contemporary Public Health Issue: Gun Violence in the United States

Slide 1: Title Slide

Contemporary Public Health Issue: Gun Violence in the United States
Impact on Public Health and Strategies for Mitigation
Slide 2: Introduction

Overview of the United States as a wealthy nation with health disparities
Importance of addressing gun violence as a public health issue
Slide 3: Human Rights Concerns

Right to life and security
Right to health and well-being
Impact of gun violence on these rights
Slide 4: Conflicts of Interest

Challenges in balancing individual rights and public health
Gun control policies and individual gun ownership rights
Public health benefits vs. individual liberties
Slide 5: Gaps in Current Health Law

Insufficient federal regulation on firearms
Loopholes in background check systems
Inadequate restrictions on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons
Slide 6: Recommended Policy Interventions

Strengthening federal firearm regulations
Implementing comprehensive background checks
Banning high-capacity magazines and assault weapons
Slide 7: Recommended Policy Interventions (contd.)

Promoting responsible gun ownership and safe storage practices
Funding and supporting research on gun violence prevention
Implementing community-based violence prevention programs
Slide 8: Policy Evaluation Model: PESTLE Analysis

Political factors
Economic factors
Social factors
Technological factors
Legal factors
Environmental factors
Slide 9: PESTLE Analysis: Political Factors

Influence of political ideologies and lobbying groups
Political will for gun control measures
Impact of election cycles on policy development
Slide 10: PESTLE Analysis: Economic Factors

Costs of gun violence on healthcare system
Economic burden on affected individuals and communities
Economic impact of implementing gun control policies
Slide 11: PESTLE Analysis: Social Factors

Public opinion on gun control
Influence of cultural and social norms related to firearms
Impact of gun violence on community well-being
Slide 12: PESTLE Analysis: Technological Factors

Advances in firearms technology
Impact of technological advancements on gun violence
Opportunities for implementing technology-based solutions
Slide 13: PESTLE Analysis: Legal Factors

Review of existing federal and state laws related to firearms
Judicial interpretations and court decisions
Implications for policy development
Slide 14: PESTLE Analysis: Environmental Factors

Impact of gun violence on community environments
Link between gun violence and social determinants of health
Consideration of environmental context in policy interventions
Slide 15: Policy Recommendations

Comprehensive federal legislation on gun control
Collaborative efforts between federal and state governments
Research-informed policies and evidence-based interventions
Slide 16: Policy Recommendations (contd.)

Addressing mental health issues and improving access to care
Engaging communities and promoting grassroots initiatives
International collaborations for knowledge exchange and best practices
Slide 17: Conclusion

Recap of human rights concerns, conflicts of interest, and gaps in health law
Summary of recommended policy interventions and policy evaluation model
Importance of addressing gun violence as a public health issue

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