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An introduction and a conclusion are required for Assessment 3; Please include how the elements of the CRAP test (Currency, Reliability, Authority and Purpose) have been applied to your peer-reviewed journal articles. Include this information in an Appendix at the end of your assessment;
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Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the factors that have contributed to the professional status of nursing today.
Prescribed article:
van der Cingel, M., & Brouwer, J. (2021). What makes a nurse today? A debate on the nursing professional identity and its need for change. Nursing Philosophy, 22(2), 1-7. https://doi.Org/10.llll/nup.l 2343
For this assessment, you are to address the following two sections:
• Review the prescribed peer-reviewed journal article (link located in the Assessment 3 Resources box below) and describe two factors that have contributed to the professional status of nursing today.
• Utilising the CRAP test, locate two additional peer-reviewed journal articles that support the two factors you identified in the previous section and include these as part of your discussion (one article for each factor). These peer-reviewed journal articles should not be opinion pieces or editorials and must be published after January 2016.



The prescribed article by van der Cingel and Brouwer (2021) identifies two key factors that have contributed to the professional status of nursing today. First, the authors note the importance of nursing education moving from hospital-based apprenticeships to degree-level university programs starting in the 1960s. This formalization of nursing education helped establish nursing as an academic discipline and profession in its own right.
To support this, I found an article by Aiken et al. (2017) published in the American Journal of Nursing. Through a longitudinal study across multiple countries, they found higher levels of education among nurses was associated with lower patient mortality and higher patient satisfaction (Aiken et al., 2017). This provides evidence that advancing nursing education has tangible benefits for patient outcomes and care quality, strengthening nursing’s professional status.
The second factor highlighted by van der Cingel and Brouwer (2021) is the development of nursing theory and models of care. They discuss how nursing scholars such as Nightingale, Henderson, Newman and Watson established theoretical foundations for the practice of nursing.
This is echoed in a study by Parker and Smith (2010) in the International Nursing Review which examined the impact of nursing theory on practice. They found theory allows nurses to better understand patient needs, make evidence-based decisions, and articulate the value of nursing interventions (Parker & Smith, 2010). Having a distinct theoretical body of knowledge is another factor that elevates nursing’s professional standing.
In summary, formalizing nursing education at university level and developing nursing-specific theories have both significantly contributed to nursing gaining professional recognition and status today. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!
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The professional status of nursing today is influenced by various factors, such as education, work environment, role models, and public perception. In this article, we will describe how these factors contribute to the development and recognition of nursing as a profession.

Education is one of the key factors that shape the professional identity of nurses. Higher education levels, such as bachelor’s or master’s degrees, can enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of nurses, as well as their critical thinking and research abilities. According to a cross-sectional study in China, nursing interns with a higher education level reported a lower level of professional identity, which may indicate that they have higher expectations and standards for their profession . Therefore, nursing educators need to pay attention to the needs and aspirations of these students and provide them with adequate support and guidance.

Work environment is another important factor that affects the professional status of nursing. A positive work environment can foster a sense of belonging, respect, and collaboration among nurses and other health professionals. It can also facilitate the implementation of evidence-based practice and patient safety initiatives. A qualitative study in Norway found that nurses who participated in a patient safety programme experienced a heightened perceived professional status, as they felt more valued and trusted by their colleagues and managers . The study also suggested that the patient safety programme involved activities that were more aligned with the ‘cure’ discourse than the traditional ‘care’ work within nursing, which may have contributed to the increased recognition of nursing as a profession.

Role models are another factor that can influence the professional identity of nurses. Role models are experienced and competent nurses who can inspire, mentor, and motivate novice or aspiring nurses. They can also demonstrate the values, attitudes, and behaviors that are expected from a professional nurse. A preprint study in Ethiopia found that the presence of up-to-date trainings was significantly associated with professionalism in nursing . This implies that role models can help nurses to update their knowledge and skills and to adopt best practices in their work.

Public perception is the last factor that we will discuss in this article. Public perception refers to how the society views and values the nursing profession. It can affect the self-esteem, satisfaction, and retention of nurses, as well as their ability to advocate for their profession. Public perception is influenced by various sources, such as media, education, culture, and personal experience. A literature review found that public perception of nursing was often based on stereotypes or misconceptions, such as nursing being a female-dominated, subordinate, or low-skilled occupation . The review also suggested that nurses can improve the public perception of their profession by increasing their visibility, engaging with the media, educating the public, and collaborating with other health professionals.

In conclusion, the professional status of nursing today is shaped by multiple factors, such as education, work environment, role models, and public perception. These factors can have positive or negative effects on the development and recognition of nursing as a profession. Therefore, it is important for nurses to be aware of these factors and to take actions to enhance their professional identity and status.

Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited

: Heldal F., Kongsvik T., Håland E. (2019). Advancing the status of nursing: reconstructing professional nursing identity through patient safety work. BMC Health Services Research 19:418.

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: Adams D.L., Miller B.K. (2001). Current factors contributing to professionalism in nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing 17(5):226-232.

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