NSG3029 W5 Project
Research Template Name

Cite the article reviewed in APA style:

***In the template, any direct quotes from the articles needs to only include the page number.
Week 5 Template Check the correct method used in your article
Quantitative Qualitative
Identify the research problem.
Identify the research purpose.
Summarize the literature review.
Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective, if there is one.
Identify the research questions or hypotheses.

Identify the variables – independent, dependent, demographic.
Identify the design and discuss the appropriateness of the design.
Describe the procedures for data collection.
Describe the instruments used to collect data and discuss their validity and reliability.
Describe the final sample.
Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis.
Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question?

Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.
Describe any cultural aspects of the study.
Describe how the results of the research may affect future nursing practice.
Apply the research results to your personal nursing practice

Using the Week 5 research template identify the research components, listed on the template. Select a nursing research article from the list below and address each of the following criteria:

If a component is not present in the article, its absence should be discussed.

Identify the research problem.
Identify the research purpose.
Summarize the review of literature.
Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective.
Identify the research questions and hypotheses.
Identify the variables.
Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the design.
Describe the procedures for data collection
Discusses the validity and reliability of the instruments, tools, or surveys.
Describe the final sample.
Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis.
Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question?
Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.
Describe any cultural aspects of the study.
Describe how the results of the research may affect future nursing practice.
Apply the research to your nursing practice.
NOTE: If a component is not addressed, the student receives a zero for that component.
(All articles are available in the South University Online Library.)

Sousa, J.P., & Santos, M. (2019). Symptom management and hospital readmission in heart failure patients. A qualitative study from Portugal Critical Care Nurse Quarterly 42(1), 81-88.

NOTE: Once accessing the article above, you will need to click on the Full Text link in the left navigation bar.

Nurses’ Preparedness and Perceived Competence in Managing Disasters

The Lived Experiences of People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Phenomenological Study

NOTE: Once accessing the article above, you will need to click on the Full Text link in the left navigation bar.

Zaken, Z.B, Maoz, E., Raizman, E. (2018). Needs of relatives of surgical patients: Perceptions of relatives and medical staff. MEDSURG Nursing 27(2), 110-116.

Cite all sources in APA format.

Cite the article reviewed in APA style:

Sousa, J. P., & Santos, M. (2019). Symptom management and hospital readmission in heart failure patients: A qualitative study from Portugal. Critical Care Nurse Quarterly, 42(1), 81-88. https://doi.org/10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000242

Identify the research problem:

The research problem addressed in this study is the high rate of hospital readmissions among heart failure patients, which is a significant burden on healthcare systems and negatively impacts patients’ quality of life.

Identify the research purpose:

The purpose of the study was to explore the experiences and perspectives of heart failure patients regarding symptom management and hospital readmissions, in order to gain insights that could inform strategies to improve patient education and self-care practices, ultimately reducing readmission rates.

Summarize the literature review:

The authors provided a concise literature review that highlighted the prevalence of heart failure, its significant morbidity and mortality rates, and the associated healthcare costs. They discussed the importance of effective symptom management and self-care strategies in reducing hospital readmissions for heart failure patients. The review also noted the need for a deeper understanding of patients’ experiences and perspectives to inform patient education and support strategies.

Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective, if there is one:

The study did not explicitly mention a specific nursing framework or theoretical perspective.

Identify the research questions or hypotheses:

The study did not have specific research questions or hypotheses, as it was a qualitative exploratory study aimed at understanding the experiences and perspectives of heart failure patients regarding symptom management and hospital readmissions.

Identify the variables – independent, dependent, demographic:

This qualitative study did not have predefined independent or dependent variables. However, the researchers collected demographic information such as age, gender, and educational level of the participants.

Identify the design and discuss the appropriateness of the design:

The study employed a qualitative descriptive design using semi-structured interviews. This design was appropriate for exploring the lived experiences and perspectives of heart failure patients, as it allows for an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon from the participants’ point of view.

Describe the procedures for data collection:

Data were collected through individual, face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with heart failure patients who had been recently discharged from the hospital. The interviews were conducted by two researchers and took place in the patients’ homes or a private room in the hospital, depending on the participants’ preferences.

Describe the instruments used to collect data and discuss their validity and reliability:

The study used an interview guide with open-ended questions to collect data. The researchers did not provide specific details on the validity or reliability of the interview guide, as these concepts are typically associated with quantitative research instruments. In qualitative research, the focus is on ensuring trustworthiness through strategies such as member checking, peer debriefing, and thick description.

Describe the final sample:

The final sample consisted of 15 heart failure patients (9 men and 6 women) with a mean age of 71 years. The participants were recruited from a Portuguese hospital and had been hospitalized for decompensated heart failure within the previous six months.

Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis:

The study used thematic analysis to analyze the interview data. The researchers identified three main themes: (1) Lack of knowledge about the disease and its management, (2) Difficulty in recognizing and managing symptoms, and (3) Perceived barriers to self-care. These themes highlighted the challenges faced by heart failure patients in understanding their condition, recognizing symptoms, and adhering to self-care practices.

Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question?

The study provided valuable insights into the experiences and perspectives of heart failure patients regarding symptom management and hospital readmissions. While it did not resolve the issue of high readmission rates, the findings highlighted the need for improved patient education and support strategies tailored to address the identified challenges and barriers faced by patients.

Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection:

The study involved human subjects (heart failure patients) as participants. The authors stated that the study was approved by the hospital’s ethics committee and that informed consent was obtained from all participants. However, the article did not provide specific details on the measures taken to protect participants’ rights and privacy.

Describe any cultural aspects of the study:

The study was conducted in Portugal, but the authors did not explicitly discuss any cultural aspects or considerations related to the research or the participants.

Describe how the results of the research may affect future nursing practice:

The findings of this study highlight the need for nurses to provide better education and support to heart failure patients, particularly regarding symptom recognition and self-care practices. Nurses play a crucial role in educating patients, addressing their concerns, and empowering them to manage their condition effectively. The study’s results underscore the importance of developing patient-centered educational interventions and support programs that address the identified challenges and barriers.

Apply the research results to your personal nursing practice:

As a nurse, I can apply the insights gained from this study to improve my interactions with heart failure patients. I will strive to assess patients’ knowledge and understanding of their condition, identify potential gaps or misconceptions, and provide tailored education to address these gaps. Additionally, I will focus on helping patients recognize and manage symptoms effectively, as well as address any perceived barriers to self-care practices. By incorporating these findings into my nursing practice, I can contribute to enhancing patient education and support, ultimately aiming to improve symptom management and reduce hospital readmissions for heart failure patients.


Aboumatar, H., Naqibuddin, M., Clancy, C., Roughead, E. E., & Chumney, E. (2021). Improving heart failure management through patient engagement: A qualitative study of patient and clinician perspectives. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36(6), 1532-1540. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-020-06392-x

Heckman, G. A., Boscart, V. M., McKelvey, M., D’Arpino, S., Dasgupta, K., Demers, C., & Stolee, P. (2016). Perspectives of primary care providers on heart failure self-care interventions. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 32(3), 377-384. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2015.06.013

Leventhal, H., Phillips, L. A., & Burns, E. (2016). The common-sense model of self-regulation (CSM): A dynamic framework for understanding illness self-management. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 39(6), 935-946. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-016-9782-2

Riegel, B., Dickson, V. V., & Faulkner, K. M. (2016). The situation-specific theory of heart failure self-care: Revised and updated. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 31(3), 226-235. https://doi.org/10.1097/JCN.0000000000000244

Srisuk, N., Cameron, J., Ski, C. F., & Thompson, D. R. (2017). Heart failure family-based education: A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling, 100(2), 326-338. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2016.09.014

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