After reviewing Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following;

How do family, friends, and community influence individual health and lifestyle? Identify at least 3 positive and 3 negative effects.

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Community Health Nursing: Discussion 5
Individual Health and Lifestyle Effects
Being healthy does not imply that a person is free of infirmity or disease, but rather that he or she is in complete social, physical, and mental well-being. A person’s lifestyle is frequently defined by the advantages gained from following a specific rule. Nonetheless, numerous factors in a person’s life can shape them during the growth process. These factors include the general community in which an individual lives or is raised, the family in which an individual was raised, and friends with whom they grow up. A family is one of the most important aspects of a person’s growth process. A child learns how to socialize and interact with other people and the environment as they grow. As a result, a family is critical in providing the foundation for a child’s socialization and interaction. A child can learn important family values, decision-making processes, and principles. Despite the difficulties of raising children, most families strive to teach them better health and lifestyle habits (Smith & Segal 2020).
A friend, on the other hand, is someone who knows a person’s flaws, trusts them, and accepts them for who they are. It is critical to have friends as one grows because they help to prevent loneliness and isolation. Furthermore, they aid in the development of self-esteem, confidence, and social identity (Dutot, 2020). However, if a person chooses the wrong friends, it can lead to negative health outcomes such as stress and anxiety. The groups or individuals with whom an individual associates define a certain percentage of their lifestyle and health. Friends are the most influential, especially during the adolescent years, and the type of friends one has can have positive or negative consequences.

A community is made up of people who share common interests or characteristics and live in a larger society. A positive-growth community expects individuals to have a reasonable impact on others. This allows for the development of a sense of belonging regardless of socioeconomic status. As a result, such communities can have an impact on an individual’s health and lifestyle.
The positive effects of families, friends, and the community
1. Family, friends, and communities lay the groundwork for good health and a healthier lifestyle through shared empowerment and ownership, positive networks and associations, opportunities for social participation and connections, and community connection and cohesion (Rector & Stanley, 2021).
2. Better families, friends, and community can increase an individual’s sense of purpose and belonging because positive family, group, and community values guide an individual to engage in appropriate lifestyles and health-promoting behaviors.
3. Strong family, friend, and community connections reduce stress, increase happiness, promote self-growth and self-confidence, and encourage individuals to avoid or change unhealthy lifestyle habits.
The negative effects on families, friends, and the community
1. A person’s lifestyle and health habits can suffer as a result of poor decision-making skills instilled by a lack of family, group, and community values (Nomaguchi & Milkie, 2020).
2. A poor family upbringing, bad friends, and poor community values can all contribute to an individual adopting a bad lifestyle and health behavior such as smoking, robbery, and alcoholism.
3. Negative family and community norms can prevent individuals from thinking clearly for themselves, resulting in poor lifestyle choices and mental health. According to Bodden and Dekovi (2016), high HPA-axis dysregulation risks are passed down through risky families (over/under-regulation, aggression, and a lack of warmth). As a result, children have poor physical, mental, and social health.

Jacobs, W., Barry, A. E., Xu, L., & Valente, T. W. (2016). Hispanic/Latino Adolescents’ Alcohol Use: Influence of Family Structure, Perceived Peer Norms, and Family Members’ Alcohol Use. American Journal of Health Education, 47(4), 253–261.
Mönkediek, B., & Bras, H. (2018). Family Systems and Fertility Intentions: Exploring the Pathways of Influence. European Journal of Population, 34(1), 33–57.
Bodden, D. H., & Deković, M. (2016). Multiproblem families referred to youth mental health: What’s in a name?. Family process, 55(1), 31-47. to an external site.
Dutot, V. (2020). A social identity perspective of social media’s impact on satisfaction with life. Psychology & Marketing, 37(6), 759-772. to an external site.
Nomaguchi, K., & Milkie, M. A. (2020). Parenthood and well‐being: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(1), 198-223. to an external site.
Rector, C., & Stanley, M. J. (2021). Community and public health nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Smith, M., & Segal, J. (2020, November). Grandparents raising grandchildren. HelpWrite My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers –
Family, friends, and community can have both positive and negative influences on individual health and lifestyles. Family, especially, can play a vital role in shaping our health and lifestyle choices. Family systems can provide a source of support, positive values, and practices associated with healthy habits. For instance, the norms and values within a family can encourage healthy habits like eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and following medical appointments. According to Nomaguchi and Milkie (2020), parenthood can also have a positive impact on well-being. Grandparenting can also have positive effects, with grandparents raising their grandchildren providing love and stability, especially in difficult circumstances (Smith & Segal, 2020).

However, negative effects can also occur as a result of family, friends, and community influences. For instance, family systems can also transmit unhealthy habits such as substance abuse and unhealthy coping mechanisms (Bodden & Deković, 2016). Moreover, the influence of friends, especially during adolescence, can lead to substance use, binge drinking, and other dangerous habits (Jacobs et al., 2016). Our communities can also have a negative impact by providing a lack of resources and opportunities for healthy lifestyles, and exposure to violence, crime, and poverty (Rector & Stanley, 2021).

In conclusion, the influence of family, friends, and community on individual health and lifestyle choices is immense. It is essential to be mindful of these influences and surround ourselves with positive influences that will enhance our well-being. On the other hand, it is also crucial to be aware of negative influences and work towards mitigating their impact on our health and lifestyles.


Bodden, D. H., & Deković, M. (2016). Multiproblem families referred to youth mental health: What’s in a name?. Family process, 55(1), 31-47.

Jacobs, W., Barry, A. E., Xu, L., & Valente, T. W. (2016). Hispanic/Latino Adolescents’ Alcohol Use: Influence of Family Structure, Perceived Peer Norms, and Family Members’ Alcohol Use. American Journal of Health Education, 47(4), 253–261.

Nomaguchi, K., & Milkie, M. A. (2020). Parenthood and well‐being: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(1), 198-223.

Rector, C., & Stanley, M. J. (2021). Community and public health nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Smith, M., & Segal, J. (2020, November). Grandparents raising grandchildren. HelpWrite My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers –

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