Your writing must be formal. should be in full-text, not attachments. An introduction, body, and
conclusion are expected minimum 5 paragraph essay. DO NOT exceed the word limit. You must cite any information in your 500–1000-word response limit that is not common knowledge. Only course materials may be cited. You are required to cite the textbook within the essay–please follow your quote or reference with the page number, for example (409) or location number if you are using a digital copy of the textbook, for example, (Location 1828). I recommend a maximum of two direct quotes for essays of this length. Only course materials may be cited. You must use quotation marks around any statements copied from the text (along with the page number, cited) in order to avoid committing plagiarism. Failure to properly cite information will result in a substantial
loss of points.
Answer ONE of the following essay questions:
1. Compare and contrast the lives of Native America, African (American), and white colonial women. Native American, African American, and white colonial women all lived very different lives, with their own unique experiences and challenges. Here is a comparison of some of the key differences between these groups:

Native American women:
Lived in tribal societies with their own cultural traditions and values
Often played important roles in their communities, including as caregivers, healers, and leaders
Faced significant challenges due to the colonization of their land, including forced removal from their ancestral homes and the loss of their cultural traditions

African American women:
Were brought to the Americas as slaves and had no legal rights or freedoms
Often experienced extreme abuse and exploitation, including being separated from their families and subjected to hard physical labor
Faced significant barriers to education and other opportunities due to discrimination and segregation
White colonial women:
Lived in European colonial societies in the Americas and were influenced by European cultural traditions
Had more freedoms and opportunities than Native American and African American women, but still faced significant societal constraints and expectations
Were often responsible for managing the household and raising children, and had limited legal rights and freedoms

Native American, African American, and white colonial women lived very different lives and faced distinct challenges and opportunities due to the unique historical and cultural contexts in which they lived.

2. Compare and contrast the threat posed by Anne Hutchinson and the witches of Salem to Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Please note: Compare and contrast requires an analysis of both similarities and differences.

The screenshots are the book the pages are at the bottom so you can site it this is the book the screenshots are for :Through Women’s Eyes: An American History With Documents 5th Edition

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Thesis App
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