GROUP ASSIGNMENT : financial analysis


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client assigned only financial analysis part

The name of the course is ‘The Business of Tourism’

Assignment task

Your group task is to develop a Feasibility Analysis for a new tourism or hospitality business. As a group you need to come up with an innovative concept for a new business venture based on a clearly defined market opportunity (gap in the market). The Feasibility Analysis must incorporate relevant course concepts and theory. Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topics 1 – 10 are applicable for this assessment.

Below is The Business Idea and Opportunity we came up with as a group:

A multi-currency digital wallet tailored for travelers enabling users to conduct fast, affordable, and secure transactions while they are on travel.

The digital wallet provides instant and seamless multi-currency transaction on the application including sending and receiving money in currencies from 150 countries around the world, storing and saving money on the wallet and paying for services, such as, accommodation and dining.

The digital wallet focuses on the traveler with a view to improving their experience. This is achieved through the provision of an interest-earning savings account for a holiday and a reward-based system for frequent travelers and users of the digital wallet.

This is an open wallet because it allows for transactions between any customer and merchant with appropriate technology to submit, receive and process a transaction. The wallet offers cash storage facilities enabling customers to store money in a currency of their choice (Parliament of Australia).

The digital wallet enables peer-to-peer transactions (P2P) and peer-to-business transactions (P2B) with plans to enter the business-to-business (B2B) market in the tourism industry. Through the wallet, customers can send and receive money in any currency, store and save money and pay for services charged in foreign currencies.

The multi-currency digital wallet offers instant currency exchange on the app and non-contact payment of services in foreign currencies. Payments are facilitated by Near-field Communication (NFC) technology which only requires a ‘tap-and-go’.


The team applied methods of creativity; brainstorming and transformative practice (Child and Bird thinking).

The team conducted a brainstorming session which produced ten business ideas in the tourism industry. A subsequent session to critically review each idea produced the business concept. The ideas were reviewed on their level of innovativeness. The parameters included level of originality, application of technology and consideration of creativity.

A transformative practice activity on the idea introduced the concept of ‘thinking like a child’ and ‘thinking like a bird.’

Insert table

Marketing analysis- market gap, understanding the audience,

Instructions of the assignment:

Assessment 1:* Feasibility Analysis (40%)*

A feasibility analysis is tool used for assessing the viability and feasibility of a business idea. It is used to evaluate organisational capabilities, business market needs, financial viability, and identify potential pitfalls, to enable tourism entrepreneurs to make informed decisions about the forecasted success of a business idea. The feasibility analysis is developed through data and information about the opportunity and the organisation. It is often used as the precursor to a business plan thus allows a business to address where and how it will operate, its competition, possible hurdles, and the funding needed. The feasibility analysis is conducted before committing major resources to a project.


In teams of 3 or 4*, develop a feasibility analysis for a new tourism or hospitality business start-up. The type of business, industry and location are up to you. However, the business concept must be new and innovative, and must be based on a clearly defined market opportunity (gap in the market). The analysis must incorporate relevant course concepts and theory (e.g. creativity and innovation, entrepreneurial orientation, leadership, social capital etc.) . Make use of text book theory for this assessment.

Your feasibility analysis must be written in Report style and must include the following structure:

-Title page

-Executive Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary

-Table of Contents


-The Business Idea and Opportunity

a)Discuss the business concept that you are proposing

b)Explain how the business idea has developed. Include a mind-map (or other creative thinking methodology) of the ideation process

c)What is the opportunity and what are the gaps in the market?

d)Explain the innovation and creativity of the concept

e) What products, services or experiences does the business offer

-Market Analysis

a)What is your marketing strategy? How will you promote the product/service and what communication channels will you use (e.g. digital marketing, social media etc.)

b)Who are the target market segments for this product or service (size of market and number of segments in terms of demographics, motivations, and other characteristics such as culture, personalities etc.).

c)What is the market segment growth? How will your business address the target market’s specific needs?

d)Who are your direct and indirect competitors in the market? Can you establish a market niche to be competitive?

e)What are your distribution channels for accessing your market segments?

-Organisational Analysis

a)What is your organisational structure (e.g. Centralised or decentralised? Sole trader, partnership, joint venture, co-op, trust or company etc.)Why is this the best option?

b)Why are you the best team to take this opportunity to market?

c)HRM and key personnel including key technical and business skills/qualifications and experience

d)Leadership and human capital and the expected staffing needs over the next 2-3 years

e)What equipment does your proposed business need?

-Financial Analysis

Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note that much of the financial information, specifically revenue projections, are directly based on your market analysis. This section needs to include:

a)Start-Up Costs: costs incurred in starting up a new business, may include land, buildings, equipment, etc.

b)Sources of Financing: does your proposed business need to borrow money from a bank or other lending institution? Provide information/research of potential lending sources.

c)Pro Forma Income Statement (Monthly for first 12 months, then Year I total, Year 2 total and Year 3 total)

d)Sales and Revenue Projections: based on the price of your goods and services and the project volumes of sales (based on your market analysis of customer numbers and how much they will purchase). Include what the estimated monthly revenue will be, each month for 12 months, then Year 1 total, Year 2 total, and Year 3 total. This should highlight growth projections in your sales revenues.

e)Operating Costs and Expenses: ongoing operating costs of the business such as lease/rent, utilities, wages etc. These should be presented on a month by month basis for the first 12 months, then Year 1 total, Year 2 , total, and Year 3 total.

f)Profitability Analysis: the “bottom line” for the proposed business. Given the costs and revenue analyses above, will your business bring in enough revenue to cover operating expenses? Will it break even, lose money or make a profit?

f)Proforma Balance Sheet

g)Year 1 Opening balance

h)Year 1 End

I)Year 2 End

j)Year 3 End


-Recommendations: will you proceed with this business idea? What steps need to be taken to bring this idea to market?

-References: must use APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service Paper Writing Service by Essay Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service 7 referencing style with a minimum of 12 references, with at least 8 references sourced from the course.


Start by explaining the analysis as theory(500 words) then include tables and figures at the end….below is an example of an assignment submitted last year. Kindly check how the financial analysis part was done and use it as a guide

3 references required for the whole section


Here are some suggestions for each section of the report:

Title page: Include the title of the report, the name of the business, the date of submission, and the names of the group members.

Executive Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary: Summarize the key points of the report, including the business idea, the market opportunity, the target market, the marketing strategy, the organizational structure, and the financial analysis.

Table of Contents: List the main sections and subsections of the report, with page numbers.

Introduction: Introduce the business idea and explain the purpose of the report. Provide background information on the tourism industry and the market opportunity for the digital wallet business.

The Business Idea and Opportunity: Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the digital wallet business in detail, including its features, benefits, and value proposition. Explain how the idea was developed and the creative thinking methodologies used. Identify the gaps in the market and the innovation and creativity of the concept. List the products, services, or experiences that the business offers.

Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the market for the digital wallet business. Identify the target market segments based on demographics, motivations, and other characteristics. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the market segment growth and how the business will address the target market’s specific needs. Assignment Help by UK’s No.1 UK Essays Writing Service | Homework Help Online in UK Coursework Help – Analyze the direct and indirect competitors in the market and establish a market niche to be competitive. College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline the distribution channels for accessing the market segments.

Organizational Analysis: Assignment Help by UK’s No.1 UK Essays Writing Service | Homework Help Online in UK Coursework Help – Analyze the organizational structure of the digital wallet business, including its type (e.g., sole trader, partnership, company, etc.) and why it is the best option. Explain why the group members are the best team to take this opportunity to market. Identify the HRM and key personnel, including key technical and business skills/qualifications and experience. Discuss the leadership and human capital and the expected staffing needs over the next 2-3 years. Identify the equipment needed for the proposed business.

Financial Analysis: Conduct a financial analysis of the digital wallet business. Calculate the start-up costs, including fixed costs (e.g., equipment, office rental, etc.) and variable costs (e.g., marketing, salaries, etc.). Develop revenue projections based on the market analysis and identify potential funding sources (e.g., investors, loans, etc.). Assignment Help by UK’s No.1 UK Essays Writing Service | Homework Help Online in UK Coursework Help – Analyze the break-even point and the return on investment (ROI) for the business.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the report and provide recommendations for the digital wallet business.

References: List all the sources used in the report, including textbooks, academic articles, and websites.

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