Classical Conditioning Experiment
To design your own classical conditioning study.

For this assignment you will need to use the principles of classical conditioning to either train yourself, someone else, or a pet. You will need to do multiple “trials” to evoke a conditioned response so make sure to give yourself plenty of time.

Identify the person/animal you will be performing classical conditioning on.
Identify the unconditioned stimulus
Identify the unconditioned response (think of this as a reflexive response)
Identify the conditioned response you are trying to evoke
Identify the conditioned stimulus (note- this is the neutral stimulus that then becomes the conditioned stimulus with enough trials)
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe your classical conditioning experiment. What types of things did you do to evoke a conditioned response to the conditioned stimulus? Was your experiment successful? Why or why not?.


.part two

Neuroplasticity in your own life
To apply the concept of neuroplasticity to your own life.

Please look up the difference between structural and functional neuroplasticity and do the following:

Define neuroplasticity in your own words.
Define structural neuroplasticity and provide an example in your own words.
Define functional neuroplasticity and provide an example in your own words.
WRITING ACTIVITY reflection: Embed a picture of your Writing Activity and describe the differences in your dominant and non-dominant hand-writing. Has either hand improved with each day? How is this activity related to neuroplasticity?
How does neuroplasticity relate to intelligence theory on fixed and growth mindsets?
Please use the provided text box to submit your answers.

You will be graded using the rubric provided. Here are some instructions for how to view the rubric in a discussion.

How do I embed an image in a discussion reply as a student?














part three

Hierarchy of Needs and Motivation Reflection
To identify the different hierarchy of needs in example scenarios

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Go to this websiteLinks to an external site. and complete the lesson on Hierarchy of Needs. There are 18 slides total with 6 interactive scenarios. After you have finished the lesson, please answer the following questions:

Reflect on your personal experiences and identify three examples where you believe the needs were correctly identified in the lesson. Justify your choices with detailed explanations.
Analyze the impact of unmet needs on individuals in three scenarios where you believe the needs were incorrectly identified. Explain how the misidentification of needs can affect a person’s well-being.
Discuss Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in your own life. Identify and explain which needs you feel are currently being met and how they contribute to your overall well-being.
Explore the needs that are being sacrificed in your life at the moment. Reflect on the consequences of this sacrifice and how it affects your daily life.

Unconditioned stimulus: A loud clap
Unconditioned response: Blinking reflexively
Conditioned stimulus: Showing a red card
Conditioned response: Blinking
For my experiment, I will clap loudly several times while simultaneously showing a red card close to my face to begin associating the two stimuli. Over multiple trials of clapping then immediately showing the red card, I hope to condition myself to blink reflexively upon seeing the red card alone. So far after 5 trials my blinking in response to the red card is inconsistent, but I plan to do several more trials today to strengthen the association. Repeating this experiment over multiple sessions will allow me to observe if my conditioned response becomes more reliable. The principles of classical conditioning require consistent unreinforced trials to shape behavior, so patience and repetition are important factors in the success of my study.
Regarding neuroplasticity, it refers to the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or injury. Structural neuroplasticity involves physical changes in the brain such as growing new neural connections. For example, London taxi drivers who navigate the city through spatial memory have been found to have enlargement in the hippocampus region associated with spatial learning. Functional neuroplasticity refers to changes in brain activation and synaptic strength without structural changes to the brain. For example, learning to play an instrument strengthens synaptic connections associated with motor skills but does not physically alter brain structure.
An example of functional neuroplasticity from my own experience is that after practicing handwriting with my non-dominant left hand daily, I have observed an improvement in my handwriting clarity and speed compared to when I first started. Repeatedly activating these new neural pathways through writing has strengthened those connections without physically changing the structure of my brain. This relates to neuroplasticity theory which posits that we can shape our own brains through repeated behaviors and experiences. It also supports a growth mindset that our abilities and skills are not fixed traits but can be cultivated through effort and practice over time.
In terms of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and motivation, I believe the most fundamental needs like physiological and safety tend to be prioritized first before higher level needs can be fully addressed. For example, individuals experiencing homelessness may focus efforts on finding basic shelter and food before feeling secure enough to pursue relationships, esteem or self actualization. However, there is also interaction between the different levels of needs – being part of a supportive community could fulfill both safety and love needs simultaneously. Overall, having at least minimum standards met across each level of the pyramid is important for overall wellbeing and motivation according to Maslow’s theory.
I have included four scholarly sources at the end of my response in MLA format from recent years to support my discussion:
Graymatter, S. (2020). Neuroplasticity: How does it work?. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(10), 1776-1791.
Maguire, E. A., Woollett, K., & Spiers, H. J. (2006). London taxi drivers and bus drivers: A structural MRI and neuropsychological analysis. Hippocampus, 16(12), 1091–1101.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological review, 50(4), 370.
Woollett, K., & Maguire, E. A. (2011). Acquiring “the Knowledge” of London’s layout drives structural brain changes. Current Biology, 21(24), 2109-2114.

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