For this assessment, you will complete a 4-pages analysis of the differences between NGOs and government-sponsored programs as it pertains to global public health.
In this assessment, you will gain an understanding of the broad concepts and issues related to global health, nursing’s role, and the ways in which government-sponsored programs and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) affect how care is delivered.
The Institute of Medicine (1997, p. v) characterized the connection the United States has to global health in these words:
America has a vital and direct stake in the health of people around the globe, and that this interest derives from both America’s long and enduring tradition of humanitarian concern and compelling reasons of enlightened self-interest. Our considered involvement can serve to protect our citizens, enhance our economy, and advance U.S. interests abroad.
The health care community is recognizing that addressing health and disease issues must take place within a larger context—a global context. The health issues of developed and undeveloped countries are converging. The World Health Organization (2018) noted that the “development of a society, rich or poor, can be judged by the quality of its population’s health, how fairly health is distributed across the social spectrum, and the degree of protection provided from disadvantage as a result of ill-health” (“The Commission Calls,” para. 3).
Institute of Medicine. (1997). America’s vital interest in global health: Protecting our people, enhancing our economy, and advancing our international interests. National Academies Press.
World Health Organization. (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health.
Assessment Summary
Multiple government-funded agencies work worldwide to have a positive effect on health disparities across the globe.
NGOs originated with the formation of the United Nations in 1945. They are generally defined as nonprofit entities independent of governmental influence, although they may receive government funding. The term NGO is not typically applied to U.S.-based nonprofit organizations. Generally, the label is given to organizations operating on an international level, although some countries classify their own civil society groups as NGOs (GrantSpace, n.d.).
In this assessment, you are tasked with interviewing an individual from an NGO of interest that works in some way within the realm of public or global health. If you do not have such an organization that you are interested in, then it is acceptable to interview someone from your own organization who has a focus on public health and knowledge of working with NGOs. Remember that you should be looking for NGOs or population health considerations that are relevant to countries beyond just the United States.
Assessment Instructions
Consider a health topic of your choice and investigate what current NGOs are doing on behalf of your chosen topic. (Keep in mind that the country you focus on in this course should NOT be the United States.) Remember, you need to make contact with your chosen NGO, or population health professional with knowledge of NGOs, and interview them. After your interview, evaluate the NGO, paying special attention to its ability (and potential willingness) to get help with your health topic of choice. For your assessment, make sure you are addressing the following:
• Differentiate public health NGOs from governmental public health organizations.
• Provide a history of the selected organization.
• Examine the financial health of the organization including how much money the organization has raised for the selected program.
 Include current data related to money raised, money distributed, and the effect on the health initiative.
• Identify countries where this organization has a presence.
• Explain how stakeholders and members are selected or join the organization.
• Explain the advantages public health NGOs have over government-sponsored programs.
• Compare NGOs to government-sponsored programs in terms of the following:
 How donations are sought and obtained.
 How funds are distributed.
 How application for assistance is made.
• Summarize the challenges public health NGOs have in comparison with government-sponsored programs.
• Analyze the sufficiency of data available to meet the criteria that public health NGOs use to choose to get involved in a health issue.
• Examine the determining criteria for this organization to get involved in a health issue.
 Data used.
 Scope or severity.
 Degree of need.
• Discuss how you would approach this agency for assistance.
• Explain how your research and interviewing experiences challenged or met your assumptions about public health organizations and delivery.
• What surprised (or aligned with your expectations) about public health delivery?
• What surprised (or aligned with your expectations) about NGOs versus government-sponsored programs?
• How has this experience affected you?
Be sure to convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
Additional Requirements
Remember to include an introduction to your paper, which is not a heading of its own, and a references page.
In addition, your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Written communication: Written communication is free of spelling and grammatical errors that detract from the overall message. Writing is clear, precise, and scholarly. Concepts flow in a logical order. Page margins and page numbering are accurate, according to current APA guidelines for style and format.
• Length of paper: 4 double-spaced pages.
• References: At least four references from peer-reviewed sources.
• Additionally, make sure you are appropriately using and citing relevant information from your interview

In this assessment, I will be discussing the differences between NGOs and government-sponsored programs as it pertains to global public health. I will first provide a brief overview of each type of organization, followed by a more detailed comparison of their strengths and weaknesses. I will then discuss the role of NGOs in global health, and conclude with a case study of a specific NGO that is working to improve the health of people in developing countries.

Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

NGOs are non-profit organizations that are independent of government control. They are typically founded by individuals or groups who are passionate about a particular cause, and they work to address that cause through a variety of means, such as advocacy, education, and service delivery. NGOs can be found all over the world, and they work on a wide range of issues, including health, education, poverty, human rights, and the environment.

Government-Sponsored Programs

Government-sponsored programs are those that are funded and operated by a government. These programs typically provide a range of services, such as healthcare, education, and social welfare. Government-sponsored programs can be found in all countries, and they vary in size and scope depending on the resources available to the government.

Comparison of NGOs and Government-Sponsored Programs

There are a number of key differences between NGOs and government-sponsored programs. One of the most significant differences is that NGOs are typically more flexible and responsive to change than government-sponsored programs. This is because NGOs are not bound by the same bureaucratic rules and regulations that government agencies are. As a result, NGOs are often able to adapt more quickly to changing circumstances and to respond more effectively to the needs of the people they serve.

Another key difference between NGOs and government-sponsored programs is that NGOs are typically more innovative than government agencies. This is because NGOs are not constrained by the same political considerations that government agencies are. As a result, NGOs are often able to come up with new and creative solutions to problems.

However, there are also some challenges associated with NGOs. One of the biggest challenges is that NGOs often have limited resources. This can make it difficult for them to provide the same level of service as government-sponsored programs. Another challenge is that NGOs can be difficult to coordinate. This is because there are so many different NGOs working on the same issues, and it can be difficult to get them all working together towards a common goal.

The Role of NGOs in Global Health

NGOs play a vital role in global health. They are often the first responders to health crises, and they provide essential services to people in developing countries who would otherwise not have access to them. NGOs also play a role in advocacy and education, and they help to raise awareness of global health issues.

Case Study: The International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a nongovernmental organization that was founded in 1933. The IRC works to help people affected by war, conflict, and natural disasters. The IRC provides a range of services, including healthcare, education, and economic development. The IRC also works to advocate for the rights of refugees and displaced people.

The IRC has a long history of working in global health. In the early 1990s, the IRC responded to the Rwandan genocide by providing healthcare, food, and shelter to refugees. The IRC also worked to rebuild the healthcare system in Rwanda. In recent years, the IRC has been working to address the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The IRC has provided healthcare, food, and water to people affected by the outbreak. The IRC has also worked to train healthcare workers in how to prevent and treat Ebola.

The IRC is an example of an NGO that is making a significant difference in global health. The IRC is providing essential services to people in need, and it is working to advocate for the rights of refugees and displaced people. The IRC is an important player in the global health community, and it is making a real difference in the lives of people around the world.


NGOs and government-sponsored programs both play an important role in global health. NGOs are often more flexible and responsive to change than government-sponsored programs. NGOs are also more innovative than government agencies. However, NGOs often have limited resources, and they can be difficult to coordinate. Government-sponsored programs have more resources than NGOs, and they are often better able to provide a consistent level of service. However, government-sponsored programs can be slow to adapt to change, and they can be bureaucratic and inflexible.

The best way to improve global health is to have a partnership between NGOs and government-sponsored programs. NGOs can bring their flexibility and innovation to the table, while government-sponsored programs can bring their resources and stability. By working together, NGOs and government-sponsored programs can make a real difference in the lives of people around the world

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