Assess how and why corporations make specific decisions in the areas of capital budgeting,raising capital, and propose the best Debt/Equity ratio suitable for an internationally recognizedstock listed enterprise (i.e. NYSE, SME, etc).Analyze and integrate concepts from the course for optimum benefits of debt over equity suchas cash management, inventory control, lease financing, and mergers and acquisitionsperspective should be deployed.Critically evaluate how this trend can be integrated into the current operation of an organization.All selected organizations must be approved by the course instructor

Corporations make specific decisions in the areas of capital budgeting, raising capital, and debt/equity ratio based on a number of factors, including their industry, their financial situation, and their strategic goals.

In the area of capital budgeting, corporations must decide how to allocate their limited resources among competing investment opportunities. They must consider the expected return on each investment, the risk associated with each investment, and the availability of funds.

In the area of raising capital, corporations must decide how to finance their investments. They can raise capital through debt, equity, or a combination of both. Debt is a loan that must be repaid with interest, while equity is a share of ownership in the company.

The debt/equity ratio is a measure of a company’s financial leverage. It is calculated by dividing the company’s total debt by its total equity. A higher debt/equity ratio indicates that the company is more leveraged, and therefore more risky.

The optimum debt/equity ratio for a company will vary depending on the company’s industry, its financial situation, and its strategic goals. In general, companies in industries with high growth potential can afford to have a higher debt/equity ratio than companies in industries with low growth potential. Companies with strong financial positions can also afford to have a higher debt/equity ratio than companies with weak financial positions. And companies with aggressive growth strategies may want to have a higher debt/equity ratio than companies with more conservative strategies.

The concepts from the course that can be used to maximize the benefits of debt over equity include cash management, inventory control, lease financing, and mergers and acquisitions.

Cash management is the process of managing a company’s cash flow. By managing their cash flow effectively, companies can reduce their need for debt financing.

Inventory control is the process of managing a company’s inventory levels. By controlling their inventory levels effectively, companies can reduce their costs and improve their cash flow.

Lease financing is a type of financing that allows companies to acquire assets without having to pay the full purchase price upfront. This can be a good option for companies that need to acquire assets but do not have the cash on hand to pay for them.

Mergers and acquisitions are a way for companies to grow their businesses. By acquiring other companies, companies can gain access to new markets, new products, and new technologies. This can be a good way for companies to grow their businesses without having to take on a lot of debt.

The trend of using debt to finance growth can be integrated into the current operation of an organization by carefully considering the company’s industry, financial situation, and strategic goals. By using debt wisely, companies can grow their businesses without taking on too much risk.

Here are some examples of how the trend of using debt to finance growth can be integrated into the current operation of an organization:

A company in a high-growth industry with strong financial positions may want to increase its debt/equity ratio to finance its growth.
A company with weak financial positions may want to reduce its debt/equity ratio to improve its credit rating.
A company with a conservative growth strategy may want to keep its debt/equity ratio low to reduce its risk.
The specific decision that a company makes about its debt/equity ratio will depend on its individual circumstances. However, by carefully considering the factors discussed above, companies can make informed decisions about how to use debt to finance their growth.

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