Hist 2 UNIT 2 Written Assignment
Critical Thinking and the Progressive Era
*12-point font *Standard Font (nothing fancy; black only) *Maximum of 1-inch margins *Minimum of 700
words (approximately 2-3 pages) – I will use word count to determine the final length of the paper. Paper
must be either a Word document or PDF submitted through the Blackboard Assignment Tool.
This assignment will ask you to consider the ability to critically think about events in U.S. History.
Critical Thinking: a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issue, ideas, artifacts, and
events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.
The Progressive Era: an era of economic, political and social reform that occurred in the United States between
1890 and 1920. This period in American history was vital in that it began to use the power of social movements,
combined with the power of government, in an attempt to improve society and eliminate economic and political
corruption. Many different areas of American society were impacted.
Before beginning your paper, read your textbook regarding The Progressive Era in America during the period
from 1890 to 1920. I also encourage you to seek other sources for your understanding of The Progressive Era.
This is not a formal research paper, so you do not need a bibliography or citations. (but, do not plagiarize)
Assignment Instructions
Title with Name: Centered at top of first page: Example:
Critical Thinking and the Progressive Era
By Kevin Wooten
Paragraph 1: Think about the issues that confronted Americans in the late 1800s and early 1900s. These include
poverty, racism, labor rights, women’s rights, environmental problem and immigration. Focus on, and
summarize, two of these specific issues. What were the problems or issues? How were these issues addressed?
What individuals or groups were involved? What techniques were used to force change? How successful were
they? What might they have done differently?
Paragraph 2: Choose a current issue in need to reform that confronts us today. This issue must constitute a
societal problem that is, at its core, a political, economic, environmental, or societal challenge. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe in detail
what the issue is and why it needs to be addressed. Why is it a problem and why do we need to fix it?
Paragraph 3: What are the assumptions of those who wish to implement change/reform? In other words, why
do you think this problem needs to be fixed?
What are the assumptions and arguments of those who don’t want change regarding this issue? Who benefits
from the status quo? What arguments do they make to defend their position?
Paragraph 4: Propose a solution to the issue you have chosen. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how you might implement your solution
through political or social action. Do you create an interest group and pressure elected officials? Do you protest?
If so, what kind of protests? Boycotts? Marches? Violence? Political lobbying?
What type of resistance do you think you will confront? Those that benefit from the status quo do not easily give
up power. What might they do to stop you? Think about the resistance that the Progressive Era reformists
Paragraph 5: Assume your movement is successful. What changes were implemented and how, specifically, did
the changes improve society?

Critical Thinking and the Progressive Era

By ChatGPT

Paragraph 1:

The Progressive Era was a period of significant reform in the United States between 1890 and 1920. Many issues were addressed during this time, including poverty, racism, labor rights, women’s rights, environmental problems, and immigration. Two specific issues that were of particular concern during this time were women’s rights and labor rights. Women’s rights advocates sought the right to vote and equal opportunities in education and the workplace, while labor rights advocates demanded better working conditions and fair wages.

Women’s suffrage was a major issue that was addressed during the Progressive Era. Women’s rights activists, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, led the fight for women’s suffrage. They used a variety of tactics to push for change, including peaceful protests, lobbying, and civil disobedience. The movement gained momentum, and in 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified, granting women the right to vote.

Labor rights were also a significant issue during the Progressive Era. Workers in industries such as mining and manufacturing faced dangerous working conditions, long hours, and low wages. Labor unions, such as the American Federation of Labor, were formed to advocate for workers’ rights. They used tactics such as strikes and boycotts to force employers to improve working conditions and pay. The movement was successful in achieving many of its goals, and many of the labor laws in place today were a result of these efforts.

Paragraph 2:

One current issue in need of reform is climate change. Climate change is a societal problem that is both an environmental and economic challenge. It is a problem because it is caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, that release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat and cause the earth’s temperature to rise, resulting in the melting of glaciers and ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.

Climate change needs to be addressed because it poses a threat to the survival of life on earth. The impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels, are already being felt around the world. If we do not take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Paragraph 3:

Those who wish to implement change regarding climate change assume that it is a problem that requires immediate action. They argue that we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and by implementing policies that promote energy efficiency and conservation.

Those who oppose change regarding climate change argue that the costs of transitioning to renewable energy sources are too high and that it will result in job losses and economic hardship. They also argue that the science behind climate change is not settled and that there is no consensus among scientists about the causes and consequences of climate change.

The status quo benefits industries that rely on fossil fuels, such as the oil and gas industry. They argue that transitioning to renewable energy sources will be too costly and that it will result in job losses and economic hardship.

Paragraph 4:

To address climate change, we need to transition to renewable energy sources and implement policies that promote energy efficiency and conservation. This can be achieved through political and social action. We can pressure elected officials to implement policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. We can also support the development of renewable energy infrastructure and invest in research and development.

Resistance to change is likely to come from industries that rely on fossil fuels, such as the oil and gas industry. They may lobby elected officials and use their financial resources to influence public opinion. To overcome this resistance, we need to build a broad-based coalition of organizations and individuals who support action on climate change.

Paragraph 5:

If we are successful in addressing climate change, we will see significant improvements

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