Develop a strategic plan for your healthcare organization. we have learned what Health Information Systems are, what is

driving implementations of HIS and future challenges. We have learned the importance of

HIS strategic planning in lead up to implementation. Using what you have learned so far put

together a 4 page long, double-spaced Strategic Plan document. Be sure to follow APA

citation style. Include any references or literature as needed. The document you submit

should be carefully proofread and formatted professionally. Any work submitted with

numerous grammar, spelling or format problems will be penalized. Other things to



– Develop a strategic plan for your healthcare organization

The Situation:

– You have recently been hired by one of the Board members of B.B. Clinic, Spongebob S. Pants as the new CEO.

– As the new CEO, Your assignment is to implement a new Health Information System for the Clinic.

– Mr. S. Pants wants you to develop a Strategic Plan that gives an overview of how you plan to succeed.

Things to Consider:

– Strategic Plan:

– Executive Summary (why Health Information System is needed)

– Vision and mission Statement

– Assumptions (list these)

– Goals and Objectives (list these)

– Steering Committee

– Who represents your committee members/role of individuals

– Meeting goals, priorities, role

– Meeting frequency, times, locations, etc.

– Project Management Plan

– Tools, applications, methods, etc.

– goals defined, objectives, etc.

– project timeline, phases defined

– HIS Roles

– Team members involved in your strategic plan – who/role

– Implementation:

– HIS Type, Basic vs Comprehensive – which are you implementing and why

– Steps to go-live

– Phases of implementation – list what may take place during your implementation

– Training Plan

– Support Plan

Include any additional key components of a Strategic plan you think would be important to include to make sure your boss and the organization (the clinic) understands how you plan to have a successful HIS/EHR implementation. Develop a strategic plan for your healthcare organization

Executive Summary

B.B. Clinic is a healthcare organization that seeks to improve patient care and enhance the overall efficiency of the organization by implementing a new Health Information System (HIS). The purpose of this strategic plan is to provide an overview of the implementation of the HIS system and to ensure its success. The strategic plan will identify the need for the HIS system, set the vision and mission statement, outline goals and objectives, provide a project management plan, and outline the implementation steps for a successful launch of the system.

Vision and Mission Statement

Our vision is to provide our patients with the highest quality of healthcare by implementing a modern, efficient, and user-friendly Health Information System. Our mission is to improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs by implementing a comprehensive HIS system that is easy to use for patients and healthcare providers.


The following assumptions have been made for the successful implementation of the HIS system:

Adequate funding is available for the implementation of the system.

Appropriate training and support will be provided to all staff members.

The system will be user-friendly and intuitive.

All stakeholders, including healthcare providers, patients, and management, are committed to the implementation of the system.

Goals and Objectives

The following goals and objectives have been identified for the implementation of the HIS system:

Goal 1: To improve the quality of patient care by providing healthcare providers with timely, accurate, and complete patient information.

Objective 1: To ensure that all patient data is captured and recorded in the system accurately and efficiently.

Objective 2: To ensure that patient data is accessible to healthcare providers in real-time.

Goal 2: To increase efficiency and productivity by streamlining administrative tasks.

Objective 1: To reduce the time and effort required to perform administrative tasks by automating processes.

Objective 2: To improve communication between healthcare providers and administrative staff.

Steering Committee

The steering committee will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the HIS system. The committee will include the following members:

CEO (Chair)



Chief Medical Officer

Director of Nursing

Meeting goals, priorities, role

The steering committee will meet regularly to discuss progress and identify issues. The priorities will be to ensure that the system is implemented on time and within budget, and that it meets the needs of the healthcare providers and patients. The role of the committee will be to provide guidance and support to the project team.

Meeting frequency, times, locations, etc.

The steering committee will meet monthly at a time and location that is convenient for all members.

Project Management Plan

The project management plan will include the following:

Tools: Microsoft Project will be used to manage the project timeline.

Applications: The HIS system will be developed using Epic.

Methods: Agile methodology will be used to manage the project.

Goals defined: The goals of the project will be to develop and implement the HIS system on time and within budget.

Objectives: The objectives of the project will be to ensure that the HIS system meets the needs of the healthcare providers and patients.

Project timeline: The project timeline will be developed using Microsoft Project and will be reviewed and updated regularly.

HIS Roles

The following team members will be involved in the strategic plan:

Project Manager: Responsible for managing the project timeline and ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget.

Technical Lead: Responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of the project, including software development and system integration.

Clinical Lead: Responsible for ensuring that the HIS system meets the needs of the healthcare providers.


The comprehensive HIS system will be implemented as it provides the necessary features and functionality for the organization. The steps to go

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