
Your company has determined that the time is right to expand globally. As a corporate manager within the organization, you have been assigned to identify and select a team of five to ten members from within the organization to explore and identify two to three managerial challenges associated with global expansion. You have been given three months to assemble your team and create a global expansion report outlining your findings to provide to the leadership team.

As the team leader, you realize you will need to identify how to successfully complete the assignment. Assuming you have completed the process of selecting your team, what are your next steps? Include in your strategy the following:

Analyze two to three team performance challenges that may arise and what corrective action you may employ to keep the project on track.

Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of expanding globally from a leadership perspective.

Examine two management theories and discuss how each theory impacts managerial decisions from a global perspective.
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As the team leader, my next steps would be to:

Set clear goals and objectives. What do we hope to achieve by expanding globally? What are the specific challenges we need to address?
Develop a timeline and plan of action. How will we go about identifying and addressing the challenges? What resources will we need?
Create a communication plan. How will we keep the leadership team updated on our progress? How will we ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page?
Set up regular check-ins. It’s important to meet regularly with the team to discuss progress, identify any challenges, and make adjustments as needed.

Here are two to three team performance challenges that may arise and what corrective action I may employ to keep the project on track:

Lack of communication. If team members are not communicating effectively, it can lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and other problems. To address this, I would make sure to set up regular check-ins and encourage team members to communicate openly and honestly with each other.
Differing priorities. It’s possible that team members may have different priorities, which can lead to conflict and delays. To address this, I would make sure to clearly define the goals and objectives of the project and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
Cultural differences. If the team is working with people from different cultures, it’s important to be aware of and sensitive to these differences. To address this, I would do some research on the cultures of the team members and make sure to create a respectful and inclusive work environment.

Here are two advantages and two disadvantages of expanding globally from a leadership perspective:


Increased market share. Expanding into new markets can help to increase sales and revenue.
New opportunities for growth. Expanding into new markets can open up new opportunities for growth, such as new products, services, and markets.


Increased competition. Expanding into new markets can increase competition from local businesses.
Increased risk. Expanding into new markets can increase the risk of financial loss, legal problems, and other problems.

Here are two management theories and how each theory impacts managerial decisions from a global perspective:

Contingency theory. Contingency theory suggests that there is no one best way to manage. The best way to manage depends on the specific situation. This theory is important for global leaders because it helps them to understand that what works in one country may not work in another.
Systems theory. Systems theory views organizations as a system of interconnected parts. This theory is important for global leaders because it helps them to understand how different parts of the organization, such as marketing, finance, and operations, interact with each other.

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