Managing Project Teams

Discussion: Unit 5 Remote Teams Instructions: Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. As John gets to know each of his new team members he starts to realize that as a group everyone is very negative towards the progress and project in general. Given this, it starts to seem very apparent to John that the team space element of organizations is not working. John asks you for help on how his team might start to reinvigorate the team space and positive aspects of the project. Considering this please address the following prompts in your discussion: • Using what you have learned in this week’s materials, discuss how you would leverage the team space elements to improve on the positive direction of a project as well as overall team cohesion. Cite any resources/references in APA formatting that were used in the discussion – if applicable. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. (1 page) Discussion: Unit 6 Evaluating and Managing Performance of Teams Instructions: Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. Bob starts off a recent team meeting with a discussion around how the experiences they are all going to go through are similar to those that occurred during the 1 9 7 0’s oil embargo’s where the resources they likely need will be scarce. Little known to Bob, most of his team was not old enough during this event to understand what the context of this statement meant. In many project activities and efforts the generational diversity can be very high. Considering this please address the following prompts in your discussion: • How you might bridge this gap early on in a project to ensure that no messages or communications are lost due to these generational elements? Cite any resources/references in APA formatting that were used in the discussion – if applicable. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. (1 page) Discussion: Unit 7 Managing Conflict in Teams Instructions: Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. Tammy was just alerted that her new project team is part of the new matrix structure the company she works for has started to roll out. Tammy is a little uncertain about what this new matrix structure will mean for her, as she will likely now have two bosses: one traditional department boss, and a new project boss she needs to get to know. Tammy knew that you had some exposure to matrix structures in your education and has reached out to you to inquire as to what to expect. Considering this please address the following prompts in your discussion: • What types of things Tammy should be aware of and what should she get comfortable with as part of this new structure? • Knowing that Tammy is an Idealist personality type, how might this also affect her adjustment to this new reporting structure? • Include at least one example of a matrix team you have either been part of or that you have researched and how the structure impacted the individuals to give Tammy a better sense of what to look out for in this situation. Cite any resources/references in APA formatting that were used in the discussion – if applicable. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. (1 page) NOTE: please do all the discussion units separately

Discussion: Unit 5 Remote Teams

How to Leverage the Team Space Elements to Improve on the Positive Direction of a Project as well as Overall Team Cohesion

The team space elements are important for improving the positive direction of a project and overall team cohesion. These elements include:

Team identity: The team should have a strong sense of identity, which can be created through shared goals, values, and culture.
Team communication: The team should be able to communicate effectively with each other, both formally and informally.
Team trust: The team members should trust each other and be able to rely on each other.
Team conflict management: The team should be able to manage conflict effectively and resolve disagreements in a constructive way.
Team decision-making: The team should be able to make decisions effectively and efficiently.
Team problem-solving: The team should be able to solve problems effectively and creatively.
Team creativity: The team should be able to generate new ideas and solutions.
Team innovation: The team should be able to implement new ideas and solutions.
Team learning: The team should be able to learn from its experiences and improve its performance over time.

By leveraging these team space elements, John can help his team to improve its positive direction and overall cohesion. Here are some specific things that John can do:

Create a strong team identity. John can help his team to create a strong identity by developing shared goals, values, and culture. This can be done through team-building activities, regular communication, and by celebrating team successes.
Improve team communication. John can help his team to improve its communication by setting clear expectations for communication, providing regular feedback, and resolving communication problems as they arise.
Build trust among team members. John can help to build trust among his team members by being honest and transparent, keeping promises, and being supportive.
Manage conflict effectively. When conflict does arise, John can help his team to manage it effectively by encouraging open communication, listening to all sides of the issue, and seeking creative solutions.
Make decisions effectively. John can help his team to make decisions effectively by ensuring that all team members have a voice, by considering all options, and by making decisions that are in the best interests of the team and the project.
Solve problems effectively. When problems do arise, John can help his team to solve them effectively by encouraging creativity and innovation, by seeking out new information, and by implementing solutions that are feasible and effective.
Be creative and innovative. John can help his team to be creative and innovative by encouraging risk-taking, by providing resources and support, and by celebrating successes.
Learn from experiences. John can help his team to learn from its experiences by reflecting on successes and failures, by identifying lessons learned, and by implementing changes to improve performance.

By taking these steps, John can help his team to improve its positive direction and overall cohesion. This will lead to a more successful project and a more satisfied team.


Katzenbach, J. R., & Smith, D. K. (1993). The wisdom of teams: Creating the high-performance organization. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63(6), 384-399.
Wheelan, S. A. (2015). Creating effective teams: A guide for leaders and members (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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