Ms. Z is a 28-year-old assistant store manager who arrives

Ms. Z is a 28-year-old assistant store manager who arrives at your outpatient clinic complaining of sadness after her boyfriend of 6 months ended their relationship 1 month ago. She describes a history of failed romantic relationships, and says, “I don’t do well with breakups.” Ms. Z reports that, although she has no prior psychiatric […]

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Disability Comparison Template

Special education teachers are part of the assessment team that determines eligibility for special education services. There are 14 major eligibility categories defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For each of these disability categories, educators must have general knowledge of the guidelines for eligibility, characteristics, causes, effects on learning, and how often […]

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PSY699: Master of Arts in Psychology Capstone Wk 5 Discussion Case File

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the required articles for this week. You are a consulting psychologist for a local clinic and have been asked to follow up on a consultation you completed four years ago. There are current developments in this case that require further consideration. Please review the […]

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Divine Roles Across Cultures

Divine Roles Across Cultures Complete Parts 1 and 2. Cite at least 2 outside sources to support your assignment. Part 1 Select 1 common divine role that recurs in world mythology. Divine roles include, but are not limited to, the following: • Father or mother divinities • Divinities of war • Home or hearth divinities […]

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Social work is a profession

Professional statement. answer the following questions (3-4 pages). Please use headings for each question. Without disclosing personal information, what are the reasons and experiences that led you to choose social work as a profession? What are your social work career interests? What are your personal strengths that you can bring to this profession? How have […]

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Module Six: Pain

Module Six: Pain Objectives: 1. Address components of a thorough pain assessment, including assessment of nonverbal or cognitively impaired individuals. 2. Compare and contrast acute and chronic pain, considering pathogenesis, manifestations, and treatment approaches. 3. Discuss pain threshold and pain tolerance. 4. Explore pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, and treatment approaches for neuropathic, somatic, and visceral pain. […]

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Respiratory Exam Findings

This is a write-up of respiratory exam. I need you to expand on the information with in-text citation. I need two high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format with in text citations. Thorax/Lung Respiratory System Inspection: Chest wall, no deformities. Chest expansion symmetrically with respirations. No use of accessory muscle diaphragm […]

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Diagnosis – Post-traumatic stress disorder

Please do this assignment for the caseaccording to the instructions below and the example that I uploaded : You will submit a paper demonstrating your ability to conduct integrative therapy. Your paper must demonstrate your understanding and ability to conduct a therapeutic session with an individual during the action phase of therapy (meaning not the […]

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MGMT465 Unit 4 Individual Project

MGMT465 Unit 4 Individual Project. To achieve efficiency in the procurement area of its supply chain operation, a company needs to make decisions based on cost alone and other elements of the supplier relationship. Decisions relating to these elements require the procurement team to collaborate with other business functions such as finance and information technology […]

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Discuss the way in which the various sensory systems develop

Discussion 1 (1 PAGE 1) Explain, briefly, one of the major theories of development. 2) Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how you will use the information learned in this LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT CLASS to further yourself professionally. Discussion 2 (1 PAGE) 1) Discuss the way in which […]

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Ms. Z is a 28-year-old assistant store manager who arrives

Ms. Z is a 28-year-old assistant store manager who arrives at your outpatient clinic complaining of sadness after her boyfriend of 6 months ended their relationship 1 month ago. She describes a history of failed romantic relationships, and says, “I don’t do well with breakups.” Ms. Z reports that, although she has no prior psychiatric […]

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Disability Comparison Template

Special education teachers are part of the assessment team that determines eligibility for special education services. There are 14 major eligibility categories defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For each of these disability categories, educators must have general knowledge of the guidelines for eligibility, characteristics, causes, effects on learning, and how often […]

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PSY699: Master of Arts in Psychology Capstone Wk 5 Discussion Case File

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the required articles for this week. You are a consulting psychologist for a local clinic and have been asked to follow up on a consultation you completed four years ago. There are current developments in this case that require further consideration. Please review the […]

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Divine Roles Across Cultures

Divine Roles Across Cultures Complete Parts 1 and 2. Cite at least 2 outside sources to support your assignment. Part 1 Select 1 common divine role that recurs in world mythology. Divine roles include, but are not limited to, the following: • Father or mother divinities • Divinities of war • Home or hearth divinities […]

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Social work is a profession

Professional statement. answer the following questions (3-4 pages). Please use headings for each question. Without disclosing personal information, what are the reasons and experiences that led you to choose social work as a profession? What are your social work career interests? What are your personal strengths that you can bring to this profession? How have […]

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Module Six: Pain

Module Six: Pain Objectives: 1. Address components of a thorough pain assessment, including assessment of nonverbal or cognitively impaired individuals. 2. Compare and contrast acute and chronic pain, considering pathogenesis, manifestations, and treatment approaches. 3. Discuss pain threshold and pain tolerance. 4. Explore pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, and treatment approaches for neuropathic, somatic, and visceral pain. […]

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Respiratory Exam Findings

This is a write-up of respiratory exam. I need you to expand on the information with in-text citation. I need two high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format with in text citations. Thorax/Lung Respiratory System Inspection: Chest wall, no deformities. Chest expansion symmetrically with respirations. No use of accessory muscle diaphragm […]

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Diagnosis – Post-traumatic stress disorder

Please do this assignment for the caseaccording to the instructions below and the example that I uploaded : You will submit a paper demonstrating your ability to conduct integrative therapy. Your paper must demonstrate your understanding and ability to conduct a therapeutic session with an individual during the action phase of therapy (meaning not the […]

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MGMT465 Unit 4 Individual Project

MGMT465 Unit 4 Individual Project. To achieve efficiency in the procurement area of its supply chain operation, a company needs to make decisions based on cost alone and other elements of the supplier relationship. Decisions relating to these elements require the procurement team to collaborate with other business functions such as finance and information technology […]

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Discuss the way in which the various sensory systems develop

Discussion 1 (1 PAGE 1) Explain, briefly, one of the major theories of development. 2) Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how you will use the information learned in this LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT CLASS to further yourself professionally. Discussion 2 (1 PAGE) 1) Discuss the way in which […]

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