Example of an episodic/focused SOAP note for a follow-up visit for a patient with COVID-19:
S: CC: Follow up for COVID-19
HPI: 35-year-old male presents for follow up. Reports testing positive for COVID-19 via PCR test 1 week ago. Main symptoms have been cough and fatigue.
O: Vitals: T 99.0F, HR 90, RR 18, SpO2 96% on room air. General appearance is improved but still fatigued. Lungs clear on auscultation without wheezes or crackles. Heart regular rate and rhythm.
A: COVID-19, improving.
P: Symptoms are improving as expected. Cough is lingering but tolerable. Recommend continuing isolation at home until afebrile for 24 hours and symptoms have significantly improved, which should be within the next few days based on current status. Follow up as needed for any worsening of symptoms or new concerns. Advised to stay well hydrated and get rest.

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