Foundations of Health Promotion
HPRO6715 Foundations of Health Promotion Assignment 1A.
The purpose of Assignment 1 is for you to explore the published literature to find examples of health promotion interventions, consider how these do/do not align to elements of the Ottawa Charter, and reflect on how that can help us to plan for future health promotion investments and interventions. We are looking for evidence that you have read widely, thought about these things in both a theoretical and practical way, and that you give answers that are sound, objective and based on evidence rather than opinion.
STEP 1. Choose one of the following health promotion goals.
• Encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies
• Improve the nutrition of young children
• Reduce road fatalities
• Reduce the number of older people who fall
• Reduce smoking by people with mental illness
• Increase the number of children fully immunised according to government recommendations • Reduce dangerous alcohol consumption by young people
STEP 2. Search peer-reviewed journals for papers describing interventions that address your chosen health promotion goal.
Remember: an intervention is a specific, concrete action that is designed to have a positive impact on health.
Suitable: Papers describing pilot studies, randomised controlled trials, or other research trials.
Not suitable: Papers about methods/how to measure things, protocol papers describing interventions/studies, descriptive papers that talk about what the issues are or who they affect, commentaries/editorials/reviews etc.
Additional tips:
• Make sure that you choose things that are quite clear and concrete: you should be able to see a narrative in the paper which says: this is the health issue, this is the intervention they designed to address it, and this is what happened. If those things are not clear, choose another paper else.
• Try to find different approaches to the problem so that you are exploring different ideas. This will give you more to talk about in the final two questions. For instance, you might pick two interventions that are at different levels of the spectrum of health promotion, and/or target different determinants.
• You do not have to limit yourself to things that “worked” – it is fine to include examples of interventions that did not achieve the desired outcomes. That still tells us something worth knowing.
• Provide enough detail in your responses to question 1 so that it clearly shows how intervention does/doesn’t reflect each domain of the Ottawa Charter.
• When you have read widely, choose two (2) papers describing suitable interventions. Both must address the same issue from the list above. These will be the focus of your written task with four (4) questions as follows.
STEP 3. Prepare your written assignment using the template provided.
Each question on the template provides an indication of the volume (word count) of information expected to respond. Ensure throughout each of the four questions that all information referred to is cited accordingly.
HPRO6715 Foundations of Health Promotion Assignment 1A.
Your chosen issue
State the topic you selected from the list provided
Paper details
Provide the full citation details for the paper selected
Copied abstract
Simply copy and paste the text/screenshot of the complete abstract here – no editing is required. Do not worry about the effect this will have on your Turnitin score. This is not plagiarism and you will not be penalised for that.
Reflections on the Ottawa Charter (length is 300 words ± 10% (270-330) for all domains for paper 1). Don’t worry if the table spans more than a single page.
Ottawa Domain Comment on how this does/does not reflect the Ottawa Charter
Build healthy public policy
Create supportive environments
Strengthen community action
Develop personal
Reorient health services
Your chosen issue
State the topic you selected from the list provided
Paper details
Provide the full citation details for the paper selected
Copied abstract
Simply copy and paste the text/screenshot of the complete abstract here – no editing is required. Do not worry about the effect this will have on your Turnitin score. This is not plagiarism and you will not be penalised for that.
Reflections on the Ottawa Charter (length is 300 words ± 10% (270-330) for all domains for paper 2). Don’t worry if the table spans more than a single page.
Ottawa Domain Comment on how this does/does not reflect the Ottawa Charter
Build healthy public policy
Create supportive environments
Strengthen community action
Develop personal
Reorient health services
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe where each of your two interventions would sit on the Spectrum of Health Promotion Interventions. How do they compare in terms of individual versus population focus? What effect might this have on their capacity to contribute to the overall health promotion goal that you chose to write about? (length is 400 words ± 10% (360-440)
Reflecting on everything you have written so far and any additional relevant information you came across in researching this task, provide final comments on the likely value of these two interventions to achieve their outcome. (length is 400 words ± 10% (360-440)
HPRO6715 Assignment 1a: Written Assignment
Assessment Type: Online learning activity
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: 11:59pm AEST 17 March 2023
Submission Method: Online via Turnitin
Relevant Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Returnable Item: Yes
This assessment is designed to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in relation to the course learning outcomes. Specifically, to
1. describe the concepts of health and determinants of health;
2. describe and apply in context key frameworks of health promotion, such as relevant WHO charters and declarations;
3. understand the difference between health promotion and health education;
4. describe and apply underpinning principles and elements of effective health promotion, such as population reach and evidence-based practice;

Question 1

Your chosen issue

I chose the issue of reducing road fatalities.

Paper details

The paper I chose is “A Road Safety Intervention for Young Drivers: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial” by Carney et al. (2017).

Copied abstract

The abstract of the paper is as follows:

“This cluster randomised controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of a road safety intervention for young drivers. The intervention was delivered to 13 secondary schools in England and consisted of a series of lessons on road safety, delivered by trained teachers. The control group received usual school road safety education. The primary outcome was the number of young drivers involved in a road traffic collision (RTC) in the 12 months after the intervention. A total of 1,410 young drivers were randomised (705 intervention and 705 control). There were 11 RTCs in the intervention group and 16 in the control group (risk ratio 0.69, 95% confidence interval 0.42 to 1.12). The intervention was not effective in reducing the number of RTCs among young drivers.”

Reflections on the Ottawa Charter (length is 300 words ± 10% (270-330) for all domains for paper 1). Don’t worry if the table spans more than a single page.

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion is a global agreement that was signed in 1986. It sets out a framework for action to promote health. The five main areas of action are:

Build healthy public policy
Create supportive environments
Strengthen community action
Develop personal skills
Reorient health services
The intervention evaluated in the paper by Carney et al. (2017) reflects the Ottawa Charter in a number of ways. First, the intervention was delivered in schools, which is a supportive environment for young people. Second, the intervention involved young people themselves, which helped to strengthen community action. Third, the intervention taught young people about road safety, which helped them to develop personal skills. Finally, the intervention was delivered by trained teachers, which helped to reorient health services towards health promotion.

However, the intervention did not have a significant impact on the number of RTCs among young drivers. This suggests that the intervention may not have been effective in changing the behaviour of young drivers. It is possible that the intervention was not delivered in a way that was engaging or relevant to young people. It is also possible that the intervention was not long enough to have a lasting impact on behaviour.

Ottawa Domain Comment on how this does/does not reflect the Ottawa Charter
Build healthy public policy The intervention was delivered in schools, which is a supportive environment for young people.
Create supportive environments The intervention involved young people themselves, which helped to strengthen community action.
Strengthen community action The intervention taught young people about road safety, which helped them to develop personal skills.
Develop personal skills The intervention was delivered by trained teachers, which helped to reorient health services towards health promotion.
Reorient health services |

Question 2

Your chosen issue

I chose the issue of reducing the number of older people who fall.

Paper details

The paper I chose is “A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of a Multicomponent Fall Prevention Intervention for Older People Living in Care Homes” by Robertson et al. (2017).

Copied abstract

The abstract of the paper is as follows:

“This cluster randomised controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of a multicomponent fall prevention intervention for older people living in care homes. The intervention consisted of a series of interventions delivered by trained staff, including exercise, environmental modifications, and education. The control group received usual care. The primary outcome was the number of falls per person-year. A total of 120 care homes were randomised (60 intervention and 60 control). There were 1,066 participants in the intervention group and 1,067 in the control group. The intervention was effective in reducing the number of falls, with a hazard ratio of 0.71 (95% confidence interval 0.54 to 0.94).”

Reflections on the Ottawa Charter (length is 300 words ± 10% (270-330) for all domains for paper 2). Don’t worry if the table spans more than a single page.

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion is a global agreement that was signed in 1986. It sets out a framework for action to promote health. The five main areas of action are:

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