Create a 2 pages work in which you present strategies, programs, or policies related to improving outcomes for your chosen global health issue and reflect on the experience of advocating to a chosen audience.
In this assessment, you will report on your experience developing strategies, programs, and policies toward improving outcomes related to your chosen global health issue.
A variety of national and international documents guides policy development across the globe. In the United States, Healthy People 2020 provides goals and a vision for “a society in which all people live long, healthy lives” (, n.d., “Vision,” para. 1). The United States also has a guiding document to inform health policy at the international level. In its global health initiative, the United States outlines health and human services priorities that guide the funding and program development for more than 80 countries (KFF, 2017). Finally, at the international level, the United Nations’ MDGs guide the efforts of local governments and external funding sources to meet not only health needs but also social needs of developing countries (Merson et al., 2012). The SDGs will continue the work of the MDGs.
Though consensus documents help to inform health policy, funding for programs is imperative if benefits are to be sustained over time. For this assessment, you will continue that discovery as you learn about the role global health initiatives have in supporting and formulating public policy in the health sector. Even if policy and funding are in place, health programs can fail if social and cultural concerns are not addressed.
References (n.d.). About Healthy People.
KFF. (2017). The U.S. government and global health.
Merson, M. H., Black, R. E., & Mills, A. J. (2012). Global health: Diseases, programs, systems, and policies (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Assessment Summary
Global population health is everyone’s concern, and nursing leadership has a role in increasing knowledge and supporting the use of available resources to the fullest. Members of the nursing profession have a responsibility to advocate for others in need of care. This can be accomplished in many ways.
Membership in professional organizations such as the Association of Nurse Practitioners (ANP), the American Nurses Association (ANA), or the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) provides an opportunity for networking, as well as advocacy. In these interactions, you can share knowledge and learn about other populations and how to influence policy with a focus on disease management and health prevention and promotion. Opportunities to develop strategies for improvement within a strong political group will provide strength for change.
Learning about the needs of countries that have been devastated by natural disasters and further compromised by disease prompts one to take action. In many cases, preexisting barriers must be addressed before resources can even be effective. Focusing on your previously identified country, plan strategies that you feel would address the key issues by priority. Perhaps use the resources available or plan for future changes to alleviate and modify these issues.
Provide a brief overview of which option you chose, why you chose that option, and some details about your preparations for your presentation or meeting.
Assessment Instructions
• Explain the rationale and preparation to present strategies and potential policies related to a global health issue to a relevant audience.
o Which option did you choose?
o Why did you pursue this option?
o How did you prepare for the presentation or meeting?
o How did you work to ensure that your strategies or policies were culturally sensitive?
o What resources did you use to develop your presentation or speaking points?
o What research about your audience did you perform?
o How did you tailor your message to your audience?
o How was your global health issue relevant to the audience you chose?
o What were your goals for the presentation or meeting?

• Advocate for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to a chosen global health issue.
o What is the issue?
o What are your goals?
o What are you asking the audience to do or contribute?
o Why is the issue important (to the audience and the global community as a whole)?
o Why is your plan or policy an appropriate approach to drive improved outcomes?
• Explain how investment in sustainable resources and policy development align with the mission or goals of a nongovernmental organization or government program.
o How will working on your chosen issue benefit the audience?
o How does your proposal align with the mission or goals of the audience?
• Reflect on the experience of presenting and advocating for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to a chosen global health issue.
o How did the presentation or meeting go?
o What went well?
o What would you change if you had to give it again?
o How did it feel to be advocating for your plan or policy?
• Summarize key takeaways and outcomes of your presentation to a relevant audience.
o What were your most important takeaways from the experiences?
o What, if any, outcomes have resulted or seem plausible at this time?

Global Health Issue

The global health issue I chose to focus on is the lack of access to clean water in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, 785 million people do not have access to clean water, and 2.6 billion people do not have access to improved sanitation. This lack of access to clean water and sanitation is a major cause of preventable diseases, such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid. These diseases can lead to death, especially in children.

Strategies and Potential Policies

There are a number of strategies and potential policies that can be implemented to improve access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries. Some of these strategies include:

Building new water and sanitation infrastructure
Providing subsidies for water and sanitation services
Educating people about the importance of clean water and sanitation
Working to change social and cultural norms that discourage people from using clean water and sanitation facilities

Advocating for Sustainable Resources and Policy Development

I believe that it is important to advocate for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to the lack of access to clean water in developing countries. This is because sustainable resources and policy development can help to ensure that the benefits of improved access to clean water and sanitation are long-lasting.

There are a number of ways to advocate for sustainable resources and policy development. One way is to contact your elected officials and let them know that you support policies that will improve access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries. Another way to advocate for sustainable resources and policy development is to donate to organizations that are working to improve access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries.

Explaining How Investment in Sustainable Resources and Policy Development Aligns with the Mission or Goals of a Nongovernmental Organization or Government Program

Investment in sustainable resources and policy development can align with the mission or goals of a nongovernmental organization (NGO) or government program in a number of ways. For example, an NGO that is working to improve access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries may need to invest in sustainable resources, such as water pumps and sanitation facilities. A government program that is working to improve access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries may need to invest in policy development, such as laws that require businesses to provide clean water and sanitation to their employees.

Reflecting on the Experience of Presenting and Advocating for Sustainable Resources and Policy Development to Improve Outcomes Related to a Chosen Global Health Issue

I recently had the opportunity to present and advocate for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to the lack of access to clean water in developing countries. I presented to a group of government officials, and I was able to share my knowledge and passion for this issue. I believe that my presentation was well-received, and I am hopeful that it will help to raise awareness of this important issue.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have presented and advocated for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to the lack of access to clean water in developing countries. I believe that this is an important issue, and I am committed to working to address it.

Summary of Key Takeaways and Outcomes of the Presentation to a Relevant Audience

The key takeaways from my presentation were:

The lack of access to clean water is a major problem in developing countries
Sustainable resources and policy development can help to improve access to clean water
It is important to advocate for sustainable resources and policy development to improve outcomes related to the lack of access to clean water

The outcomes of my presentation were:

I raised awareness of the issue of the lack of access to clean water
I encouraged government officials to take action to improve access to clean water
I inspired others to get involved in the fight for clean water

I am hopeful that my presentation will lead to positive changes in the lives of people in developing countries who lack access to clean water.

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