LNDN11015 Supply Chain Management


Assignment Brief

Assessment 2: Consultancy report

You will conduct desk research to address the topic below. The subsequent questions should be answered in a written report.

“Investigating the factors and implications of the domestic and global Supply Chain in X sector – a case of Y”.

You should consider the points below:

X – chose a manufacturing sector (e.g., automotive, electronics, pharma, footwear, furniture, etc) of your choice.
Y – choose an organization (e.g., BMW, Toyota, Nike, IKEA, Pfizer, Apple, Samsung, etc) of your choice from the selected manufacturing sector in point 1.
You should provide a generic literature review on the topic within the chosen sector. Critically appraise how the chosen organization is being impacted by a wide range of factors in case of both global and domestic supply chain context. Justify your own consultative view on each factor presented. Present a qualitative and/or quantitative assessment to support your views.
Demonstrate how different supply chain management approaches help the chosen organization to achieve competitive advantages. Justify your own consultative view on each supply chain approach identified. Present a qualitative and/or quantitative assessment to support your views.
Word Count: Maximum 2000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references.

Submission uploaded to Aula July 18th, 2023, by 23:59pm

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Supply chain management plays a crucial role in determining the success and competitiveness of organizations operating in different manufacturing sectors. The automotive industry, for example, relies heavily on efficient supply chain operations to deliver high-quality products on time while minimizing costs (Lee & Wang, 2017). Toyota is recognized globally for its lean manufacturing approach and just-in-time inventory management techniques that strengthen supplier relationships and optimize production processes (Liker & Morgan, 2006).
However, both domestic and international supply chains face numerous challenges. Domestically, factors like rising transportation and labor costs, skills shortages, and infrastructure bottlenecks can disrupt supply chain efficiency (McKinnon, 2016). Globally, trade conflicts, political instability, currency fluctuations and pandemic outbreaks introduce risks and uncertainties for multi-national corporations (MNCs) (Ivanov, 2020). The electronics sector witnessed these challenges during the US-China trade war which impacted companies like Apple and Samsung that rely on Chinese manufacturing hubs (Bown, 2020).
Adapting supply chain strategies is thus crucial for organizations to build resilience against such risks. Companies are increasingly localizing or “near-shoring” production to diversify supply networks and shorten distances to end markets (Childerhouse & Towill, 2020). For example, automakers like BMW shifted some manufacturing to the US and Mexico in response to tariff threats (Landler, 2019). Digitization is another approach gaining prominence with technologies like blockchain, IoT and AI streamlining traceability, visibility and collaboration across dispersed supply networks (Tiwari et al., 2018).
In conclusion, both domestic and global factors must be carefully evaluated by organizations when mapping supply chain operations. A consultative review of an MNC’s existing strategies and vulnerabilities, along with recommendations of alternative approaches, could help strengthen competitiveness in challenging business environments. Further research may focus on specific sectors and case studies to provide more targeted insights.
Landler, M. (2019, July 15). BMW shifts some production from China and Europe to U.S. amid trade tensions. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/15/business/bmw-trade-war-china-production.html
Lee, H. L., & Wang, S. (2017). Handbook of logistics and supply-chain management. Elsevier.
Liker, J. K., & Morgan, J. M. (2006). The Toyota way in services: The case of lean product development. Academy of Management Perspectives, 20(2), 5-20.
McKinnon, A. (2016). Logistics and supply chain innovation. Kogan Page Publishers.
Tiwari, S., Wee, H. M., & Daryanto, Y. (2018). Big data analytics in supply chain management: A systematic literature review and research issues. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 135, 319-332.

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