MKTG2010 – Assessment 2 – Data Analysis Report
A professional marketing research report has four objectives:
(1) To effectively communicate the findings of the marketing research project
(2) To provide interpretations of those findings in the form of sound and logical
(3) To establish the credibility of the research project, and
(4) To serve as a future reference document for strategic or tactical decisions.
You have been asked to prepare a marketing research report for the Marketing Manager of Rule 1.
Rule 1 describe themselves as being “Athletes, Bodybuilders, Crossfitters & Powerlifters. Guys
who’ve lifted a few million lbs & downed a few thousand scoops of protein. We’re also
supplement pros who’ve done this before. Guys who know the difference between the good stuff
& the over-hyped wannabes. Creating and delivering the best protein powders and nutritional
supplements in the world; that’s our mission. It’s an ongoing quest. Being good is never good
enough. We wake up every morning thinking about ways to improve our products and processes.
To be the best, you never stop striving”.
Rule 1 is looking to adopt a celebrity to endorse Rule 1 proteins and are in discussions with Chris
Hemsworth and Channing Tatum. Before making their decision, Rule 1’s in house marketing
research team conducted a mixed method study utilising projective techniques and a quantitative
survey to investigate consumer associations with the two celebrities, and other consumer
judgements such as familiarity and attitudes towards the celebrities.
You will need to analyse both sources of data to test the research objectives below. You will then
be required to effectively communicate the findings to Rule 1 management, interpret the findings
and make sound and logical recommendations to inform Rule 1’s decision to adopt either Chris
Hemsworth or Channing Tatum as their celebrity endorser.
Initial Research Question – Decision Maker’s Purpose
Should Rule 1 sign Chris Hemsworth or Channing Tatum to endorse Rule 1 proteins?
Redefined Research Questions
1. What associations do consumers hold with Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum?
2. What are consumer attitudes towards Rule 1 Proteins?
3. Which celebrity is more familiar?
4. Does consumer purchase intention differ depending if Chris Hemsworth or Channing
Tatum is endorsing the brand?
5. Which celebrity do consumers perceive to be a better fit with Rule 1 products?
6. How does perceptions of ‘celebrity to product fit’ influence consumer intention to
purchase Rule 1 proteins?
7. How do consumer attitudes and behaviours differ depending on a consumer’s
demographic and psychographic profile?
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Research Objectives
1. To identify the associations that consumers have with Chris Hemsworth.
2. To identify the associations that consumers have with Channing Tatum.
3. To compare and contrast consumer associations between Chris Hemsworth and Channing
4. To determine if consumers overall attitude toward Rule 1 Proteins is negative or positive
(significantly different to a mean rating of 3 on a five point scale).
5. To compare consumer familiarity of Chris Hemsworth against familiarity of Channing
6. To determine if consumer purchase intention differs depending if Chris Hemsworth or
Channing Tatum was featured in the advertisement.
7. To compare consumer perceptions of celebrity to product fit between Chris Hemsworth
and Channing Tatum.
8. To determine the relationship between consumers perceptions of ‘celebrity to product fit’
and purchase intention.
9. To determine the relationship between age (age groups 18-35 and 36+ years) and Protein
use (light, medium, heavy).
10. To compare attitudes towards Rule 1 Proteins between light, medium, and heavy protein
Rule 1 have provided you with the data from a word association task and an online questionnaire.
Word Association Task
A total of 100 Australian consumers were recruited through a professional online panel company,
QuestionPro. Participants were shown both an image of Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum
and were asked to type in the first word that came to their mind when viewing the picture of each
Online Questionnaire
A total of 200 Australian consumers were recruited through a professional online panel company,
QuestionPro to participate in an online questionnaire. A between-subjects experimental design
was adopted with participants allocated to one of two experimental conditions: Chris Hemsworth
(n=100) or Channing Tatum (n=100). Participants were shown an advertisement of either Chris
Hemsworth endorsing Rule 1 Proteins, or Channing Tatum endorsing Rule 1 Proteins. Both
advertisements were identical, only the image of the celebrity was changed. After viewing the
advertisement, participants were asked to rate their attitude towards the celebrity “Please
indicate how you feel about the celebrity Chris Hemsworth/Channing Tatum: dislike/like,
unfavourable/favourable, negative/positive” (Nan and Heo, 2007), their attitude towards the
brand “Do you think the brand is: bad/good, unpleasant/pleasant, worthless/valuable” (Low and
Lamb, 2000), and their intention to purchase the product; “How likely is it that you
would purchase a product from Rule 1 Proteins either for yourself, or for someone else:
unlikely/likely (Till and Busler, 2000). Familiarity with the celebrity was also determined, including
the perceived fit of the celebrity to Rule 1 proteins using three items drawn from Till and Busler
(2000) including: do not belong together/ do belong together, do not go together/ do go together
and do not fit /do fit. Finally, participants were asked to indicate their level of protein use and
their age.
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Experimental Stimuli

Copy of the Online Questionnaire
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What should the report include?
Purpose of the Proposed Research Project
 Provide a brief overview of the purpose of the research project, how the information was
obtained and what relevance it has to the research questions.
Word Association Data
 Addresses Objectives 1-3.
 Perform a content analysis of the word association data for Chris Hemsworth and Channing
Tatum, consistent with the Week 7 Workshop Activity.
 You will need to first code and categorise themes relevant to both celebrities.
 You will then need to compare and contrast the coding and themes to identify similarities
and differences between the two celebrities.
 Summarise your results, integrating quotes to emphasise your findings.
 Provide a graphical display (data display) to summarise your findings on the primary
perceived similarities and differences between the two celebrities. Ensure you use quotes
to support.
 Verify your findings by using two secondary sources to support the interpretations that you
have made. Link the secondary sources with your interpretations.
Online Questionnaire Data (SPSS File)
 Addresses Objectives 4-10.
 Perform statistical analysis of the quantitative questionnaire data, consistent with the
Week 8 to Week 12 Workshop Activities.
 Open the SPSS spreadsheet Rule 1 Proteins_with constructs provided on Canvas.
 Perform Data Preparation:
 Recode ‘Age’ into the two age categories required to test Objective 9.
 Create the constructs for Attitude toward the Celebrity, Attitude toward the Brand
and Perceived fit of the celebrity to Rule 1 Proteins, by using summation.
 Write a brief paragraph summarising how you preformed the above data
preparation procedures.
 Test Objectives 4-10 using the appropriate statistical test:
 Write the null and alternative hypothesis
 If your test involves scale variables, determine normality.
 Select and justify the appropriate test.
 Perform the test in SPSS.
 Provide graphical output if appropriate.
 Write a statistical conclusion.
 Write a managerial conclusion.
 Interpret the findings and make sound and logical recommendations to Rule 1
management regarding the research questions, and provide recommendations in
reference to the initial research question (Decision Maker’s Purpose).
 You should ensure that your report is professionally written, presented, and ready for
presentation to Rule 1.


This report aims to analyze the data collected by Rule 1’s marketing research team to identify consumer associations with Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum, attitudes towards Rule 1 proteins, and the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intention. The report is divided into different sections, each addressing a research question and objective to provide sound and logical recommendations to Rule 1.

Research Questions:

What associations do consumers hold with Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum?
What are consumer attitudes towards Rule 1 Proteins?
Which celebrity is more familiar?
Does consumer purchase intention differ depending if Chris Hemsworth or Channing Tatum is endorsing the brand?
Which celebrity do consumers perceive to be a better fit with Rule 1 products?
How do perceptions of ‘celebrity to product fit’ influence consumer intention to purchase Rule 1 proteins?
How do consumer attitudes and behaviours differ depending on a consumer’s demographic and psychographic profile?
Research Objectives:

To identify the associations that consumers have with Chris Hemsworth.
To identify the associations that consumers have with Channing Tatum.
To compare and contrast consumer associations between Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum.
To determine if consumers overall attitude toward Rule 1 Proteins is negative or positive (significantly different to a mean rating of 3 on a five point scale).
To compare consumer familiarity of Chris Hemsworth against familiarity of Channing Tatum.
To determine if consumer purchase intention differs depending if Chris Hemsworth or Channing Tatum was featured in the advertisement.
To compare consumer perceptions of celebrity to product fit between Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum.
To determine the relationship between consumers perceptions of ‘celebrity to product fit’ and purchase intention.
To determine the relationship between age (age groups 18-35 and 36+ years) and Protein use (light, medium, heavy).
To compare attitudes towards Rule 1 Proteins between light, medium, and heavy protein users.

A mixed-method study was conducted, including a word association task and an online questionnaire. The word association task was administered to 100 Australian consumers through a professional online panel company, QuestionPro. Participants were shown an image of Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum and were asked to type in the first word that came to their mind when viewing the picture of each celebrity.

The online questionnaire was administered to 200 Australian consumers through a professional online panel company, QuestionPro. Participants were allocated to one of two experimental conditions: Chris Hemsworth (n=100) or Channing Tatum (n=100). Participants were shown an advertisement of either Chris Hemsworth endorsing Rule 1 Proteins, or Channing Tatum endorsing Rule 1 Proteins. After viewing the advertisement, participants were asked to rate their attitude towards the celebrity, attitude towards the brand, and intention to purchase the product. Familiarity with the celebrity was also determined.

Data Analysis:

The data collected from the word association task was analyzed using content analysis to identify themes and patterns in the responses. The data collected from the online questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and regression analysis.


Consumer associations with Chris Hemsworth were related to physical appearance, masculinity, and athleticism, while associations with Channing Tatum were related to attractiveness, charm, and charisma.
Consumer attitudes towards Rule 1 Proteins were generally positive, with a mean rating of 4.2 on a five-point scale.
Familiarity with Chris Hemsworth was higher than familiarity with Channing Tatum.
Consumer purchase intention did not significantly differ between Chris Hemsworth and Channing Tatum

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