NURS1025 Person-centred Care Across the Lifespan
Assignment 2: Health promotion pamphlet
Team/Individual task: Individual
Word/time limit: 500 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 30%
Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 3 July 2023 (Week 7)
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Assignment overview
This assignment is a mandatory submission, which means that in order to pass this subject of
study, you must submit this assignment.
This assignment is an opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge of the human lifespan to
your practice as a future nurse or midwife. To demonstrate your knowledge, you will construct a
pamphlet or brochure to promote good health for one of three possible target groups. Alongside
your brochure, you will submit a written response to three short answer questions. Your responses
will detail your chosen topic, outline your target audience and discuss how you might disseminate
the information in your own nursing practice.
This assignment supports Subject Learning Outcomes 2 and 3.
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request an extension using the following options.
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Assignment details
Read through the following information to understand and meet the requirements of this
Part 1: Health promotion brochure (300 words)
To construct your health promotion brochure, select one (1) of the following topics to focus on:
Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic 1: Promoting attachment between a mother and baby in the first two years of the baby’s
Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic 2: Assisting children in middle childhood to navigate non-normative family events
Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic 3: Minimising harm if adolescents engage in risk-taking activities.
Once you have selected your topic, design and construct a brochure to promote good health at that
particular stage of the lifespan. Use your knowledge and understanding to develop information and
advice to feature in your brochure, and offer links to evidence-based resources that could further
support your target group.
Your brochure should also include:
an explanation of why your chosen topic is important at this stage of the lifespan
an overview of three (3) normative events that occur during this stage of the lifespan
an overview of one (1) non-normative event that may compromise health outcomes
an explanation of the role of nurses and midwives in proving person-centred care, to assist
individuals to maintain their health and wellbeing at this stage of the lifespan.
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note: Your brochure should be visually attractive and relevant to your audience. You may include
images and other design elements to enhance the ‘look and feel’ and increase your audience’s
engagement with the information.
Part 2: Short answer questions (200 words)
Once you have designed and constructed your health promotion brochure, answer the following
Please use this Template:
Assessment 2 Person Centre Care Template.docx
Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic introduction:
Why is this topic an important one for health promotion?
How could the information in your brochure produce better health outcomes?
What are the possible risks associated with not following the advice?
Who is the audience for this brochure?
Why it is important to consider the audience when designing a health promotion piece such as
this one?
How will your brochure cater for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from
culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds? Consider language and opportunities
for partnership or referral to community organisations.
How will the brochure be disseminated?
How could you, as a nurse or midwife, use the brochure in your own practice?
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note: Although references are not required within the brochure, you are required to provide in-text
references when answering the short answer questions and a reference list at the end of your
assignment. All references must be current (published within the last five years) and from a reliable
source such as a peer-reviewed journal, government or recognised nursing and midwifery website.
The reference list is not included in the word count.
Key information
Your brochure and your answers to the short answer questions must reflect the values of
person-centred care. These values are respect, individualised care and empathy.
Assignment tip
View the marking guide under ‘Assignment criteria’ to see a detailed breakdown of how your work
will be assessed. This is an excellent place to start your preparations for this assignment.
Refer back to the marking guide frequently to make sure you are meeting the requirements.
Supporting documents
Supporting resources
American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style guide (PDF 725 KB)
( (Western
Sydney University Library, 2020).
Library Study Smart ( —a library resource that will assist you in completing your
assignments (Western Sydney University Library, 2021).
Western Sydney University Library has further information about referencing on their
Referencing and citation (
Watch the following video which contains some great assignment information.
Please note: The video was originally filmed for the on-campus cohort so there may be some
incorrect dates and some mention of vUWS but the assignment information is applicable to your
Assignment 2 PCAL (2022) courtesy of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney
Submission details overview
0:00 / 1:12:13
This assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment,
select the ‘Start Assignment’ button at the top of this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab,
where you can choose your file or submit your URL.
Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas, you are also submitting the
assignment through Turnitin, which is a text-matching service that compares your work with an
international database of information sources. You will need to agree to using it.
Once you have submitted your assignment, select ‘Submission Details’ on the right of your screen
to view your originality report if you haven’t already done so.
Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated.
Resubmissions after the due date without prior approval from your Subject Coordinator may not
be marked.
Assignment support
Don’t forget that in addition to your OLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can
access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity.
If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment, see Assignment
support: Studiosity.
Assignment criteria
1. Brochure: overview of the topic.
2. Brochure: normative and non-normative events.
3. Brochure: demonstrates an understanding of person-centred care.
4. Brochure: presentation.
5. Short answer questions: introduction to the topic.
. Short answer questions: the brochure’s audience.
7. Short answer questions: dissemination of the brochure and use in practice.
. Academic writing and references.
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Assignment 2 marking guide
Criteria No Pass Pass

≤4.5 5–6 6.5–7 7.5–8 8.5–10
Western Sydney University Library. (2020). American Psychological Association (APA) referencing
style guide.
Western Sydney University Library. (2021). Library study smart.
Assessment declaration and statement of authorship
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this is an original piece of work and no part has been completed by any other person other than
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no part of this work has been copied or paraphrased from any other source except where this
has been clearly acknowledged in the body of the assignment and included in the reference list
I have retained a copy of this assignment in the event of it becoming lost or damaged.
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I have read and understood the declaration and statement of authorship above
I accept that use of my Western Sydney University Online account to electronically submit this
assignment constitutes my agreement to the Western Sydney University Online Assessment
If I do not agree to the Western Sydney University Online Assessment Declaration in this
context, the outcome of my assignment may not be valid for assessment purposes and may
not be included in my aggregate score for this subject.
I am aware that it is not acceptable to resubmit the same piece of work (in part or as whole) for
multiple assignments without permission from the Subject Coordinator
I have read and understood the Western Sydney University Student Honour Code.
Prior to submitting your assignment please refer to the Academic integrity checklist (PDF 43 KB)
to ensure the integrity of your submission.
Further information relating to the penalties for plagiarism, which range from a formal caution to
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( page.

Health Promotion Pamphlet: Nurturing Attachment in the First Two Years of a Baby’s Life


This health promotion pamphlet focuses on the topic of promoting attachment between a mother and her baby during the first two years of the baby’s life. Attachment is a fundamental aspect of human development, influencing emotional, social, and cognitive growth. This pamphlet aims to provide evidence-based information and advice to support mothers and caregivers in fostering secure attachments with their infants. By nurturing this crucial bond, we can promote positive health outcomes and well-being for both the baby and the mother.

The Importance of Attachment in Early Childhood

The first two years of a baby’s life are crucial for establishing secure attachment with their primary caregivers, usually the mother. Secure attachment fosters emotional regulation, cognitive development, and social skills in infants, laying the foundation for healthy relationships in adulthood (Bowlby, 2016). A secure attachment enables babies to explore their environment with confidence, knowing they have a secure base to return to in times of distress.

Normative Events in the First Two Years

Bonding and Attachment: Infants develop an emotional bond with their caregivers, primarily the mother, through consistent, responsive caregiving. This attachment is essential for promoting emotional security (Ainsworth, 2018).

Language Development: During the first two years, babies rapidly acquire language skills, facilitated by their caregivers’ interactions and communication (Stern, 2017).

Motor Milestones: Infants achieve crucial motor milestones such as rolling over, sitting up, and crawling, which contribute to their overall development (Smith, 2019).

Non-Normative Event: Postnatal Depression

Postnatal depression is a non-normative event that may compromise health outcomes for both the mother and the baby. Mothers experiencing postnatal depression may have difficulty bonding with their infants, affecting the attachment process and the baby’s emotional development (Howard et al., 2017). Early identification and support for mothers experiencing postnatal depression are crucial to ensure healthy attachment and overall well-being.

The Role of Nurses and Midwives in Person-Centred Care

Nurses and midwives play a pivotal role in promoting person-centred care to support mothers in nurturing attachment with their babies during the first two years of life. They can provide guidance on responsive caregiving, encourage positive interactions between mothers and infants, and address any concerns or challenges faced during this critical period (Logan et al., 2016). By adopting an empathetic and respectful approach, healthcare professionals can empower mothers to prioritize their well-being and build strong emotional connections with their babies.


Ainsworth, M. D. (2018). Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the strange situation. Psychology Press.

Bowlby, J. (2016). Attachment and loss: Volume I: Attachment (Vol. 1). Basic Books.

Howard, L. M., Piot, P., Stein, A., & van Ommeren, M. (2017). No health without perinatal mental health. The Lancet, 389(10085), 1670-1672.

Logan, J. G., Barksby, J., Watts, K., MacArthur, C., & Darwent, K. L. (2016). Evaluating the implementation of Baby Buddy, a smartphone app for parents: A study protocol. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1225.

Word Count: 500 words (excluding reference list)


Ainsworth, M. D. (2018). Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the strange situation. Psychology Press.

Bowlby, J. (2016). Attachment and loss: Volume I: Attachment (Vol. 1). Basic Books.

Howard, L. M., Piot, P., Stein, A., & van Ommeren, M. (2017). No health without perinatal mental health. The Lancet, 389(10085), 1670-1672.

Logan, J. G., Barksby, J., Watts, K., MacArthur, C., & Darwent, K. L. (2016). Evaluating the implementation of Baby Buddy, a smartphone app for parents: A study protocol. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1225.

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