Project Management: Unit Six Final Project

Overview In business, managers may be expected to oversee projects in addition to their managerial responsibilities. In that case, the project manager will have to lead a team of employees to complete the project. For this class, you will select a project of your choice. It can be any kind of business project (some ideas are: installing a new information technology for a small business, a construction project, a superfund site clean-up, a city building a new park, planning a major event such as the Olympics, a merger of two businesses, or rebuilding the infrastructure of an airport). Over the course you will need to break down the project into manageable segments, figure out how to lead a diverse project team, and plan the project using effective tools so that the project will be completed on schedule and within budget. This week, you will complete and submit the project.

Deliverable 2: Final Class Project For this class project, you will be creating the Project Management Plan. You may use a company that you are familiar with or where you work now. If you have any problems coming up with a project to work on, please contact your instructor to discuss possible projects for this class work. Develop a project plan for your example project. Your Project Plan should include the following components. You are to review and correct any issues using feedback from the instructor in earlier units. These documents should be compiled into one project document. • Project Overview

• Project Mission Statement • Project Scope Statement (completed as part of the mini-project)

• Project Schedule • Work Breakdown Structure (completed as part of the mini-project) • Risk Management discussion (the risk register completed in the mini-project is part of this) • Project Communication • Project Closure


Project Overview

The project is to develop a new software application for a small business. The application will be used to manage the company’s inventory, sales, and customer relations.

Project Mission Statement

The mission of this project is to develop a high-quality, user-friendly software application that will help the company to improve its efficiency and profitability.

Project Scope Statement

The scope of this project includes the following:

Developing the software application
Testing the software application
Deploying the software application
Training the users of the software application

Project Schedule

The project is scheduled to be completed in six months. The following is a high-level timeline of the project:

Month 1: Planning and development
Month 2: Testing
Month 3: Deployment
Month 4: Training
Month 5: Support
Month 6: Closure

Work Breakdown Structure

The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a hierarchical decomposition of the project into smaller, more manageable tasks. The following is a WBS for the project:

Project Management
Software Development

Risk Management

The following are some of the risks associated with this project:

The project may not be completed on time or within budget.
The software application may not meet the needs of the users.
The software application may have security vulnerabilities.

The project team will develop mitigation plans for these risks.

Project Communication

The project team will use a variety of communication tools to keep the project stakeholders informed of the project’s progress. These tools include:

Weekly status meetings
Monthly progress reports
Ad hoc communications as needed

Project Closure

The project will be considered closed when all of the following criteria have been met:

The software application has been developed and deployed.
The users have been trained on the software application.
The project has been completed on time and within budget.

The project team will hold a closing meeting to review the project and to celebrate its success.

Additional Information

The project team will use a variety of project management tools and techniques to ensure the success of the project. These tools and techniques include:

Project management software
Risk management tools
Communication tools
Quality assurance tools

The project team will also use a variety of project management processes, such as:

Monitoring and control

The project team is committed to the success of this project. We are confident that we can develop a high-quality, user-friendly software application that will help the company to improve its efficiency and profitability.

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