1. Listen to the episode “Is Your Carbon Footprint BSLinks to an external site.” by the podcast “How To Save a Planet.” You can listen for free on your computer or download it to your phone and listen while you take a walk or do the dishes. I’ve linked to one place you can find it but if you already have a podcast app, you can find it there too. The transcript is on the website I linked to – just scroll down. I am embedding it below as well.
2. Which of the following statements do you agree with more? Give a full explanation of why and support your opinion with evidence.
1. “climate change is a huge, systemic problem, and the only way to fix it is with big, systemic solutions.”
2. “I know that we’re not gonna recycle and bike and beyond burger our way out of climate change, but I do have a slightly more optimistic view that individual consumer choices can make a difference.”
3. State the system you want to work on for your final project. This part is a preliminary dive into that system. Consider this your preliminary research into the topic. For this part of your project, you are going to do research on the state of this system as it is now. How does it work? How much does it contribute to climate change? Explain how your system works.
Your system should be local or specific to a particular place. Examples of systems: Public transportation in San Jose, meat production in California, Urban planning for climate mitigation in Gilroy (e.g. planting trees, adapting buildings), Urban agriculture in the Bay Area, Regional transportation in the Bay Area (how do we get around the entire Bay Area – trains, buses, highways), Water supplies in Santa Clara County. These are just examples. Choose something that you are really interested in. Please talk with your instructor if you have an idea but need some help refining it. You will be doing a lot of work on this for the rest of the semester, so it should be something you are really interested in and might have a personal aspect to it. If you are really interested in economics or environmental racism, you can focus on that with respect to climate change. This part of your project should really be about your areas of interest. Again, speak with the instructor if you want help defining or refining your focus.
• This assignment should be 2 pages – one page for each part.
• Assignment should be broken into multiple sections and have multiple paragraphs. You will be marked down if you turn in one large paragraph.
• Remember to give full citations of all your sources. Full citations are more than hyperlinks – they have the full information of the source. Use APA or MLA – you can choose. Just be consistent.
Because it is [one part of the whole project, I already focus on the Public Transportation in Bay Area. Can you focus on that?


Regarding the statements on climate change, I can provide an analysis of the two viewpoints:

“Climate change is a huge, systemic problem, and the only way to fix it is with big, systemic solutions.”
This statement emphasizes the need for large-scale, systemic changes to effectively address climate change. Proponents of this view argue that individual actions alone, such as recycling or using sustainable products, are not sufficient to tackle the magnitude of the problem. They advocate for transformative actions at the societal level, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing sustainable policies, and mobilizing governments and industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a large scale.

“I know that we’re not gonna recycle and bike and beyond burger our way out of climate change, but I do have a slightly more optimistic view that individual consumer choices can make a difference.”
This statement acknowledges the limitations of individual actions but still believes in the impact of consumer choices. Advocates of this perspective argue that individual choices, such as adopting sustainable lifestyles, supporting eco-friendly businesses, and reducing personal carbon footprints, can contribute to creating demand for sustainable products and services. They believe that collective individual actions can create a cultural shift and encourage systemic changes.

Both viewpoints have merit, and it is important to recognize that addressing climate change requires a combination of systemic changes and individual actions. Systemic solutions are necessary to drive large-scale transformations, while individual actions contribute to raising awareness, creating demand, and fostering a culture of sustainability.

Now, focusing on the system of public transportation in the Bay Area, here is a brief overview:

The public transportation system in the Bay Area consists of various modes of transportation, including buses, trains, ferries, and light rail. It is designed to provide efficient and accessible transportation options for residents and reduce reliance on private vehicles. The Bay Area’s major public transit agencies include the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), and various regional bus operators.

Public transportation plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. By offering an alternative to private vehicle use, it helps decrease the number of cars on the road, thereby reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. Public transit systems in the Bay Area aim to improve connectivity, provide affordable and convenient transportation options, and support sustainable urban development.

However, it is important to assess the current state of the public transportation system in the Bay Area in terms of its contribution to climate change mitigation. Factors to consider include the system’s energy sources (e.g., electricity, diesel), its overall efficiency, and the extent to which it encourages ridership and reduces private vehicle use.

To gather more specific information and data on the Bay Area public transportation system’s contribution to climate change, you can consult reports and studies conducted by transportation agencies, environmental organizations, or government entities. These sources will provide detailed insights into the system’s operations, energy consumption, emissions, and ongoing efforts to improve sustainability.

Remember to cite your sources using the appropriate citation style, whether it’s APA or MLA, and provide full information for each source you reference.

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