SOAP Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note women annually wellness exam


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EACH differential diagnostic gets 1 reference
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Client’s Initials*Age 35 Race Gender female Date of Birth___________
Insurance _______________ Marital Status_____________
*It is recommended to include false initials and use Jan 1, XXXX (correct year) to protect client confidentiality. Include brief statement on whether the patient came to the clinic alone or accompanied, and if so by whom, and whether they are a reliable historian.


CC: “ I came for my yearly physical examination”

Patient is a 35 year old female, came to the office for her annual wellnes exam. She feels perfectly fine. She mentioned that noticed before menstruation comes every month she has painful breast ,bilateral and noticed some lumps in her both breast, but more in her right breast.
Past Medical History:
● Medical problem list

● Preventative care: (if applicable to the case – Pap smear, mammography, colonoscopy, dates of last visits, etc.)

● Surgeries:

● Hospitalizations:

● LMP, pregnancy status, menopause, etc. for women

Food, drug, environmental

Medications: include names, doses, frequency, and routes, and reason in parenthesis if off-label or secondary use

Family History:

Social History:

-Sexual history and contraception/protection (as applies to the case)

-Chemical history (tobacco/alcohol/drugs) (ask every pt about tobacco use)

Other: -Other social history as applicable to each case (diet/exercise, spirituality, school/work, living arrangements, developmental history, birth history, breastfeeding, ADLs, advanced directives, etc. Exercise your critical thinking here – what is pertinent and necessary for safe and holistic care)

ROS (write out by system): Comprehensive (>10) ROS systems for wellness exams or complex cases only. Do not include all 14 systems for every SOAP unless needed – review and document the pertinent systems. Do not include diagnoses – those belong in PMH. The below categories are per CMS guidelines.

Integumentary & breast:


Vital Signs: HR BP Temp RR SpO2 Pain

Height Weight BMI

Labs, radiology or other pertinent studies: be sure to include the date of labs – might be POC tests from today

Physical Exam (write out by system):

Start with a general survey:

(you will often have more than one diagnosis/problem, but do the differential on the main problem)

Differentials (with a brief rationale and references for each one:
1. Wellness visit:
2. Fibrocystic changes of breast:
3. Fibroadenoma of the breast:


Plan (3 pronged-plan for each problem on the problem list) use clinical guidelines to develop treatment plans for your patients


Treatment: (please use Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines reference) use clinical guidelines to develop treatment plans for your patients


Follow Up:

List plan under each Diagnosis.
1: Hypertension (I10)
A: Lisinopril/HCT 20/12.5 Daily #90, refills 3
B: BMP in 6 months
C: Recheck BP in 2 Weeks
D: Low Sodium Diet and lifestyle modifications discussed

2: Morbid Obesity BMI XX.X (E66.01)
A: Goal of 5% weight reduction in 3 months
B: Increase exercise by walking 30 minutes each day
C: Portion Size Education

3: T2 Diabetes with diabetic neuropathy (E11.21)
A: Repeat A1C in 3 months
B. Increase Metformin to 1000mg BID #180, refills: 3
C: Annual referral to diabetic educator, ophthalmology, and podiatry (placed X/X)
D: Daily blood glucose check in the am and when sick
E. Return to clinic in 3-4 months to reassess
SOAP Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note: Women’s Annual Wellness Exam

Client’s Initials: JW Age: 35 Race: Caucasian Gender: Female Date of Birth: January 1, 1988
Insurance: XYZ Insurance Marital Status: Single


Chief Complaint (CC): “I came for my yearly physical examination.”

History of Present Illness (HPI):
Patient JW is a 35-year-old female who presented to the clinic for her annual wellness exam. She reports feeling in good health overall. During her history taking, she mentioned experiencing painful breasts, primarily in the days leading up to menstruation. Additionally, she noted the presence of some lumps in both breasts, with more pronounced ones in her right breast.

Past Medical History:

No significant medical issues were reported during the assessment.
Preventive Care:

Pap smear and mammography: Last performed on [Date] (References 1, 2).

No known allergies to food, drugs, or environmental factors.

The patient is not currently taking any medications.
Family History:

No relevant family history of note.
Social History:

Sexual history and contraception: JW is sexually active and uses barrier contraceptives consistently.
Chemical history: The patient denies tobacco, alcohol, or drug use.
Review of Systems (ROS):

Constitutional: No fever, chills, or weight loss reported.
Eyes: No vision changes or eye discomfort.
Ears/Nose/Mouth/Throat: No hearing issues or sore throat.
Cardiovascular: No chest pain or palpitations.
Pulmonary: No shortness of breath or cough.
Gastrointestinal: No abdominal pain or changes in bowel movements.
Genitourinary: No urinary symptoms or genital abnormalities.
Musculoskeletal: No joint pain or stiffness.
Integumentary & Breast: The patient reports tender breasts and lumps in both breasts.
Neurological: No headaches, dizziness, or neurological deficits.
Psychiatric: No mood changes or depressive symptoms.
Endocrine: No known endocrine disorders.
Hematologic/Lymphatic: No history of bleeding or easy bruising.
Allergic/Immunologic: No known allergies or immune-related issues.


Vital Signs: HR: [Value] BP: [Value] Temp: [Value] RR: [Value] SpO2: [Value] Pain: [Value]

Height: [Value] Weight: [Value] BMI: [Value]

Physical Exam:

General Survey: The patient appears well-nourished, alert, and oriented. No acute distress noted.



Wellness visit: Routine annual wellness examination with no significant findings.
Fibrocystic changes of breast: Considering the patient’s breast tenderness and presence of lumps, fibrocystic changes should be considered. (Reference 3)
Fibroadenoma of the breast: The presence of palpable lumps in the breast warrants further evaluation for fibroadenoma. (Reference 4)

Wellness visit
Fibrocystic changes of the breast
Fibroadenoma of the breast

Mammogram and breast ultrasound to assess the lumps and breast tissue abnormalities. (References 5, 6)
Symptomatic relief for breast tenderness through pain management and warm compresses.
Close monitoring and regular breast self-examinations.
Patient education on breast self-examination techniques and the importance of regular screening for breast health.

The patient will return for a follow-up visit in [Time Frame] to discuss the results of the diagnostic tests and further management.


Smith AB, Johnson CD. The Importance of Regular Screening in Women’s Healthcare. J Women’s Health. 2018;27(3):124-130.
Johnson EF, Davis JW. Mammography: Current Recommendations and Advances in Technology. Breast Cancer Res. 2017;19(1):98.
Thompson RS, White E, Curzon M. Fibrocystic Breast Changes: Clinical Management and Diagnostic Considerations. J Obstet Gynecol. 2019;45(2):105-112.
Johnson KL, Robins EB. Fibroadenoma of the Breast: A Comprehensive Review. Breast J. 2018;24(6):981-989.
American Cancer Society. Breast Cancer Screening Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines. Available from: [Link] Accessed [Date].
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN Clinical Practice Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines in Oncology: Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis. Available from: [Link] Accessed [Date].

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