Streptococcal pharyngitis in children
Posted: June 22nd, 2023
Streptococcal pharyngitis in children
1- Etiology,
2- 2 Epidemiology,
3- Pathophysiology,
4- Clinical Manifestations,
5- Work-up,
6- Nonpharmacological and
7- Pharmacological management,
8- Education,
9- and Follow-up for the pediatric diagnosis streptococcal pharyngitis
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APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Online Research Essay Help with intext citations
Word count of 500 words, not including references.
References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Online Research Essay Help.
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Requirement, only evidence-based sources, such as AAFP, CDC, IDSA, ADA, JNC 8 etc.
(textbook resources and internet sites affiliated with medical associations are considered credible sources to obtain the information on the most up to date guidelines). Add in the link to the guideline(s) within the discussion board for further reading by your peers.