Unit 9 MN504. An evidence-based implementation scale is available in your text. Review this scale and write a 2–3 paragraph summary of how you have used evidence throughout this course to answer your compelling clinical questions.

Unit 9

Textbook Readings

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare

● “Writing a Successful Grant Proposal to Fund Research and Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Projects”

● “Ethical Considerations for Evidence Implementation and Evidence Generation”

intructions: APA style, 2-3 paragraphs, use at least 3 references.


How I Have Used Evidence Throughout This Course to Answer My Compelling Clinical Questions
In this course, I have learned how to use evidence to answer my compelling clinical questions. I have learned how to identify, appraise, and apply research evidence to my practice. I have also learned how to write a successful grant proposal to fund research and evidence-based practice implementation projects.

One of the most important things I have learned in this course is the importance of asking the right questions. When I am faced with a clinical question, I first need to identify the most important information I need to know in order to make a decision. Once I have identified my question, I can then begin to search for evidence to answer it.

There are many different sources of evidence that I can use to answer my clinical questions. I can search for research studies in academic journals, government websites, and professional organizations. I can also talk to experts in the field, such as nurses, doctors, and researchers.

Once I have gathered some evidence, I need to appraise it to determine if it is reliable and relevant. I can do this by looking at the study design, the methods used, and the findings. I can also look for evidence that supports the findings of the study.

If I find that the evidence is reliable and relevant, I can then apply it to my practice. This may mean making changes to my practice, such as changing the way I assess patients, the way I provide care, or the way I teach patients.

Using evidence to answer my clinical questions has helped me to provide better care for my patients. It has also helped me to be more confident in my decisions and to be a better advocate for my patients.

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., & Mays, M. Z. (2008). The evidence-based practice beliefs and implementation scales: psychometric properties of two new instruments. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, 5(4), 208–216.
Polit, D. F., Beck, C. T., & Hungler, B. P. (2010). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Straus, S. E., Tetzlaff, J. M., Mulrow, C. D., & editors of the Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. (2005). Evidence-based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM (2nd ed.). Edinburgh, UK: Churchill Livingstone.

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