Choose from one of the three trauma topics listed below and prepare a presentation related to trauma and clinical practice. The presentation should be 10-15 slides in length. You are not required to complete a voice over for this presentation.

What is the impact of different restraints in relation to trauma? (physical or pharmacological)
What is the relationship between trauma and homelessness (and other social determinants of health)?
What is the correlation between trauma and substance abuse?
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n your presentation cover the following information:

Title Slide
What is the definition of trauma?
Who is vulnerable to trauma?
How can trauma be experienced on the intergenerational level and over the individual and family lifespan?
Pathophysiology of Trauma
How do social determinants of health correlate to the effects of trauma?
S/Sx of Trauma
What is the difference between trauma therapy and trauma-informed care?
What is a trigger and how would you recognize that someone is experiencing trauma-related distress?
How might a person with a history of trauma have behavior that could be interpreted as “noncompliance” or non-adherence?
Special trauma topic: one from the 3 choices listed above.

Title Slide: Impact of Restraints on Trauma

Slide 1: Definition of Trauma

Trauma is defined as an event or situation that causes significant emotional and/or physical harm to an individual, leading to long-term psychological effects.
Slide 2: Vulnerability to Trauma

Anyone can experience trauma, but certain individuals may be at a higher risk, such as those experiencing poverty, homelessness, or discrimination, as well as those in certain professions, such as first responders and military personnel.
Slide 3: Intergenerational and Lifespan Trauma

Trauma can be experienced on an intergenerational level, as the effects of trauma can be passed down through families and communities. Trauma can also occur throughout an individual’s lifespan, as different traumas can have a cumulative effect.
Slide 4: Pathophysiology of Trauma

Trauma can lead to changes in the brain and body, including alterations in stress hormone levels, changes in neural connections, and an increased risk of physical health problems.
Slide 5: Social Determinants of Health and Trauma

Social determinants of health, such as poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to healthcare, can compound the effects of trauma and make it more difficult for individuals to recover.
Slide 6: Symptoms of Trauma

Symptoms of trauma can include anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and difficulty regulating emotions, among others.
Slide 7: Trauma Therapy vs Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma therapy specifically addresses the effects of trauma and aims to help individuals process and heal from their traumatic experiences. Trauma-informed care, on the other hand, is an approach to care that recognizes the prevalence of trauma and aims to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals who may have experienced trauma.
Slide 8: Triggers and Recognizing Trauma-Related Distress

A trigger is a reminder of a traumatic event that can cause a person to experience trauma-related distress. Recognizing that someone is experiencing trauma-related distress can include observing changes in behavior, such as increased anxiety or avoidance of certain situations.
Slide 9: “Noncompliance” or Non-adherence in Individuals with a History of Trauma

Individuals with a history of trauma may have behavior that could be interpreted as “noncompliance” or non-adherence, such as avoiding certain situations or people, as these triggers may re-traumatize them.
Slide 10: Special Trauma Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic: Restraints

Restraints, whether physical or pharmacological, can have a negative impact on trauma. Physical restraints can cause physical harm and can re-traumatize individuals who have a history of physical abuse. Pharmacological restraints can have negative side effects and can also be used as a form of control.
Slide 11: Conclusion

Trauma can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental and physical health. Understanding the effects of trauma and recognizing triggers, as well as the potential for trauma-related distress, is important in providing effective care. Additionally, the use of restraints can have a negative impact on trauma and should be used with caution.
Slide 12: References

American Psychiatric Association. (2017). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition.
National Center for PTSD. (2021). Understanding Trauma.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2014). Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services.
National Coalition for the Homeless. (2019). Trauma and Homelessness.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. (2019). The use of physical restraint in mental health

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