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The purpose for this assignment is analyze methods of poor communication and its effect on motivation, teamwork, and effective conflict management and resolution.

Write a paper (1,600-1,800 words) in which you address the following based on the information provided in the “West Coast Transit Case Study” resource.

Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the three criteria for evaluating effective team/group work (as stated in the textbook) and use the criteria to analyze the effectiveness of the team.
Review each of the five stages of group formation. Determine what stage(s) are evident in the case and provide a justification of your response.
Apply Schein’s three behavioral profiles to specific members of the team. Identify how the profiles are demonstrated in the case.
Evaluate whether the communication among the participants in the case was effective or not. Justify your answer by considering any existing barriers to communication.
Review the two main types of conflicts described in the textbook. Explain how each type of conflict is evident in the case.
Propose how Denson should resolve the conflict in this case using one direct conflict management approach. Justify your response as to why this is the most realistic direct conflict management approach given the existing dynamics between and among team members.
Identify one specific leadership activity and one specific maintenance activity that should be encouraged. Identify the most significant disruptive behavior that should be discouraged.
Identify a significant motivational problem experienced by each individual: Jing, Mahonney, and Tanney. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how Denson should motivate each person. Be sure to provide a specific motivational suggestion for each person based on their motivational needs. Ensure that you have at least one suggestion from each of the motivational theory/techniques: content theories, process theories, and reinforcement strategies.
You are required to use at least two external scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and the case study resource.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

I have added additional directions, in the files attached. Please use template for paper that I have attached. 3 sources-including the book, book reference is in the directions attached. FILES ARE: CASE STUDY; DIRECTIONS & Template

Poor Communication and Its Effect on Motivation, Teamwork, and Effective Conflict Management and Resolution

In the West Coast Transit Case Study, we see a team that is struggling to communicate effectively. This lack of communication is having a negative impact on the team’s motivation, teamwork, and conflict management.

Task Performance

One of the criteria for evaluating effective team/group work is task performance. This refers to the team’s ability to achieve its goals. In the West Coast Transit case, the team is not meeting its goals. They are behind schedule and over budget. This is likely due to the team’s lack of communication.

For example, Jing and Mahonney are not communicating effectively with each other. Jing is working on a marketing plan, but she is not keeping Mahonney updated on her progress. This is causing Mahonney to feel frustrated and left out. As a result, he is not as motivated to contribute to the team.

Quality of Group Process

Another criterion for evaluating effective team/group work is the quality of the group process. This refers to the way that the team works together. In the West Coast Transit case, the team’s process is not effective. There is a lot of conflict and tension among the team members. This is making it difficult for the team to make decisions and move forward.

For example, Tanney and Mahonney are constantly arguing. Tanney is critical of Mahonney’s work, and Mahonney is defensive. This conflict is preventing the team from focusing on its work.

Member Satisfaction

The third criterion for evaluating effective team/group work is member satisfaction. This refers to how happy the team members are with their experience on the team. In the West Coast Transit case, the team members are not satisfied. They are frustrated with the lack of communication and the conflict among the team members.

For example, Jing is unhappy with the way that Mahonney is treating her. She feels like he is not respecting her ideas. As a result, she is not as motivated to contribute to the team.

Poor Communication and Motivation

The lack of communication in the West Coast Transit case is having a negative impact on the team’s motivation. The team members are not feeling like they are being heard or respected. This is making them less motivated to contribute to the team.

For example, Jing is not motivated to work on the marketing plan because she feels like Mahonney is not listening to her ideas. She feels like her contributions are not valued. As a result, she is not as productive as she could be.

Poor Communication and Teamwork

The lack of communication in the West Coast Transit case is also having a negative impact on the team’s teamwork. The team members are not working together effectively. They are not sharing information or ideas with each other. This is making it difficult for the team to achieve its goals.

For example, Tanney and Mahonney are not sharing information about their work with each other. This is causing them to make duplicate efforts and waste time. As a result, the team is not as efficient as it could be.

Poor Communication and Conflict Management

The lack of communication in the West Coast Transit case is also making it difficult for the team to manage conflict. The team members are not communicating their needs and expectations to each other. This is leading to misunderstandings and conflict.

For example, Tanney and Mahonney are not communicating their expectations for each other’s work. This is leading to conflict and frustration. As a result, the team is not able to resolve conflict effectively.

How to Improve Communication

There are a number of things that Denson can do to improve communication on the team. First, he needs to create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas. He can do this by being open and respectful of all team members. Second, he needs to encourage team members to communicate with each other regularly. He can do this by setting up regular meetings and providing opportunities for team members to interact with each other outside of meetings. Third, he needs to provide training on communication skills. This training can help team members learn how to communicate more effectively with each other.


Poor communication is a major problem in the West Coast Transit case. It is having a negative impact on the team’s motivation, teamwork, and conflict management. Denson can improve communication on the team by creating an open and respectful environment, encouraging regular communication, and providing training on communication skills.

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