Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 1-5

Strategies for Addressing Questions
Concerns for MNS Program
Students enrolling in the MNS program have different questions regarding the scope of the healthcare roles they will embrace upon graduation. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of my questions is on the scope of concentrations that I can take after the program. For example, I would like to specialize in gerontology, neonatal care, and pediatric care. I am passionate about children and I would specialize in pediatric care. I am also passionate about healthcare advocacy and how nurses participate in nursing advocacy. My other question is whether the program pertains the pediatric issues or I will be required to take another course to become a pediatrician. Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another question is the scope of the skills that I will gain through the program. I want to understand the difference between the scope of skills in undergraduate and those in masters of nursing. The difference will help me to know the program outcomes that will demonstrate I have a master’s.
I am passionate about mentoring other people in the nursing career. My question is if I will become a mentor automatically after graduation. I have heard that nurses with master’s degrees take the role of mentors in the healthcare organization. My issue would be the scope of the skills I need to acquire to finally become a mentor. My next question is on the opportunities to advance in my nursing career. The opportunity involves graduating with a doctorate in nursing (Nowell, 2019). I also need to know the licensure requirements and certification process. The steps required in the certification and licensure process should be clear especially for those who are coming from other states (Nowell, 2019). My last question would be international opportunities that nurses may take in serving the world. For example, I have heard of volunteer opportunities in Peace Corps. I would like to learn about the process of signing up for the Doctors without Borders. The opportunity would help me to serve the world and enrich my list of qualifications.
Addressing the Questions
It will be vital to address the questions in the MSN program. The departments and individuals in module 1 are critical in providing the answers to the questions. For instance, Dr. Steven Anderson, a specialist in internal medicine is instrumental in addressing the issues raised in the MSN program. He works at Dallas Methodist Hospital in Texas. He is passionate about mentoring people. I believe he will help me to answer questions such as how to mentor other people, the opportunities I can explore after the program, and volunteer opportunities available in the country.
Dr. Sarah Bloom will be vital in addressing the questions of gerontology and pediatric care. The question about advocating for better healthcare services for low-income families is still affecting the healthcare sector today (Fowler et al., 2018). Dr. Bloom who works in the Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas is effective in providing testimony of how she has been advocating for healthcare services to eliminate inequalities. Parkland Memorial is an essential organization in the desire to answer my questions regarding the MSN program. The institution focuses on evidence-based research to generate quality healthcare outcomes (Brown & Bar, 2019). I believe patients should not die or experience adverse health outcomes due to medical errors. Using evidence-based practice will eliminate the risk of medical errors in the delivery of healthcare services. Collaboration with the various healthcare facilities and professionals will improve my knowledge of the scope and skills required in the MSN program (Brown & Bar, 2019).

Academic Resources
The academic resources available for the MSN program include journals available in the university library. The university library is an important resource for a student searching for evidence-based information on healthcare issues. Some of the journals include the American Journal of Nursing, American Nurse Today, Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, and Evidence-Based Nursing. The library is a rich platform to find evidence-based information for nursing (Stanfill et al., 2019). Other resources include nursing research databases such as CINAHL, Cochrane, Medline, Medscape, and UptoDate. Nursing databases are pertinent while locating research studies and statistics in nursing. Annual conferences are important academic sources since they provide information on healthcare trends (Hofmeyer & Taylor, 2021). Some of the conferences include the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Student Policy Summit, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the AANP Specialty and Leadership Conference. Conferences are important since it helps students to interact and network with other students (Hofmeyer & Taylor, 2021). The writing center is another critical academic center. For instance, writing well-formatted and research papers is a common practice in the MSN program.
Professional Resources
The American Association for Nurse Practitioners is a prolific resource containing important information for nurse professionals. Students can access the site to find information on trending issues, news, clinical resources, and practice information across states (AANP, 2021). Nurses can find information on advocacy and policy changes needed to enhance the nurse practice. The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and the Journal for Nurse Practitioners are effective resources for students and practitioners (AANP, 2021). Students can use the resources and still access quality information as they transition into nursing practice.
Online mobile applications for nurses are available on the World Wide Web to help practitioners. Students can download the applications to understand the information necessary for the nurse practice (Flynn et al., 2018). For instance, Epocrates is an important resource for practitioners since it provides information on clinical interventions. Practitioners use the application to find information on dosing, reactions, interactions, pharmacology, and pregnancy (Flynn et al., 2018). Finding information on patient management and treatment is vital for nurse practitioners since it eliminates the risk of medical errors. Nurse practitioners can enjoy easy and efficient access to information and enhance their decision-making (Flynn et al., 2018). MSN students and nurse practitioners can use the resources to enhance their knowledge.
Benefits of the Resources
The resources are effective in providing reliable and evidence-based information that expands the knowledge of students and practitioners. For instance, conferences are important in understanding the appropriate perspective for the current emerging issues in the nursing practice (Calinici, 2017). Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another benefit is that they provide information on nurse advocacy and policies that affect nurse practice. For instance, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners advocates for the elimination of barriers when nurses relocate to other states (Calinici, 2017). The varying requirements for nurse practitioners across states restrict the easy movement due to certification and licensure requirements.
Academic resources are vital sources of information for MSN students and nurse practitioners. The MSN students and nurse practitioners can use the academic and professional resources to expand their knowledge and easily retrieve information. Easy accessibility of reliable and evidence-based information is critical for safe, efficient, and quality nurse practice. The resources address the emerging issues such as policies on licensure and certification of nurses across states. The information is vital in improving the quality of practice, providing evidence-based, and enhance the knowledge of students and nurse practitioners on contemporary issues.

Academic Resources
The academic resources available for the MSN program include journals available in the university library. The university library is an important resource for a student searching for evidence-based information on healthcare issues. Some of the journals include the American Journal of Nursing, American Nurse Today, Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, and Evidence-Based Nursing. The library is a rich platform to find evidence-based information for nursing (Stanfill et al., 2019). Other resources include nursing research databases such as CINAHL, Cochrane, Medline, Medscape, and UptoDate. Nursing databases are pertinent while locating research studies and statistics in nursing. Annual conferences are important academic sources since they provide information on healthcare trends (Hofmeyer & Taylor, 2021). Some of the conferences include the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Student Policy Summit, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the AANP Specialty and Leadership Conference. Conferences are important since it helps students to interact and network with other students (Hofmeyer & Taylor, 2021). The writing center is another critical academic center. For instance, writing well-formatted and research papers is a common practice in the MSN program.
Professional Resources
The American Association for Nurse Practitioners is a prolific resource containing important information for nurse professionals. Students can access the site to find information on trending issues, news, clinical resources, and practice information across states (AANP, 2021). Nurses can find information on advocacy and policy changes needed to enhance the nurse practice. The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and the Journal for Nurse Practitioners are effective resources for students and practitioners (AANP, 2021). Students can use the resources and still access quality information as they transition into nursing practice.
Online mobile applications for nurses are available on the World Wide Web to help practitioners. Students can download the applications to understand the information necessary for the nurse practice (Flynn et al., 2018). For instance, Epocrates is an important resource for practitioners since it provides information on clinical interventions. Practitioners use the application to find information on dosing, reactions, interactions, pharmacology, and pregnancy (Flynn et al., 2018). Finding information on patient management and treatment is vital for nurse practitioners since it eliminates the risk of medical errors. Nurse practitioners can enjoy easy and efficient access to information and enhance their decision-making (Flynn et al., 2018). MSN students and nurse practitioners can use the resources to enhance their knowledge.
Benefits of the Resources
The resources are effective in providing reliable and evidence-based information that expands the knowledge of students and practitioners. For instance, conferences are important in understanding the appropriate perspective for the current emerging issues in the nursing practice (Calinici, 2017). Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another benefit is that they provide information on nurse advocacy and policies that affect nurse practice. For instance, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners advocates for the elimination of barriers when nurses relocate to other states (Calinici, 2017). The varying requirements for nurse practitioners across states restrict the easy movement due to certification and licensure requirements.
Academic resources are vital sources of information for MSN students and nurse practitioners. The MSN students and nurse practitioners can use the academic and professional resources to expand their knowledge and easily retrieve information. Easy accessibility of reliable and evidence-based information is critical for safe, efficient, and quality nurse practice. The resources address the emerging issues such as policies on licensure and certification of nurses across states. The information is vital in improving the quality of practice, providing evidence-based, and enhance the knowledge of students and nurse practitioners on contemporary issues.

Plan Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity
Part 3, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity
Academic integrity involves demonstrating honesty in completing academic work. Students and professionals have a responsibility to demonstrate academic honesty by completing their work without plagiarizing (Bealle, 2017). Upholding moral behaviors in the academic setting is important to uphold high standards of writing. Students and professionals should provide credit to other people’s work through references. Acknowledging contributors such as researchers improves the integrity of academic writing (Bealle, 2017). The citations encourage researchers but plagiarism denies people the motivation to publish new information due to the fear of plagiarism.
Professional practices are standards that are used to guide the behavior of a practitioner. Strong scholarly ethics is one of the expected codes of conduct in the academic world such as while conducting research, completing assignments, and examinations (Garza Mitchell & Parnther, 2018). Professional practices and scholarly ethics have always been intertwined. For instance, professionals should credit the work of other people to encourage other researchers. Crediting other people will improve the professional rigor of a person. Scholarly writing leads to profound professional practice since it builds on the skills and confidence of a practitioner (Garza Mitchell & Parnther, 2018).
Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing improve the value of academic integrity. The tools are important to improve the quality of writing (Sheeba et al., 2019). For instance, Grammarly helps students to identify grammatical errors, paraphrase statements, and measure their plagiarism levels. The grammar tool improves spelling, punctuations, use of appropriate sentence structure, and articles. The tool helps students and professionals to detect the areas that need improvement or paraphrasing (Sheeba et al., 2019). For instance, paraphrasing reduces the level of plagiarism. Safe Assign is an important tool in measuring the level of similarity between the document a student is writing and the databases available online. The tool can improve academic integrity since they reduce the risk of presenting work with compromised integrity (Sheeba et al., 2019). Highlighting the similarity level reduces the risk of submitting poor-quality work. The tools improve the quality and originality of the work and build on academic integrity.
Part 3, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work
During learning, I intend to maintain a high level of integrity in my academic work. Maintaining the integrity of my work will promote high ethical standards (Sheeba et al., 2019). Achieving the goal will require various strategies in my professional and academic work. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the strategies is to prepare myself adequately when completing assignments. Preparing myself involves reading widely and finding information from various sources (Bealle, 2017). The preparation will give me the confidence to write a quality paper and reduce the risk of copying other people’s work. Students who do not prepare adequately copy-paste information from journals and websites since they do not have sufficient time to complete their work. Preparation will be essential in completing coursework and exams.
The second strategy is consulting from my colleagues and professors when I am not understanding various concepts. Consulting is an opportunity to expand knowledge in a certain area (Bealle, 2017). The approach improves the quality of writing and fosters academic integrity. Joining a study group is important to enhance understanding of information. Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another strategy is doing personal and group research. Research widens the knowledge and improves the ability to deliver quality work. Research reduces the risk of plagiarizing an essay since it provides diverse information that students can use to complete their assignments (Garza Mitchell & Parnther, 2018). The next strategy is to learn how to acknowledge scholars. I will practice research and cite sources. The practice will involve using different formatting styles to insert citations and references. Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another strategy is to learn advanced skills to improve my grammar by using tools such as Grammarly. The tools will improve my sentence structure, use of quotations, and appropriate spelling.
The resources I propose to use for the professional and academic work include library materials, online research journals, past research studies, and technological tools. Conducting wide research in the library and online databases will improve my knowledge of the area of specialization (Garza Mitchell & Parnther, 2018). For instance, I will create time to visit the library frequently. I will select the various journals I will use to find appropriate information online. Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another resource is the professional and student code of conduct. The code of conduct will guide my behavior in completing essays with integrity (Bealle, 2017). I will strive to attend workshops to enhance my skills in academic work. For instance, the seminars will reveal new information such as technological tools I can use to improve integrity in writing.
Professional practices are standards that are used to guide the behavior of a practitioner. Students and professionals should adhere to set standards of academic integrity. Students and professionals have a responsibility to demonstrate academic honesty by completing their essays without plagiarizing. Maintaining the integrity of my work will promote high ethical standards. Achieving the goal will require various strategies in my professional and academic work. The professional tools will improve my sentence structure, use of quotations, and appropriate spelling. The resources I intend to use for professional and academic development include library materials, online research journals, past research studies, and technological tools.

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 4: Research Analysis
The selected integrative literature review article is by Nibbelink and Brewer (2018) on the topic decision‐making in nursing practice. Researchers and students can find the article through the link or The role of the article is to investigate the role of decision-making in the nursing practice.
The concepts presented in the article indicate that nurses utilize various factors in the decision-making process. The factors include awareness, autonomy, situation, understanding the patient situation, and education. For instance, the article indicates that nurse bring a variety of experiences in their practice. Nurses handle patients depending on their level of education and past experiences with similar patients.
Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic of Interest: Decision-making in nursing practice
Research Article: Include full citation in APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Online Research Essay Help, as well as link or search details (such as DOI) Nibbelink, C. W., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Decision‐making in nursing practice: An integrative literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6), 917-928.

Professional Practice Use:
Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One or more professional practice uses of the theories/concepts presented in the article The practice issue include the role of decision-making factors in the practice of nursing.
Research Analysis Matrix
Add more rows if necessary Strengths of the Research Limitations of the Research Relevancy to Online Write My Essay For Me Help From The Best Academic Writing Website – Topic of Interest Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Notes

The article is peer-reviewed. The article is generalized and does not cover specific areas of decision-making The topic is relevant since decision-making is essential in the nursing practice. Nurse students and nurses can use the article to understand the value of decision-making factors in their daily practice.
Justification of the Article
I would recommend the article in the nursing practice since it highlights some of the factors that influence decision-making. The factors include awareness, autonomy, situation, understanding the patient situation, and education. Nurses should be aware of the factors that influence their decision. The factors can influence the decisions positively or negatively.
Academic Success and Professional Development Plan
I will add the article in the academic resources that I will use to enhance my decision-making process in the nursing practice. My approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research is to find out the methodology, the theories, findings, and summary of the article. The information will help me to identify if an article is important in the nursing practice. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the strategies that I used to locate the appropriate article is to find for peer-reviewed resources in the university library. I had to set the parameters such finding an article that is at least five years old and indicating that the article should be peer-reviewed. The second approach is to indicate the topic clearly to help me locate the appropriate materials.
The resource I intend to use in the future is by White et al. (2019). The article deals with the benefits of using decision-making to eliminate fear and anxiety among nurse students. The article is important to help nurses determine the best decisions without feeling anxious. The approach is effective in improving the quality of decisions and patient outcomes.

Resume: Week 5 | Part 5: Professional Development
Board Certified Psychiatrist Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with a wide experience in carrying physical examination and assessment of patients, diagnosing diseases such as mental illnesses, and developing treatment plans. I have elaborate experience in utilizing treatment plans to create follow-up strategies to ensure complete recovery of patients. I strive to use evidence-based knowledge and theoretical information and clinical knowledge to provide quality and succinct care to patients. I use my knowledge and experience to analyze and interpret data and develop appropriate treatment and planning. The knowledge is effective in prescribing medication and analyzing drug interactions to ensure safety of a patient. I am social and able to communicate effectively with patients and families to create appropriate rapport. I strive and enjoy the spirit of teamwork and support other healthcare workers in achieving positive outcomes with their patients.
Walden University, Minneapolis, MN Master of Science Degree in Nursing, 2019 GPA 4.5/4.02015
Arkansas Northeastern College, Blytheville, AR Associate Degree in Nursing, 2018 GPA 4.0/4.02015
Community Health Center Minneapolis. 2015 to present
Community health center Minneapolis is a patient-centered and community driven facility that seeks to provide treatment for low-income patients. The not-for-profit organization provides care to the minority groups and vulnerable people in the society. The focus of the facility is to offer patient-centered and community-driven care. Provision of culturally-sensitive care is essential to address the needs of the minority groups. Since the organization started providing healthcare services to the residents in 2001, the minority groups have realized improved access to the healthcare services, especially mental care. The focus of the organization is to provide comprehensive care to patients, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness. The healthcare facility specializes in offering different healthcare services to individuals and families.
The services include;
• Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment
• Follow-up and reintegration in the community
• Care coordination
• Patient and family support services
• Referral and support services.

Minneapolis Community Health Center, Fl. 2013-2017
Minneapolis Community Health Center provides healthcare services including assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and support services. The facility specializes in provision of healthcare services for daily living. Patients can visit the healthcare facility and receive treatment any time of the day or week. The focus is to enhance the quality of life of the patients and residents.
RN Duties
• Physical examination and assessment
• Administering drugs
• Cleaning and dressing wounds
• Documenting symptoms
• Monitoring patient progress and developing appropriate interventions
• Communicate with healthcare teams and families

Diplomas for Formal Education
Walden University, Minneapolis, MN Master of Science Degree in Nursing, 2019 GPA 4.5/4.02015
Arkansas Northeastern College, Blytheville, AR Associate Degree in Nursing, 2018 GPA 4.0/4.02015

AANP (2021). American Association of Nurse Practitioners. AANP. Retrieved from
Brown, C. J., & Bar, B. (2019). Student Experience of Self-Care in an Online Master of Science in Nursing Course. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(3), 168-170.
National League for Nursing. (2021). Simulation in nursing education: A position statement. The National League for Nursing.**
American Nurses Association. (2020). Scope and standards of practice for nurse informaticists. American Nurses Association.**
Calinici, T. (2017). Nursing apps for education and practice. Journal of Health Medical Informatics, 8(262), 2.
Flynn, G. A. H., Polivka, B., & Behr, J. H. (2018). Smartphone use by nurses in acute care settings. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(3), 120-126.
Fowler, T., Conner, R., & Smith, W. (2018). Master of Science in Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice clinical curriculum map. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(7), 440-445.
Hofmeyer, A., & Taylor, R. (2021). Strategies and resources for nurse leaders to use to lead with empathy and prudence so they understand and address sources of anxiety among nurses practising in the era of COVID‐19. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(1-2), 298-305.
Nibbelink, C. W., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Decision‐making in nursing practice: An integrative literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6), 917-928.
Johnson, M. (2022). The use of virtual reality in nursing education: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Education, 61(6), 347-355.**
Kuhn, E., & Jones, J. (2021). The impact of artificial intelligence on nursing practice: A review of the literature. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 39(12), 745-754.**
Masouras, G. (2023). The role of technology in improving patient safety: A perspective from nursing. Journal of Patient Safety, 19(2), 120-125.**
Nowell, L. (2019). Mentorship in nursing academia: A qualitative study and call to action. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 9(3), 85-94.
Stanfill, A. G., Aycock, D., Dionne‐Odom, J. N., & Rosa, W. E. (2019). Strategies and resources for increasing the PhD pipeline and producing independent nurse scientists. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 51(6), 717-726.
White, K. A., Fetter, M. E., & Ruth-Sahd, L. A. (2019). Extern programs promote confidence and reduce anxiety with clinical decision making in nursing students. Nurse Educator, 44(5), 239-244.

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